#11. I say that the young should not buy insurance at the ridiculous rates but rather put the money into a HSA and use medical tourism as needed. It is only because good medical care is available in other countries at affordable prices. I hope that Panama and even Cuba start advertising medical tourism on TV. Need a Root Canal? Do not pay $3600. Fly to Panama RT $800, 2 nights hotel $200, Root Canal $800. Plus day on the beach. Sad that this is the country that Republicans have left us with.
Diane, That is your Social Security and Medicare that are being cut. You may very well die because of your ignorance. It is going from your pocket to the military and the 1%.
Your link proves the Federal cuts are not nearly deep enough.
What leftie/socialists miss is the brilliance in this new tax plan by shifting the accountability from the Federal government to the State governments to prioritize their own spending.
Good to hear support for a tax deductible HSA which makes perfect makes sense for the young and healthy as opposed tot hem being forced under penalty of law to purchase obamacare. Already in place for those who are smart enough to use it. All they need at that point is exactly what we had prior to obamacare, a low cost catastrophic insurance policy specifically designed for that demographic.
Now the young and healthy are out of the pool, that leaves the old and unhealthy loose and demanding "low cost" healthcare.
Quite a pool to draw from if you are in the business.
Medicare costs about $130 per month. It covers 80% of a procedure that costs 5 times more than it would in another country. What a great plan. It also does not cover Dental, vision or hearing. Supplemental insurance for the 20% cost $200 to $300 per month. Dental, vision and hearing probably about $200 per month. I am in good health so have found an Advantage plan that works best for me. If I need major dental I plan on going to Panama. Medical Tourism is becoming popular. If I was young I would not buy insurance. Set up a healthcare fund. Plan on using medical tourism.
Evil are those among us who would destroy democracy via the purchase of an entire political party simply to facilitate unimpeded destruction of the planet.... this just to satisfy an out of control thirst for endlesss money and power.
Yet the madness doesn't even end there. These same evil men want to strip society of all vestiges of a caring and cooperative humanity. They disguise this wickedness with words like freedom, liberty, libertarian, free market, independence, unleash prosperity, market based, free society, patriotism, God, second amendment rights, etc.
Sure there are many bad actors complicit in this Fascism.... including corpse media moguls confusing citizens with anti-american propaganda/alternative truth, and of course Wall Street banksters creating bubble economic disasters with impunity, yet the Kochs seem to be the self appointed behind the scenes king daddy Fascist Mofo's.
It would help a lot if you didn't have to service a 20 trillion debt. Whether it's a nation, business or family, debt service is a killer. The only solution is to simply cut every government department by 10% with the exception of healthcare, old age pensions and a few others. I am pretty sure every department could do it with no one even noticing. Business and families are forced to do it all the time and come out of just fine.
The Republican Party has turned into a cult that worships money. Through sheer ruthlessness, this cult has taken over all three branches of our government. Now they stand poised to impose their agenda on the rest of us, which is killing off poor people. Poor people are a drain on profits. Therefore they have to be eliminated. And the sooner the better. They'd use gas and ovens if they thought they could get away with it.
Is the America first policy limited to the wealth class only?
"Food pails, baskets, boxes"? What's next, a prayer get well healing basket with first aid supplies maybe a few vitamins when Medicare and Obamacare have been dismantled? This is choice?. Time to bring back the Wendy's Soviet Fashion Show Ad from the 80's.
I wonder how Wisconsin's 1st district Koch Bros. Representative Paul Ryan would have felt had he been forced to wait a couple years to collect his Social Security benefits as a teenager? What a snake.
I still can't believe anybody in their right mind votes for Ryan or Kentucky Senate Fascist Party servant McConnell...but they do. God and Guns states!...they're not in their right minds.
I liked that 1944 speech by FDR you mentioned, which included, among other reasonable things:
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.
And this is what the corporatists are still fighting against? (And too often winning.)
Look at the other side of the coin. All those cuts...they are justified as helping balance a budget that is being eaten alive by the military/industrial/security complex. As I've said here before, no matter how big it gets the vast Department of "Defense" will still not be able to protect an empty, hollow America from everything. And when there is nothing left to defend the national experiment ends.
Divisive partisan politics has been a fact in American politics since the beginning of the republic; dirty tricks, filibusters, power plays and midnight votes have been the tools of elected politicians that have shaped and steered US economic policies for the past 200 years.
During the 60's-70's, “Think Tanks” started pushing “Individual Rights vs the rights of society in the first attacks on the social safety net of civil society, followed by the “Welfare Queen” contrivance, deregulation of industry, and the schema of the corporate and economic elite to shift the US tax burden from themselves onto the backs of citizens. I noticed an ideological change and tact in the republican party at about the time Reaganomics was surreptitiously foisted upon the American people through disingenuous populist rhetoric. During and since the 80's, the republicans scorned the collegial tenor of congress and instead approached “The People's Business” with a derisive and unyielding adherence to an insidious ideology held and supported by corporate powerhouses, their owners and ececutives, that pre-dated WWII.
Corporate America, during the 30's, abetted by their control of and the manipulation of news openly supported and financed the dissemanation of “fascist propaganda” until the US got involved in the war. Even this did not stop corporations from “Doing Business” with the enemy while the war raged; their economic and political clout burried their treasonous behavior as they re-branded themselves as patriots once the war ended. Just because the Allies succeeded in defeating Europe's fascist dictators doesn't mean the ideology died with them. We know, now: that thousands of Nazi with skills were secreted into the United States through the collusion of the banks on Wall St.; more than 2500 US corporations (placed their corporate bund agreements with Nazi corporations above US patriotism- treason) , powerful politicians and “citizen Bunds” (German-American Volksbunds” pro-Nazi sympathizers in the U.S. during the 1930s and 1940s). Following the war and the distaste for “Fascist Nazism”, corporations have essentially continued to operate with a “Fascist” ideology using the phrase of, “Maximize Profit and Minimize Costs” that they euphemistically call: “Free Enterprise”.
Since the 1980's, the republican party traded “Civil Political Disagreement” for an ideological covenant that: “the common man is and must be limited to “knowledge” of a different sort: to myth, revelation, custom, and prejudice. Neoconservatives believe the opinions of the nation must therefore be shaped by those who rule. To control ideas is to control public opinion, which in turn is to control the regime as a whole, which is exactly what Goebbels perfected for Hitler.
Neoconservatives champion the rule of a philosophically cunning elite over a population that will never be able to understand the insidious duplicity of their intellectual masters. Instead, the populace is steered toward self-sacrifice, war, and nationalism — as well as a set of religious and moral beliefs that the elites in no way share. Such a doctrine points disturbingly toward fascism.
Not surprizing considering the economic philosophy, promulgated by NeoCons and the republican party, was born during the European FASCIST movement of the1930's. Both Strauss and Hayek developed their economic opinions while Mussolini, Franco and Hitler practiced authoritarian fascism where the “public interest” is whatever (supposed) wise and benevolent men say it is, which means that some men are more fit to rule than others; and the chosen statesmen should not be hampered by conventional morality or the rule of law.
This disdain for democracy, the law and the “Rights of Citizens” is clearly visible in the actions of trump, the repubtilian congress, ignorant anger by todays bigoted “brown shirt” quislings.
The lineage of hatred, greed, religious intolerance, racism, and authoritarian rule superceding the Rights of Man and democratic principles happening today can be directly traced to: Jim Crow, eugenics, right wing christianity, nazi fascism, corporate treason and hardliners of the republican party.
I got drug tested at my job for many years too Legend....I called it my random, but always seemingly annual drug test! ...and thought it a ridiculous waste of taxpayer funds.
I have had a lot of drug tests for a job. Interesting that I have never been tested on international jobs, only in America. My opinion is test all, or none.
#11. I say that the young should not buy insurance at the ridiculous rates but rather put the money into a HSA and use medical tourism as needed. It is only because good medical care is available in other countries at affordable prices. I hope that Panama and even Cuba start advertising medical tourism on TV. Need a Root Canal? Do not pay $3600. Fly to Panama RT $800, 2 nights hotel $200, Root Canal $800. Plus day on the beach. Sad that this is the country that Republicans have left us with.
Diane, That is your Social Security and Medicare that are being cut. You may very well die because of your ignorance. It is going from your pocket to the military and the 1%.
@# 12 Rick Steve
Your link proves the Federal cuts are not nearly deep enough.
What leftie/socialists miss is the brilliance in this new tax plan by shifting the accountability from the Federal government to the State governments to prioritize their own spending.
California >>>>>Colorado = lower taxes.
Thom will blame Reagan today.
Worth watching;
And it still increases the debt by a massive amount.
Good to hear support for a tax deductible HSA which makes perfect makes sense for the young and healthy as opposed tot hem being forced under penalty of law to purchase obamacare. Already in place for those who are smart enough to use it. All they need at that point is exactly what we had prior to obamacare, a low cost catastrophic insurance policy specifically designed for that demographic.
Now the young and healthy are out of the pool, that leaves the old and unhealthy loose and demanding "low cost" healthcare.
Quite a pool to draw from if you are in the business.
A few among thousands,
Medicare costs about $130 per month. It covers 80% of a procedure that costs 5 times more than it would in another country. What a great plan. It also does not cover Dental, vision or hearing. Supplemental insurance for the 20% cost $200 to $300 per month. Dental, vision and hearing probably about $200 per month. I am in good health so have found an Advantage plan that works best for me. If I need major dental I plan on going to Panama. Medical Tourism is becoming popular. If I was young I would not buy insurance. Set up a healthcare fund. Plan on using medical tourism.
Evil are those among us who would destroy democracy via the purchase of an entire political party simply to facilitate unimpeded destruction of the planet.... this just to satisfy an out of control thirst for endlesss money and power.
Yet the madness doesn't even end there. These same evil men want to strip society of all vestiges of a caring and cooperative humanity. They disguise this wickedness with words like freedom, liberty, libertarian, free market, independence, unleash prosperity, market based, free society, patriotism, God, second amendment rights, etc.
Sure there are many bad actors complicit in this Fascism.... including corpse media moguls confusing citizens with anti-american propaganda/alternative truth, and of course Wall Street banksters creating bubble economic disasters with impunity, yet the Kochs seem to be the self appointed behind the scenes king daddy Fascist Mofo's.
It would help a lot if you didn't have to service a 20 trillion debt. Whether it's a nation, business or family, debt service is a killer. The only solution is to simply cut every government department by 10% with the exception of healthcare, old age pensions and a few others. I am pretty sure every department could do it with no one even noticing. Business and families are forced to do it all the time and come out of just fine.
The Republican Party has turned into a cult that worships money. Through sheer ruthlessness, this cult has taken over all three branches of our government. Now they stand poised to impose their agenda on the rest of us, which is killing off poor people. Poor people are a drain on profits. Therefore they have to be eliminated. And the sooner the better. They'd use gas and ovens if they thought they could get away with it.
Is the America first policy limited to the wealth class only?
"Food pails, baskets, boxes"? What's next, a prayer get well healing basket with first aid supplies maybe a few vitamins when Medicare and Obamacare have been dismantled? This is choice?. Time to bring back the Wendy's Soviet Fashion Show Ad from the 80's.
There arn't 'arf some evil mofo in the land of the free and home of the brave
See you in the house of God come Sunday
A Medicare for all promise will win any election , even with the corpse media blackout of its mention. Bernie knows what time it is.
I wonder how Wisconsin's 1st district Koch Bros. Representative Paul Ryan would have felt had he been forced to wait a couple years to collect his Social Security benefits as a teenager? What a snake.
I still can't believe anybody in their right mind votes for Ryan or Kentucky Senate Fascist Party servant McConnell...but they do. God and Guns states!...they're not in their right minds.
I liked that 1944 speech by FDR you mentioned, which included, among other reasonable things:
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.
And this is what the corporatists are still fighting against? (And too often winning.)
Look at the other side of the coin. All those cuts...they are justified as helping balance a budget that is being eaten alive by the military/industrial/security complex. As I've said here before, no matter how big it gets the vast Department of "Defense" will still not be able to protect an empty, hollow America from everything. And when there is nothing left to defend the national experiment ends.
If I have to pay a dime more for my medicare I will simple drop dead.
Yep. Hes been trying for three years. This is the year that the "Koch whore" Scott Walker pushes it through in Wisconsin...
Budget chart:
Hi Thom,
Divisive partisan politics has been a fact in American politics since the beginning of the republic; dirty tricks, filibusters, power plays and midnight votes have been the tools of elected politicians that have shaped and steered US economic policies for the past 200 years.
During the 60's-70's, “Think Tanks” started pushing “Individual Rights vs the rights of society in the first attacks on the social safety net of civil society, followed by the “Welfare Queen” contrivance, deregulation of industry, and the schema of the corporate and economic elite to shift the US tax burden from themselves onto the backs of citizens. I noticed an ideological change and tact in the republican party at about the time Reaganomics was surreptitiously foisted upon the American people through disingenuous populist rhetoric. During and since the 80's, the republicans scorned the collegial tenor of congress and instead approached “The People's Business” with a derisive and unyielding adherence to an insidious ideology held and supported by corporate powerhouses, their owners and ececutives, that pre-dated WWII.
Corporate America, during the 30's, abetted by their control of and the manipulation of news openly supported and financed the dissemanation of “fascist propaganda” until the US got involved in the war. Even this did not stop corporations from “Doing Business” with the enemy while the war raged; their economic and political clout burried their treasonous behavior as they re-branded themselves as patriots once the war ended. Just because the Allies succeeded in defeating Europe's fascist dictators doesn't mean the ideology died with them. We know, now: that thousands of Nazi with skills were secreted into the United States through the collusion of the banks on Wall St.; more than 2500 US corporations (placed their corporate bund agreements with Nazi corporations above US patriotism- treason) , powerful politicians and “citizen Bunds” (German-American Volksbunds” pro-Nazi sympathizers in the U.S. during the 1930s and 1940s). Following the war and the distaste for “Fascist Nazism”, corporations have essentially continued to operate with a “Fascist” ideology using the phrase of, “Maximize Profit and Minimize Costs” that they euphemistically call: “Free Enterprise”.
Since the 1980's, the republican party traded “Civil Political Disagreement” for an ideological covenant that: “the common man is and must be limited to “knowledge” of a different sort: to myth, revelation, custom, and prejudice. Neoconservatives believe the opinions of the nation must therefore be shaped by those who rule. To control ideas is to control public opinion, which in turn is to control the regime as a whole, which is exactly what Goebbels perfected for Hitler.
Neoconservatives champion the rule of a philosophically cunning elite over a population that will never be able to understand the insidious duplicity of their intellectual masters. Instead, the populace is steered toward self-sacrifice, war, and nationalism — as well as a set of religious and moral beliefs that the elites in no way share. Such a doctrine points disturbingly toward fascism.
Not surprizing considering the economic philosophy, promulgated by NeoCons and the republican party, was born during the European FASCIST movement of the1930's. Both Strauss and Hayek developed their economic opinions while Mussolini, Franco and Hitler practiced authoritarian fascism where the “public interest” is whatever (supposed) wise and benevolent men say it is, which means that some men are more fit to rule than others; and the chosen statesmen should not be hampered by conventional morality or the rule of law.
This disdain for democracy, the law and the “Rights of Citizens” is clearly visible in the actions of trump, the repubtilian congress, ignorant anger by todays bigoted “brown shirt” quislings.
The lineage of hatred, greed, religious intolerance, racism, and authoritarian rule superceding the Rights of Man and democratic principles happening today can be directly traced to: Jim Crow, eugenics, right wing christianity, nazi fascism, corporate treason and hardliners of the republican party.
Welcome to the unfolding of the “Fourth Reich”!!!
I got drug tested at my job for many years too Legend....I called it my random, but always seemingly annual drug test! ...and thought it a ridiculous waste of taxpayer funds.
Regarding Kochpublican, Ryan, Trump, budget proposals.....they're always loaded with useful facts for attack ads during election season...just saying.
I have had a lot of drug tests for a job. Interesting that I have never been tested on international jobs, only in America. My opinion is test all, or none.