This hits very close to home for me. As I mentioned previously I don't believe this is a gun issue it is a mental health issue. I have a very close relative who is finishing up a trial today for stabbing to death her gorgeous daughter. Anyone who knows her knows this wasn't her who did this. The things she said where so far out there it is impossible to believe. We all turn our heads when we see someone with mental illness and our governments do very little. We are letting pharmaceutical companies pump our children with these drugs that they know are causing serious instability . What are we doing. Blaming the frickin gun. Yes I agree no one needs a automatic weapon. It pisses me off when we use horrible tragic events like this for political gain. Where was all of these gun control changes when Obama had the majority in his first two years. There is far to many guns out there to stop this. So let's all rally together and help the ones suffering with mental illness and stop this for ever.
America will never be "great" unless we citizens unite and overthrow the establishment in Washington at the ballot box. Sadly, that will never happen and America will continue it's downward trend toward being a "banana republic" ran for the benefit of those that un it or in Trump's case, ruin it. Here in Bedford County, Virginia we have a Trump devotee for County Sheriff that went on TV yesterday demanding we arm all the school teachers so they can gun down any shooter that might appear on school grounds. Bedford County is symbolic of many other municipalities in the "Bible Belt" south believing that democracy is achieved by killing "sum beeches that ain't got Jee-suz." As the late Rev Jerry Falwell said just prior to his death on a local TV station... that all "Christian students should be allowed to take their guns to school with them." As long as Bible Belt "Christians" believe that their Savior founded the NRA so they could be armed and ready to kill in His name, nothing will change in the senseless killing of innocent students... etc.
No different than stupid Reagan saying the anti-war protestors were paid agents of Moscow. I wish that was true...maybe my check is in the mail!
Look, you can't talk logic to people who see the world as composed of gigantic conspiracies. Such a mindset simply doesn't get it that sometimes folks do things because they believe it's the right action, not because they are paid or manipulated or duped or whatever. When you get down to it the Birther movement was the same way of seeing the world--a true believer can never admit he's wrong, it is always "them" sneaking around and making his plans fail. Because that is exactly what he would do.
I thought after the Gabby Giffords shooting you were excorating the righties for using gun euphemisms. You should re-title your rant rather than look hypocritical unless it's another of your goose/gander things.
Despite my firm convictions, I have always been a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new knowledge unfolds. I have always kept an open mind, a flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of the intelligent search for truth.
I do smoke "doobie" Maybe you should heed your own advice.. And light some up too!
I just might "open up" your narrow minded head!!
Yes DiRey, we have figured out something too. What kind of warped nazi/fascist spends their time concerning themselves with where "you people" live and what time "you people" put up their posts? "Stable geniuses!!!" Cuckoo Cuckoo!
Jeff, you hit the nail on the head, and what a hard head it is. I hope you didn't break your hammer. It's just one rabbit hole after another with these conservatives.
Like a f@#king scratched record.. Hotcoffee, like the Fox faithful, just wont drop the"Hillary" witch hunt!! When you listen to them.."foaming at the mouth".. They really want to string her up and burn her at the stake!!
You and l know its a perversion of news. A complete distortion of the truth. And its a completely orchestrated diversion, to create a distraction...
You know.. I like coffee too.
But l know my limit.
Like l said earlier.. You really do need to switch to decaf!!
Fox News is incredibly dangerous to this country. It literally warps peoples thinking. They provide news but also give the opinion that you should have on that news. They repeat and repeat driving it into peoples minds. How many times did they show people chanting "Lock Her Up". How much Benghazi did they broadcast? Do they report on Trumps failed mission in Yemen? Even the knee level camera angle of the good looking girls keeps eyes on the screen. It use to be that news was reported. But Fox has O'Reilly (had), Hannity, Carlson and others that preach what you should think. What is funny is every troll on this sight will come back and say they do not watch it. Well, Trump does.
I think I have figured something out. A few of you here have disclosed where you live and looking at the timestamp on your posts, some of you people are up all night spitting out stomach bile in the form of posts here.
Thom, you should start billing these sock puppets for therapy provided. You have unwittingly become the outlet for their hatred. If any of them came up from the basement and stepped out of the house before posting, they may hit the news by evening.
Kids, try a couple hundred Tums and a doobie around 11:00 PM then hit the My Pillow for 6-8 hours. It will do a lot for your blood pressure.
HC, The only issue I see you defending is Hillary-hating. I don't see how that is supposed to undo all the destruction done by Trump…how that will clean up the that will balance the budget…how that will feed the poor…how that will protect children from being gunned down in school…how that will solve climate change. I don't see how electing the most immoral, amateurish, corrupt, unqualified, embarrassingly inarticulate inept person to ever hold the office of the president, was the better alternative. Virtually every word that comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie and whenever we call him on it, all you can do is rant and rave about Hillary.
Again for the nth time…Hillary is not the president. She is no longer a factor. Hillary hating is not solving anything. Trump is now the president and it is his actions, his bigotry, his incessant greed, his mental instability, his laziness and unwillingness to familiarize himself with the issues, that incurs our wrath. Not to mention that everyone he nominates for a cabinet post is totally unqualified and even openly hostile to the very post they were appointed to.
As Legend pointed out, the Republicans chanted "lock her up" but who is being locked up? The very people close to Trump that chanted "lock her up." And who is locking them up? Lifelong conservatives like Mueller and Rosenstein that actually study the facts, not just troll right wing sites for incredulous conclusions based on rightwing, think-tank fantasies.
Boxcar, I don't think the problem is necessarily the two party system. The biggest problem is MONEY. Take money out of our elections and you would probably put an end to the two party system just by default. Adding another party at this point is only enabling the rich oligarch's ability to divide and conquer.
I was lucky to get a cure from ricksimpson.. i was dying..i had lung cancer and then i lost hope..... you know how that feels?..... terrible.but now i am alive,i can Breath and take control of my life becauseGod healed me and i
looked towards the right direction.. for anyone dying out there,you could get that same help.. dont give up... people who do you not know off know you, and you have you in mind... i was loosing my mind to a lot of things, my
ailment broke me down as if i was gonna die.. i made it.....
i got help from
just do the same,everyone... anyone reading this..... and thanks to everyone who made it through with me... i love you guys so much ....
I was lucky to get a cure from ricksimpson.. i was dying..i had lung cancer and then i lost hope..... you know how that feels?..... terrible.but now i am alive,i can Breath and take control of my life becauseGod healed me and i
looked towards the right direction.. for anyone dying out there,you could get that same help.. dont give up... people who do you not know off know you, and you have you in mind... i was loosing my mind to a lot of things, my
ailment broke me down as if i was gonna die.. i made it.....
i got help from
just do the same,everyone... anyone reading this..... and thanks to everyone who made it through with me... i love you guys so much ....
I was lucky to get a cure from ricksimpson.. i was dying..i had lung cancer and then i lost hope..... you know how that feels?..... terrible.but now i am alive,i can Breath and take control of my life becauseGod healed me and i
looked towards the right direction.. for anyone dying out there,you could get that same help.. dont give up... people who do you not know off know you, and you have you in mind... i was loosing my mind to a lot of things, my
ailment broke me down as if i was gonna die.. i made it.....
i got help from
just do the same,everyone... anyone reading this..... and thanks to everyone who made it through with me... i love you guys so much ....
I was lucky to get a cure from ricksimpson.. i was dying..i had lung cancer and then i lost hope..... you know how that feels?..... terrible.but now i am alive,i can Breath and take control of my life becauseGod healed me and i
looked towards the right direction.. for anyone dying out there,you could get that same help.. dont give up... people who do you not know off know you, and you have you in mind... i was loosing my mind to a lot of things, my
ailment broke me down as if i was gonna die.. i made it.....
i got help from
just do the same,everyone... anyone reading this..... and thanks to everyone who made it through with me... i love you guys so much ....
I was lucky to get a cure from ricksimpson.. i was dying..i had lung cancer and then i lost hope..... you know how that feels?..... terrible.but now i am alive,i can Breath and take control of my life becauseGod healed me and i
looked towards the right direction.. for anyone dying out there,you could get that same help.. dont give up... people who do you not know off know you, and you have you in mind... i was loosing my mind to a lot of things, my
ailment broke me down as if i was gonna die.. i made it.....
i got help from
just do the same,everyone... anyone reading this..... and thanks to everyone who made it through with me... i love you guys so much ....
This hits very close to home for me. As I mentioned previously I don't believe this is a gun issue it is a mental health issue. I have a very close relative who is finishing up a trial today for stabbing to death her gorgeous daughter. Anyone who knows her knows this wasn't her who did this. The things she said where so far out there it is impossible to believe. We all turn our heads when we see someone with mental illness and our governments do very little. We are letting pharmaceutical companies pump our children with these drugs that they know are causing serious instability . What are we doing. Blaming the frickin gun. Yes I agree no one needs a automatic weapon. It pisses me off when we use horrible tragic events like this for political gain. Where was all of these gun control changes when Obama had the majority in his first two years. There is far to many guns out there to stop this. So let's all rally together and help the ones suffering with mental illness and stop this for ever.
America will never be "great" unless we citizens unite and overthrow the establishment in Washington at the ballot box. Sadly, that will never happen and America will continue it's downward trend toward being a "banana republic" ran for the benefit of those that un it or in Trump's case, ruin it. Here in Bedford County, Virginia we have a Trump devotee for County Sheriff that went on TV yesterday demanding we arm all the school teachers so they can gun down any shooter that might appear on school grounds. Bedford County is symbolic of many other municipalities in the "Bible Belt" south believing that democracy is achieved by killing "sum beeches that ain't got Jee-suz." As the late Rev Jerry Falwell said just prior to his death on a local TV station... that all "Christian students should be allowed to take their guns to school with them." As long as Bible Belt "Christians" believe that their Savior founded the NRA so they could be armed and ready to kill in His name, nothing will change in the senseless killing of innocent students... etc.
# 3. I hope you are correct, and soon!
Just when you think they can't go any lower!
Maybe DeathRey is right. I propose a better title: HARD RIGHT "IF WE CAN'T MOLEST'EM, WE SLANDER'EM"
Well, well, well, another day, another guilty plea from one of Trump's "all the best people." Pretty soon it will be "and then there were none."
No different than stupid Reagan saying the anti-war protestors were paid agents of Moscow. I wish that was true...maybe my check is in the mail!
Look, you can't talk logic to people who see the world as composed of gigantic conspiracies. Such a mindset simply doesn't get it that sometimes folks do things because they believe it's the right action, not because they are paid or manipulated or duped or whatever. When you get down to it the Birther movement was the same way of seeing the world--a true believer can never admit he's wrong, it is always "them" sneaking around and making his plans fail. Because that is exactly what he would do.
I thought after the Gabby Giffords shooting you were excorating the righties for using gun euphemisms. You should re-title your rant rather than look hypocritical unless it's another of your goose/gander things.
Here is the best analogy for what Libertarians really are from a climate warrior:
I hope that Thomm has him on his show!
Thanks for spotting the error, I've corrected it.
Now its time to listen to Thom on the radio.
Just updating you Reynolds. Since l now know..just how concerned you are, with how l spend my time...
Despite my firm convictions, I have always been a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new knowledge unfolds. I have always kept an open mind, a flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of the intelligent search for truth.
Two quotes by Malcolm X...
A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.
Personally, I love Hillary Clinton. She put Donald Trump in the White House.
BTW, thanks again for making the day.
I do smoke "doobie" Maybe you should heed your own advice.. And light some up too!
I just might "open up" your narrow minded head!!
Yes DiRey, we have figured out something too. What kind of warped nazi/fascist spends their time concerning themselves with where "you people" live and what time "you people" put up their posts? "Stable geniuses!!!" Cuckoo Cuckoo!
Jeff, you hit the nail on the head, and what a hard head it is. I hope you didn't break your hammer. It's just one rabbit hole after another with these conservatives.
Like a f@#king scratched record.. Hotcoffee, like the Fox faithful, just wont drop the"Hillary" witch hunt!! When you listen to them.."foaming at the mouth".. They really want to string her up and burn her at the stake!!
You and l know its a perversion of news. A complete distortion of the truth. And its a completely orchestrated diversion, to create a distraction...
You know.. I like coffee too.
But l know my limit.
Like l said earlier.. You really do need to switch to decaf!!
Fox News is incredibly dangerous to this country. It literally warps peoples thinking. They provide news but also give the opinion that you should have on that news. They repeat and repeat driving it into peoples minds. How many times did they show people chanting "Lock Her Up". How much Benghazi did they broadcast? Do they report on Trumps failed mission in Yemen? Even the knee level camera angle of the good looking girls keeps eyes on the screen. It use to be that news was reported. But Fox has O'Reilly (had), Hannity, Carlson and others that preach what you should think. What is funny is every troll on this sight will come back and say they do not watch it. Well, Trump does.
I think I have figured something out. A few of you here have disclosed where you live and looking at the timestamp on your posts, some of you people are up all night spitting out stomach bile in the form of posts here.
Thom, you should start billing these sock puppets for therapy provided. You have unwittingly become the outlet for their hatred. If any of them came up from the basement and stepped out of the house before posting, they may hit the news by evening.
Kids, try a couple hundred Tums and a doobie around 11:00 PM then hit the My Pillow for 6-8 hours. It will do a lot for your blood pressure.
HC, The only issue I see you defending is Hillary-hating. I don't see how that is supposed to undo all the destruction done by Trump…how that will clean up the that will balance the budget…how that will feed the poor…how that will protect children from being gunned down in school…how that will solve climate change. I don't see how electing the most immoral, amateurish, corrupt, unqualified, embarrassingly inarticulate inept person to ever hold the office of the president, was the better alternative. Virtually every word that comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie and whenever we call him on it, all you can do is rant and rave about Hillary.
Again for the nth time…Hillary is not the president. She is no longer a factor. Hillary hating is not solving anything. Trump is now the president and it is his actions, his bigotry, his incessant greed, his mental instability, his laziness and unwillingness to familiarize himself with the issues, that incurs our wrath. Not to mention that everyone he nominates for a cabinet post is totally unqualified and even openly hostile to the very post they were appointed to.
As Legend pointed out, the Republicans chanted "lock her up" but who is being locked up? The very people close to Trump that chanted "lock her up." And who is locking them up? Lifelong conservatives like Mueller and Rosenstein that actually study the facts, not just troll right wing sites for incredulous conclusions based on rightwing, think-tank fantasies.
Boxcar, I don't think the problem is necessarily the two party system. The biggest problem is MONEY. Take money out of our elections and you would probably put an end to the two party system just by default. Adding another party at this point is only enabling the rich oligarch's ability to divide and conquer.
I was lucky to get a cure from ricksimpson.. i was dying..i had lung cancer and then i lost hope..... you know how that feels?..... terrible.but now i am alive,i can Breath and take control of my life becauseGod healed me and i
looked towards the right direction.. for anyone dying out there,you could get that same help.. dont give up... people who do you not know off know you, and you have you in mind... i was loosing my mind to a lot of things, my
ailment broke me down as if i was gonna die.. i made it.....
i got help from
just do the same,everyone... anyone reading this..... and thanks to everyone who made it through with me... i love you guys so much ....
I was lucky to get a cure from ricksimpson.. i was dying..i had lung cancer and then i lost hope..... you know how that feels?..... terrible.but now i am alive,i can Breath and take control of my life becauseGod healed me and i
looked towards the right direction.. for anyone dying out there,you could get that same help.. dont give up... people who do you not know off know you, and you have you in mind... i was loosing my mind to a lot of things, my
ailment broke me down as if i was gonna die.. i made it.....
i got help from
just do the same,everyone... anyone reading this..... and thanks to everyone who made it through with me... i love you guys so much ....
I was lucky to get a cure from ricksimpson.. i was dying..i had lung cancer and then i lost hope..... you know how that feels?..... terrible.but now i am alive,i can Breath and take control of my life becauseGod healed me and i
looked towards the right direction.. for anyone dying out there,you could get that same help.. dont give up... people who do you not know off know you, and you have you in mind... i was loosing my mind to a lot of things, my
ailment broke me down as if i was gonna die.. i made it.....
i got help from
just do the same,everyone... anyone reading this..... and thanks to everyone who made it through with me... i love you guys so much ....
I was lucky to get a cure from ricksimpson.. i was dying..i had lung cancer and then i lost hope..... you know how that feels?..... terrible.but now i am alive,i can Breath and take control of my life becauseGod healed me and i
looked towards the right direction.. for anyone dying out there,you could get that same help.. dont give up... people who do you not know off know you, and you have you in mind... i was loosing my mind to a lot of things, my
ailment broke me down as if i was gonna die.. i made it.....
i got help from
just do the same,everyone... anyone reading this..... and thanks to everyone who made it through with me... i love you guys so much ....
I was lucky to get a cure from ricksimpson.. i was dying..i had lung cancer and then i lost hope..... you know how that feels?..... terrible.but now i am alive,i can Breath and take control of my life becauseGod healed me and i
looked towards the right direction.. for anyone dying out there,you could get that same help.. dont give up... people who do you not know off know you, and you have you in mind... i was loosing my mind to a lot of things, my
ailment broke me down as if i was gonna die.. i made it.....
i got help from
just do the same,everyone... anyone reading this..... and thanks to everyone who made it through with me... i love you guys so much ....