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  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    #50 - The 'DON favors a Z jing Ping move

    Don't hold your breath on a 2020 run for anything

    The populace is bamboozled and ready for it courtesy of corporate bought and paid for media

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    #15, HC cannot even cut and paste properly.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    #50 - There won't be a run in 20 if his stated preference is to follow friend Z Jing Ping... haha!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    I have said this before HotCoffee, I am at the point where I want them to win elections just to see if their frantic rage bitching will stop. I doubt it ever will but possibly for a few months? Please!

    I enjoy President Trump for two reasons. First he is hated by both sides and his unconventional approach confuses both sides simultaneously and secondly he totally disrupts the brain pattern of leftie/socialists.

    Prime example, I tried to start with Thom's opening segment today just to see if I could find anything at all with which we could agree. He immediately started ranting about the US being on DST, what a pain in the ass it was to have to set your watch twice a year, and how it screwed people up because they didn't get enough sleep.

    Note to confused leftie/socialists, GET THE F**K OFF THE INTERNET AND GO TO BED ONE HOUR EARLY ONCE A YEAR and your problem will be solved.

    Jesus Christ, fifteen minutes listening to that life altering babble and it was off to music for the rest of the day.

  • Banding Together for the Common Good   6 years 47 weeks ago

    What's this rabbit hole thingy?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    Oh! now were supposed to be fuckin' mind readers. Will it never end?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    Dems aready b*tching about the House intel committee report and it hasn't even come out yet.


  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    Stopgap...forgive me I forgot to add the sentence about Chicago...thought you might be able to figure that out ...silly me.

    Your ability to miss the point is amazing though, as well as your capacity to make excuses for your team, not to mention your take no hostages mentality. Must be your concept of Michele's taking the high road.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago


    They do have a problem...don't they!

    Totally agree with you about the ostrich!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    DeathRey, Trump will be campaigning in his orange prison jump-suit.

    And a very merry Kissmaass to you too.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    Just when you think that Republicans can't get any stupider, along comes Kool-Aid or Coke-age or whatever the fuck his name it. You spend all this effort explaining to him how Trump has affected you, and will effect you, and the he only hears what he wants to hear.

    "life does not change much from one president to the next." Tell that to the millions that lost their houses during the Bush mortgage crisis…tell that to the investors of Enron. Tell that to the Auto industry that was brought to its knees during the Bush presidency. Tell that to the 800,000 a month that were losing thier jobs at the end of the Bush Bresidency Tell that to the families of the people that lost their lives on 911 while Bush was reading "My Pet Goat" after being warned over and over "Bin Laden determined to strike in US." Tell that to all the thousands soldiers that lost their lives or the tens of thousands that were maimed after Bush lied us into war with Iraq!

    No! Hardly any difference at all.

    Trump hasn't changed the lives of "other posters." Only in your greedy, bigoted, racist mind has Trump not effected lives. Because you only hear what you want to hear and only see what you want to see!!

    True, watching the demise of our Democracy does not affect Republicans. In fact they are elated because they are a bunch of Nazi/Fascists that love having the clock turned back to their delusional days when "America was great" Though none of them has ever told us when that was.

    Now it's my turn to ask a question. When was America great? What is this era that you are so eager to go back to? I'm waiting for you answer!! Remember, America was not America during the stone ages.

    Hot Coffee: Detroit is not in Illinois, Indonesia, or Hawaii. Surpirse, Detroit is in Michigan. Go to the back of the class!

    Try to get your facts straight. It will help you from looking too stupid. And who controlled the House and Senate the last four years of Obama's Presidency during this slowing of the American economy that you are citing? Hint: It wasn't the Democrats!!!

    Nice job of ramping up the racism though. That appears to be the only thing you are good at!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    Another rabbit hole for your entertainment...

    Financial Subversion

    With the complicity of all governments, the public has been deceived into thinking that democracy exists. Democracy does not exist. Roughly forty governments are outright dictatorships,[34] and the rest are two-party tyrannies that disenfranchise seventy percent of the voters while enabling the Deep State to exercise “pay to play” legislative and executive powers.[35]

    The greatest subversion is that of the Central Banks. Central banks are private institutions controlled by the Deep State (Chabad Supremacists, the Vatican, and the Rothschilds), and they are in no way subject to government oversight nor responsive to the public interest. Central banks are a means of legally looting the 99% in favor of the 1%.[36]

    By way of illumination, I want to point to the fact, now documented, that the Great Depression in the USA was planned by the banks to accomplish three objectives:

    1. To destroy the middle class that was growing as a political force demanding integrity in government.
    2. To buy up land and other assets as “depression-level” prices, further concentrating wealth.
    3. To deepen banking control of government.

    The Great Depression was executed with the full complicity of the President of the USA, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.[37]

    In modern times, the sub-prime mortgage bubble leading to the trillion dollar bailouts of the banks; the continued tolerance of banking manipulation of the foreign exchange and interest rates;[38] and the continued allowance of private banks to create their own money, literally inventing billions of dollars in credit for themselves or to loan, suggest that the real enemy of democracy is not Russia, or China, or any power other than banking power as directed by the Deep State.[39]

    Corporate Predation

    Others, such as John Perkins, have ably documented how banks and corporations subvert foreign countries and bribe and lie their way into the displacement of native villages, the illicit taking of gold mines and other natural resources, and the general subversion of the public interest.[40]

    From geo-engineering to agricultural and energy practices that poison the air, water, and earth to the deliberate dumbing down of the mental and emotional capacities of the public to the deliberate embrace of waste on the order of fifty percent,[41] the financial subversion of humanity is almost total.

    If you think the Dems are different just think of all those Goldman Sacs speeches Madame unmenchionable gave and was paid oh so well for.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago


    I am actually learning to enjoy your hostile, angry outbursts dedicated to damaging trump. They are warming my heart. I see the chance of a burst aneurysm, but what the heck, it probably keeps you from screaming at your significant other. (If you are lucky enough to have one.)

    Thanks for the double Christmas gift day. Have a Merry one, actually it sounds like you have had far more than one already.


    Now that fauxcahontas has bowed out, completely destroying all my prepared Thom-Thom jokes, look for a Watters/Sanders ticket in 2020. They could trot out and hire Richard Goldstein the former Clinton campaign advisor. I can her mad Maxine's praise patting him on the back and shouting to the crowd, "You can't lick our Dick twice".

    Keep the defib at the ready, this should be a hoot.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    #50 - You won't need another one my dear

    Just look what his mate Z Jing Ping just arranged...

    He liked that idea didn't he?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago


    Almost eight billion of us. Things are looking up. If you could just hang on awhile...In 200 - 300 million years we'll be the new batch of coal.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    America had another year of sluggish growth.

    The U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 1.6% in 2016, the Commerce Department reported Friday.

    In the last three months of the year -- between October and December -- the economy grew at an annual rate of 1.9%. It's the slowest pace of growth since 2011.It reflects how slow the recovery has been for many Americans since the Great Recession, which ended in 2009. Yup, Trumps fault.
    These were the 50 most violent cities in the world in 2017

    42. Detroit had 39.69 homicides per 100,000 residents.

    All Trumps fault or a Dem run disaster, isn't this Obama's home state? Didn't he have 8 years to fix it?

    I know the guns came from surounding states...but those states are not on the list...why?

    5. Tijuana, Mexico, had 100.77 homicides per 100,000 residents.

    Dem solution bring in everyone.

    California's freindly border neighbor. No cartel members running around Ca. I'm sure.

    Dem solution gun free Ca.

    Stopgap shouldn't that bird avatar be an ostrich?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    So in other words, your life hasn't changed or suffered with the election of Trump. Got it. If you haven't had your money invested in the market over the last year, I feel sorry for you.

    Its okay...I asked the other posters the same question, and they all had the same answer. The Trump presidency has not really changed their life one little bit either. Being "concerned" is not the same thing as having your life changed in a significant way. Most people don't really care what someone might do. They are more interested in what that someone actually does.

    It was no different for republicans under the Obama terms. The truth is, for the vast majority of all citizens, life usually does not change much from one president to the next...generally speaking of course.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    HC, you're slipping. You forgot to stick another pin in your Hillary voodoo doll.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    Well Stoneage, Why do you think anyone here is obligated to answer any questions posed by you or any other trolls that refuse to learn? Who the hell do you people think you are? But just like trying to explain anything to little children. The questions are endless and usually a waste of time. Einstein has said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. And that includes trying to reason with Republicans!

    Nonetheless, one more time. Maybe our democracy doesn't mean much to Republicans, but the rest of us are very concerned about it. And we find those that have to cheat by means of Russian interference, extreme gerrymandering and bigoted voter suppression tactics, to be anti-American and treasonous. So, though it doesn't seem to bother you, many loyal Americans are very offended that many of our fellow citizens are so shallow, bigoted and racist and easily taken in for a candidate that is so obviously unqualified, a pathological liar and ignorant of what government does. To Republicans, American Democracy is just a toy for a spoiled blowhard Richie Rich with arrested development.

    So, the worry, feeling of insecurity and angst brought on by having this moron in the White House has certainly negatively affected my way of life and the lives of the vast majority that have no confidence in Trump. How would you feel sitting next to a time bomb?

    I have personally curtailed the way I invest my money knowing that, like Bush before him, Trump's house of cards is destined to collapse…as it has throughout his business career, leaving a trail of bankruptcies in his wake, leaving large numbers unpaid for their materials and services and destroying the lives of many that invested in him, while he sneaks out the back door and looks for the next bunch of saps that want to believe his get-rich-quick schemes.

    You're belief that nothing major has happened yet to change our lifestyle since Trump has become president is typical of the shortsightedness that is epidemic with Republicans. In reality, he has had very few legislative accomplishments and because of that, he has been able to skate along riding the Obama era economy for is first year in office. It took almost 8 years for Bush to bring us into the greatest recession since the Great Depression and Trump is following the same path, only on steroids, or whatever is is that makes him sniffle all the time.

    And don't confuse the Stock Market with the economy. They are two completely different things. Yes, the economy has been chugging along, much as Obama left it. But if you were to ask Republicans, the devastation left by Bush was actually at the end of Obama's presidency and Trump has miraculously turned things around.

    It's very telling that you don't want to hear what Trump might do. After all why would you want to buzz-kill the current orgy and the delusional fantasies about what the future may bring. Republicans have been living this, "live for today, Trickle Down" system of economics since Reagan.

    But, actually Trump, with his so called "tax cut" that is destined to balloon the deficit, reversal of environmental policies, appointments of grossly unqualified men and women to important cabinet positions, has already done enough to crash the economy and doom the planet to irreversible climate change, and the time bomb is ticking while the cult of Republican sycophants blissfully (ignorance is bliss) frolic around their Dear Leader. Heil Trumpler!!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    Well Nancy Pelosi wants arizona to mow the grass in the desert and stopgap wants me to weed wack the natural habitat of the forest

    And they think I have mental issues.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    How many democrats had to vote for Trump to get him elected?

    Tell us has your life changed with the election of Donald Trump? Are you an illegal alien hiding from ICE? Tell us how Donald Trump has made your everyday life worse than it was a couple of years ago. And please be specific. We all want to hear what Trump has done to you. And don't tell us what you think he might do, tell us exactly how your life is now so much worse with the election of the Donald.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    Stoneage, At least we liberals can count. You greedy, bigot, treasonous, child fucking abettors still can't get it into you dense rightwing Nazi/Fascist heads that Trump (TV hack and lowlife, pussygrabbing conman) actually lost the Popular Vote by almost 3 million votes and only won by the Southern bigot "rigged Electoral College," just like his Republican predecessor…and then, only with the help of Russia, the FBI-ala James Comey, extreme gerry maundering and bigoted voter suppression tactics.

    Actually, Trump's election only proves just how fucked-up conservatives are. "All the best people" can't seem to get to the exit fast enough...and "all the best words" are the vocabulary of a C-, 4th grader.

    By the time Trump gets done fucking up the Country, just like his Republican predecessor Bush, you'll be swearing that you never voted for this insane blowhard, just like conservatives couldn't run from Bush fast enough.

    One would think that conservatives would learn. But when you graduate from "Trump University" and Fox News…and drink Trump Wine and eat Trump Steaks, what can anyone expect! Have another glass of Trump Kool Aid! Yum!!! Yum!!! Yum!!!

    The moral of this story is, just how immoral Republicans are!

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    Sad the way the truth sends them into rage & temper tantrums.

    Can't figure out who they plan to run for president in 2020.

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago

    Its too bad the democrats did not get over their obsession with Hillary until it was way too late. Let us repeat again for effect...Hillary (political veteran) Clinton lost to Donald (TV star and political neophyte) Trump. The democrats have gone off the rails, and Trump's election proves it.

    What's sad is that the strategy that led to the election of the Donald appears to still be in full force and effect. What's the definition of madness?

  • Democrats Should Steal Trump's Thunder on Trade   6 years 47 weeks ago sweet. Reynolds is still all concerned about how much sleep us " lefty socialists" are getting..
    She really does care!!
    Hugs and kisses..
    And merry "fuckn" Christmas! ;-*

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