Hey Thom, While it is true that there are many semi-auto weapons out there, I think restrictions on the manufacture and sales of assault style weapons must be undertaken. A redesign of all semi-auto rifles is something I believe makes sense. No detachable magazines, regardless of capacity, should be allowed. whether 10, 20, 30, or more rounds. These can be changed rapidly even by someone with little proficiency. A five round integral magazine seems to me to be the best alternative. I have three World War I era bolt action rifles, two of which have this type of magazine. These reload by means of a "stripper clip", which, in my opinion, is all a sport shooter or hunter should need. Of course, these don't enlarge ones genitals quite as muh as those larger detachable magazines, but sacrifices must be made. Even Bubba needs to adjust for the greater good. The republiKKKons will, no doubt, run away from restrictions such as this. My "thoughts and prayers" are with those bastards.
Kend. this is one time that I will agree with you. Drugs are a huge issue. Who is in the drug industry pocketbook? Mostly Republicans. Do some research.
I can't believe that pretty much every one of these mass murders where done by someone who was on some kind of drug and no one is even talking about it. The guns didn't kill people, people on drugs kill people. Why don't we talk about. Big pharmaceutical companies are making billions with this shit and no one seems to care. This will continue forever if we don't admit what is truly causing it. Doctors are handing out Opiods like freaking candy killing that are killing millions and costing tax payers billions.
The Congressman from my neighboring district was on TV News tonight. Rep. Mike Coffman. He actually had a town hall which my congressman Ken Buck will not do. On the News he was asked about all of the money that he gets from the NRA. His answer was "that is because I am for reponsible gun ownership." What does he think everyone else wants, irresponsible gun ownership?
#3. Cars were not designed to kill. Cars are registered to the owner and taxes are paid every year for their use. Registration is passed on after a sale. Cars are required to be insured for liability. You are required to pass a written and practical test to operate a car. There are severe penalties for DWI. And there are penalties for minor offenses such as speeding. I would agree to add these requirements to Guns.
If you don't like my above idea, use the Internet as a classroom until the GOP(hy) party gets voted out. Then resume classroom activity once REAL laws are put in place by human Democrats.
I'm sorry Tom, but I'll have to agree with DrRichard. Too many guns out there already. And black markets will fill any void. We're going to have to turn our schools, malls, shops, etc., into fortresses. Adding tall walls, or hills with dirt and boulders. Have restricted points of entry. Do away with back packs by doubling the books: one at class, one at home. Have metal detectors and trap the shooter in human traps. And if all that doesn't work put sharp shooters if need be. The perpetrator has to be intimidated. Don't even TRY to pass laws.. The GOP(hies) don't even care if a kid or old man starves to death by taking away social safety nets. They only care about the F-'ing money.
Some excellent ideas in general, but it is far too late for such control. There are far too many guns here and an AR-15 can be handmade from a kit (see last year's cover article in Harper's). Reasonable control is certainly needed, but it is of a piece with many other things that a corrupt Congress won't look at. Fix the money issues first and the rest will follow.
Hey Thom, wonderful Idea! Just as long as we impose all the same restrictions on automobile ownership. (Cars can be used as deadly weapons too, you know.) And just think about all the carnage caused by drunk and irresponsible drivers, not to mention potential terrorists could be prevented, when only one in ten would-be car owners could actually legally get their hands on one! Got a 30 year old misdemeanor charge for marajuana possession? Forget about ever driving again! Great thinkiing, Thom!!!
I watched some coverage today and Trumps meeting with students and others. Most solutions recommended by Republicans involve more guns. Arm teachers, station retired policemen at schools etc. This is exactly what the NRA wants. More guns sold. This is their sole objective. But who can predict the next venue for a mass killing? Did anyone expect a Country Concert? Will it be a baseball game? Or another school? You are going to run out of retired policemen. One thing is for sure, doing nothing is scheduling the next mass murder.
I thought the Bush/Cheney disaster was bad but they pale in comparison to the disaster we have now. We are embarrassed nationally and internationally,disrupting any advancement we've made as far as climate change,protecting fresh water,national parks,etc. with totally incompetent morons in charge of these deaprtments...I hope the blue wave underway now envelops the whole United States and turns the Republican traitors into an insignificant minority which they richly reserve..and once elected to also pass a "Truth in Reporting" law such as they have in Canada and Australia thus removing Fox BS from the airwaves.
Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA) tweeted, "San Francisco is retroactively applying marijuana legalization to prior convictions dating to 1975, which means that thousands of felonies and misdemeanors will be re-sentenced or dismissed. This is how we begin to end the failed 'war on drugs.'" https://marijuanamoment.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2b103be7b5d7a...
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) entered into the Congressional Record an essay from a high school junior calling for marijuana legalization. Separately, he tweeted that "despite Jeff Sessions' war on marijuana, a growing majority of the American people understand that we should allow states the right to move toward the decriminalization of marijuana, not reverse progress that has been made." https://marijuanamoment.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2b103be7b5d7a...
As most (some.. a few..a very few) of us know, the first ten amendments to the Constitution were added four years later as the Bill of Rights. The second amendment obviously being one of them.
The actual intent (of the framers) of this amendment, has long been hotly debated. And when l read it, I can see why. To put it bluntly.. The framers did a "SHITTY" job of wording it!!
Irregardless of whatever their actual intent really was?!?
I would wager that not even one person in a hundred can quote the first phrase of the Second Amendment. Our media and educational system have failed our nation! Should we understand the clearly stated intent of the Second Amendment (despite the Supreme Count's right-wing) then any member of a well regulated militia would have the right to bear arms but not just any yahoo without regard to qualification.
Can we teach the actual, simple words of the Second Amendment for a change?
Yes. Almost the kind of rifles our "founding fathers" owned...
But with a "slight" improvement. They are percussion cap ( circa 1840) rifles. Instead of flint lock rifles. Though, still single shot muzzle loaders..
Im in the same boat as the avid hunter that you knew.
And this proliferation of military style weaponry to the general public, really does give a bad image to gun hunting. And to ALL hunting in general...
And lm much more of a bow hunter.
And the gun hunting that l actually do, for the last several years has been exclusively with muzzle loaders.
Two types of weapons that will NEVER be used in mass shootings!
It is called paranoia. I worked for awhile in a place that guns were an obsession. The kind of place that Guns and Ammo magazines were stacked up in the bathroom. One guy had huge credit issues due to his gun habit. Most admitted that their guns collected dust in the closet. The one guy that was an avid hunter was totally against assault rifles and semi auto pistols. Felt that it did nothing but give a bad image to hunting.
I see people that live in house's with bars on the windows and bars on their doors and I think to myself, God, I hope I never get that scared. I see people that have assault style wepons and arsenals for their self defense and I think to myself, God I hope I never get that scared. It's funny that the people with the most guns claim to be the manliest of men... yet, they are the most scared. It's sad that the people with the most guns claim to be the most religious yet they have the least faith. God have pitty on them because they are just so SCARED! I served in the military and I volinteered for Vietnam, I don't own a gun because I'm not scared and I have faith. But, According to them I'm a wimp!
Hey Thom, While it is true that there are many semi-auto weapons out there, I think restrictions on the manufacture and sales of assault style weapons must be undertaken. A redesign of all semi-auto rifles is something I believe makes sense. No detachable magazines, regardless of capacity, should be allowed. whether 10, 20, 30, or more rounds. These can be changed rapidly even by someone with little proficiency. A five round integral magazine seems to me to be the best alternative. I have three World War I era bolt action rifles, two of which have this type of magazine. These reload by means of a "stripper clip", which, in my opinion, is all a sport shooter or hunter should need. Of course, these don't enlarge ones genitals quite as muh as those larger detachable magazines, but sacrifices must be made. Even Bubba needs to adjust for the greater good. The republiKKKons will, no doubt, run away from restrictions such as this. My "thoughts and prayers" are with those bastards.
You might like to see this
Kend. this is one time that I will agree with you. Drugs are a huge issue. Who is in the drug industry pocketbook? Mostly Republicans. Do some research.
I can't believe that pretty much every one of these mass murders where done by someone who was on some kind of drug and no one is even talking about it. The guns didn't kill people, people on drugs kill people. Why don't we talk about. Big pharmaceutical companies are making billions with this shit and no one seems to care. This will continue forever if we don't admit what is truly causing it. Doctors are handing out Opiods like freaking candy killing that are killing millions and costing tax payers billions.
The Congressman from my neighboring district was on TV News tonight. Rep. Mike Coffman. He actually had a town hall which my congressman Ken Buck will not do. On the News he was asked about all of the money that he gets from the NRA. His answer was "that is because I am for reponsible gun ownership." What does he think everyone else wants, irresponsible gun ownership?
#19 - Well said! There could be a bit of sex organ size syndrome in there as well
#25 - Media has not heard of a constitution yet... that's likely the reason
#26 - NRA money is buying politicians resulting in unnecessary and avoidable death
And, now Trump wants to arm more people like teachers... teachers now have to be weaponized guards (???!!!???!!!)
Ye gods!
Barking mad!
Change of subject, but well worth watching:
#3. Cars were not designed to kill. Cars are registered to the owner and taxes are paid every year for their use. Registration is passed on after a sale. Cars are required to be insured for liability. You are required to pass a written and practical test to operate a car. There are severe penalties for DWI. And there are penalties for minor offenses such as speeding. I would agree to add these requirements to Guns.
If you don't like my above idea, use the Internet as a classroom until the GOP(hy) party gets voted out. Then resume classroom activity once REAL laws are put in place by human Democrats.
I'm sorry Tom, but I'll have to agree with DrRichard. Too many guns out there already. And black markets will fill any void. We're going to have to turn our schools, malls, shops, etc., into fortresses. Adding tall walls, or hills with dirt and boulders. Have restricted points of entry. Do away with back packs by doubling the books: one at class, one at home. Have metal detectors and trap the shooter in human traps. And if all that doesn't work put sharp shooters if need be. The perpetrator has to be intimidated. Don't even TRY to pass laws.. The GOP(hies) don't even care if a kid or old man starves to death by taking away social safety nets. They only care about the F-'ing money.
Some excellent ideas in general, but it is far too late for such control. There are far too many guns here and an AR-15 can be handmade from a kit (see last year's cover article in Harper's). Reasonable control is certainly needed, but it is of a piece with many other things that a corrupt Congress won't look at. Fix the money issues first and the rest will follow.
Hey Thom, wonderful Idea! Just as long as we impose all the same restrictions on automobile ownership. (Cars can be used as deadly weapons too, you know.) And just think about all the carnage caused by drunk and irresponsible drivers, not to mention potential terrorists could be prevented, when only one in ten would-be car owners could actually legally get their hands on one! Got a 30 year old misdemeanor charge for marajuana possession? Forget about ever driving again! Great thinkiing, Thom!!!
I watched some coverage today and Trumps meeting with students and others. Most solutions recommended by Republicans involve more guns. Arm teachers, station retired policemen at schools etc. This is exactly what the NRA wants. More guns sold. This is their sole objective. But who can predict the next venue for a mass killing? Did anyone expect a Country Concert? Will it be a baseball game? Or another school? You are going to run out of retired policemen. One thing is for sure, doing nothing is scheduling the next mass murder.
I thought the Bush/Cheney disaster was bad but they pale in comparison to the disaster we have now. We are embarrassed nationally and internationally,disrupting any advancement we've made as far as climate change,protecting fresh water,national parks,etc. with totally incompetent morons in charge of these deaprtments...I hope the blue wave underway now envelops the whole United States and turns the Republican traitors into an insignificant minority which they richly reserve..and once elected to also pass a "Truth in Reporting" law such as they have in Canada and Australia thus removing Fox BS from the airwaves.
One thing! Reaganomics MUST be repealed!!! Everything wrong can be traced to his 8 years.
Kids are hopless without a job!!!
Democrats Forming Marijuana Legalization Consensus
Lawsuit Could Be The One To Legalize Marijuana
Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA) tweeted, "Marijuana legalization leads to fewer opioid deaths, safer communities, and economic growth."
Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA) tweeted, "We must continue to fight to end the opioid crisis. Legalizing marijuana is one solution to help reduce the number of opioid deaths."
Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA) tweeted, "San Francisco is retroactively applying marijuana legalization to prior convictions dating to 1975, which means that thousands of felonies and misdemeanors will be re-sentenced or dismissed. This is how we begin to end the failed 'war on drugs.'"
U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner's (R-CO) marijuana dispute with the Department of Justice has already blocked as many as 11 nominees from advancing.
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) entered into the Congressional Record an essay from a high school junior calling for marijuana legalization. Separately, he tweeted that "despite Jeff Sessions' war on marijuana, a growing majority of the American people understand that we should allow states the right to move toward the decriminalization of marijuana, not reverse progress that has been made."
Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee (D) said he would consider pardoning everyone convicted of minor marijuana crimes.
Israel Scientific Study: Cannabis Safe and Effective for Regular Use in the Elderly; Can Decrease the Use of Other Prescription Medicines, Including Opioids
Older/Senior Americans Overwhelmingly Support Legalizing Pot
Teaching Seniors the Benefits of Ganja
Seniors Using Ganja For A Good Night's Sleep
Kansas Silver-Haired Legislature endorses medical marijuana
Medical cannabis significantly safer for elderly with chronic pain than Opioids
BGU research: Medical cannabis highly effective in elderly patients
As most (some.. a few..a very few) of us know, the first ten amendments to the Constitution were added four years later as the Bill of Rights. The second amendment obviously being one of them.
The actual intent (of the framers) of this amendment, has long been hotly debated. And when l read it, I can see why. To put it bluntly.. The framers did a "SHITTY" job of wording it!!
Irregardless of whatever their actual intent really was?!?
I would wager that not even one person in a hundred can quote the first phrase of the Second Amendment. Our media and educational system have failed our nation! Should we understand the clearly stated intent of the Second Amendment (despite the Supreme Count's right-wing) then any member of a well regulated militia would have the right to bear arms but not just any yahoo without regard to qualification.
Can we teach the actual, simple words of the Second Amendment for a change?
Guns and ammo magazines stacked up in a bathroom? "Chuckling"...
You are talking about publications..right? Just kidding..
Just trying to inject a "little" humor.. Into a situation that is actually not funny at all!!
Yes. Almost the kind of rifles our "founding fathers" owned...
But with a "slight" improvement. They are percussion cap ( circa 1840) rifles. Instead of flint lock rifles. Though, still single shot muzzle loaders..
You mean the kind of rifles that they had when they wrote the second amendment.
Im in the same boat as the avid hunter that you knew.
And this proliferation of military style weaponry to the general public, really does give a bad image to gun hunting. And to ALL hunting in general...
And lm much more of a bow hunter.
And the gun hunting that l actually do, for the last several years has been exclusively with muzzle loaders.
Two types of weapons that will NEVER be used in mass shootings!
It is called paranoia. I worked for awhile in a place that guns were an obsession. The kind of place that Guns and Ammo magazines were stacked up in the bathroom. One guy had huge credit issues due to his gun habit. Most admitted that their guns collected dust in the closet. The one guy that was an avid hunter was totally against assault rifles and semi auto pistols. Felt that it did nothing but give a bad image to hunting.
I see people that live in house's with bars on the windows and bars on their doors and I think to myself, God, I hope I never get that scared. I see people that have assault style wepons and arsenals for their self defense and I think to myself, God I hope I never get that scared. It's funny that the people with the most guns claim to be the manliest of men... yet, they are the most scared. It's sad that the people with the most guns claim to be the most religious yet they have the least faith. God have pitty on them because they are just so SCARED! I served in the military and I volinteered for Vietnam, I don't own a gun because I'm not scared and I have faith. But, According to them I'm a wimp!
Yeah Kilosqrd, that's what happened to the Democratic memo, "Believe Me" "No Collusion" No Collusion."