Thanks for the links! Politicians doing the right thing should be told, they are rare and appreciated...good on you!
Tonight I'm ranting, but not at you...
As for Kaepernick He seems to be in the wrecking NFL & Nike business and getting paid well for it I assume, or Kamala who lived in Canada at least during high school, and all the other offended lefties...if America has been so bad to you why stay here? Hmmm oh yeah...cause you want to be president so you can...what? Hate America better?? Destroy more representations of history...I get it they can tear things down or rip them up but what do they,build, fix or repair?? The border? the homeless , please tell me what you are making better? If you think there is too much white history why not put up more black and brown history, statues, art, poetry ( a tribute to Maya Angelou perhaps), films, businesses, etc, Mad about the 4th in DC? Go to the new Black History Museum in DC instead, (the way to have a history is to make one and document it) and quit whinning....everyone has been offended about something at some time.
Remember that old song sixteen tons? For most whites that's their history.
It's a different kind of slavery....slavery has been around a long long time.
AOC were you elected to stop children from getting funding at the border so you could complain that children didn't have what they need at the border?? perhaps there are homeless mothers and children in your district? Do you think they could have used those jobs you threw away.
Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby?
Also I didn't know offending someone was a crime...however beating someone with a crowbar is a crime,,,,and the MSM doesn't even report your news being cencored? you particiate in spreading contempt for fellow Americans???
Coalage3 , at this point in time all President Trump has to do is ten second clips of those idiots on the debate stage. He need say nothing, just a split screen with him smiling while the softball questions were being asked and their hands waving like school children.
HotCoffee, Portland/Seattle has to be a couple of the worst places to live in the US.
The mayor is endorsing this trouble and the police apparently are in support of the violence. The incompetent mayor of Portland can be reached here,
As for me being prepared for trouble? I avoid places where it can happen but remember I am a firearms instructor and have not left the house without a firearm on me for the last twenty-five years. If I were to be in a situation where an individual is coming at me or my family with a crowbar, the result would likely hit the national news and I would be on Tucker Carlson that evening.
Gotta look up everything that transpired with Nike and the Betsy Ross flag. Colon Kaepernick, that petulant little brat now worth $22 million dollars, thinks blacks have no opportunity in the USA so he gets Nike to pull a line of shoes they have already manufactured.
God Bless Governor Doug Ducey or AZ who told Nike to shove their new plant plans unless they want to pay full fare taxes on the building and property instead of the incentives extracted from them by Nike in their search.
I sent an e-mail congratulating Governor Ducey on his great decision of inviting Nike to search elsewhere for some suckers to finance their operation. The good Governor of AZ can be thanked here,
Today, July 1st, is the first day of the third quarter 2019. As typical some of the earliest economic reporting from June is released. One of the first reports comes from the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) as they compile the manufacturing sector.
As noted in the ISM review, manufacturing growth remains strong with an overall index of 51.7 (anything above 50 is growth), and the results are stronger than initially predicted by the financial media (Wall Street).
The manufacturing production index for June is 54.1 versus last month’s 51.3 (May); generally this means manufacturing outputs are growing, order backlogs are being reduced, orders are being fulfilled faster. This is an indication that new production investment is now coming on-line and delivering actual products from orders.
In the past CTH had noted the heavy Main Street investment which began in 2017 would start to come on-line in Q2 2019, it generally takes about two years for a new manufacturing facility to start producing, and then increases in production efficiency follow. The ISM result shows we were pretty close with that forecast.
One of the first questions Savannah Guthrie asked at the debate was whether the far-left agenda of the democrat candidates would put the much improved Trump economy at risk. She referred to a poll that said over 70% of americans thought the economy was doing well including 60% of democrats.
Now, if a democrat gets elected and is somehow able to implement the socialist agenda which includes a bunch of "free stuff", why work at all? If you are going to have your basis needs provided for by someone else, where is the incentive to work?
Good morning Hot Coffee, it's Tuesday already. I see from the section above that Hatrmann is ragging about Trump's economy again. I find it interesting that for the last two years, records have been set for stock market highs and unemployment in every category at 50-year lows, manufacturing up, and yet we get this crap from the leftie/socialists. I remember back when I was a regular listener, it was 2013 and Thom was telling everybody to get out of the stock market, all based on wishes and a couple of sisters he follows both of which run their business offshore. Writing a book detailing the date of the "Great Crash" has to be one of the biggest blunders an author has ever made.
And now I hear that the KKK, better known these days as Antifa, has beat up anther person in Portland. This was a reporter who happens to be gay and of Vietnamese heritage. Apparently, he wrote some stuff about Antifa that they didn't like. So he has to be beaten. Who runs the city of Portland anyway? Why don't they just go ahead and hand out black sheets and hoods to the Antifa thugs? The next time a rally is to be held in Portland, Trump should send in the US marshals to arrest anyone who causes trouble.
How about it Thom Hartmann? Don't you agree that these Antifa, klanish street thugs should be arrested for their obvious law breaking?
I hear that a new war has broken out. We shall call it the "Spitting Wars". I'm sure that you heard about the spitting incident involving Eric Trump. And of course there have been other incidents where administration people have been harassed at restaurants because of their association with Trump. Now you have the NYT and other publications basically saying that its okay for people to be spit on, to be attacked by the left version of the KKK (known as Antifa), etc.
I wonder what would happen if someone went up and spit on Kamala Harris. After all, she is a hater of the first degree and perhaps the biggest religious bigot in the senate. The NYT says its okay to spit or attack people you don't agree with. The law doesn't matter either. Screw the law.
How about you Thom Hartmann? Is it okay to attack or spit on people you don't agree with politically, or culturally?
Stanislav Petrov was called "the man who saved the world" because his decision prevented nuclear war from breaking out. According to AP, on the night of September 26, 1983, the alarm rang, signaling that the US launched intercontinental ballistic missiles. Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov, 44, had to decide quickly whether the attack on the Soviet Union was real or not.
This is indeed good news! Finally the folks in the tech industry realized they thrashing the environment too much that they felt compelled to make something nice. candy crush soda saga
I see President Trump was the first US president to enter NKorea. I suspect past presidents would have loved to have done the same. I wonder how the leftie/socialist radio talking head will spin this into a negative.
Your links of obama doing and making the exact same comments on the border that Trump is now making is hilarious. It is amazing how the leftie media tries to pretend that never happened. It's like they forget there is video of nearly everything and research only takes a second or two. (avoid Google).
One more beauty that points out the utter stupidity of those on the left surely to be covered by Thom Hatrmann.
The leftie/socialists complain there aren't enough beds in detention centers,
The Trump administration orders thousands of beds from online retailer, Wayfair.
Leftie/socialist democrats complain that Wayfair is making beds for "concentration camps".
Wayfair workers stage a walkout and stop making beds that were being sent to the detention facilities.
All Trump has to do is post 10-second videos of this crap and he is a walk in second term win.
Maybe the funniest 10 minutes of video ever on youtube.
I agree with the autor cause 60% schools in the world are not free. Students should go at work or find at least a part-time job to pay for education. Of course such circumstances force people to find alternative ways like to get high points. Let's make education accessible to all.
and I was thinking how does that work exactly... scientifically? Since the left is so into science.
1. Get uterus and load it with a fetus.
2. transplant into transperson.
3. Then... transperson can go to planned parenthood and get an abortion??
Kamala won the pity me party last night.
I think Kamala would have been around 10 years old at the time of busing.
The problem with her statment is that it leaves out everything else going on in the Bay Area at the time....such as the Patty Hearst case and bombings of at least one police station. The Symbionese Liberation Army, all that soon after the Kent state shootings, and much more. People were nervous! Anyone remember that? Those were crazy times as well.
Coalage3 you are absolutely correct. Hatrmann loves to twist history and choose polls that have been designed to report the outcome he favors but when the rubber meets the road most these leftie/socialist talking heads are way out of step with most Americans.
What I gathered from listening to segments of those pandering fools on stage over the last two nights,
abolishment of ICE
open borders
free healthcare for all illegals
free college
total forgiveness for student debt.
reparations for blacks
Higher taxes
Abortion on demand anywhere, anytime, paid for with government insurance
At this point in time, any rational person that steps forward and runs on the democrat ticket would have a chance at defeating President Trump.
All Trump has to do is ask the American people if they want to elect someone who is pushing the above points. If he follows that simple plan he has nothing to worry about in 2020.
The party is moving toward all sorts of positions that drive away moderates and make it more likely the nominee will be unelectable. And it’s doing it without too much dissent.
First, there is health care. When Warren and Kamala Harris raised their hands and said that they would eliminate employer-based health insurance, they made the most important gesture of the campaign so far. Over 70 percent of Americans with insurance through their employers are satisfied with their health plan. Warren, Harris and Sanders would take that away.
According to a Hill-HarrisX survey, only 13 percent of Americans say they would prefer a health insurance system with no private plans. Warren and Sanders pin themselves, and perhaps the Democratic Party, to a 13 percent policy idea. Trump is smiling.
Third, Democrats are wandering into dangerous territory on immigration. They properly trumpet the glories immigrants bring to this country. But the candidates can’t let anybody get to the left of them on this issue. So now you’ve got a lot of candidates who sound operationally open borders. Progressive parties all over the world are getting decimated because they have fallen into this pattern.
Thanks for the links! Politicians doing the right thing should be told, they are rare and appreciated...good on you!
Tonight I'm ranting, but not at you...
As for Kaepernick He seems to be in the wrecking NFL & Nike business and getting paid well for it I assume, or Kamala who lived in Canada at least during high school, and all the other offended lefties...if America has been so bad to you why stay here? Hmmm oh yeah...cause you want to be president so you can...what? Hate America better?? Destroy more representations of history...I get it they can tear things down or rip them up but what do they,build, fix or repair?? The border? the homeless , please tell me what you are making better? If you think there is too much white history why not put up more black and brown history, statues, art, poetry ( a tribute to Maya Angelou perhaps), films, businesses, etc, Mad about the 4th in DC? Go to the new Black History Museum in DC instead, (the way to have a history is to make one and document it) and quit whinning....everyone has been offended about something at some time.
Remember that old song sixteen tons? For most whites that's their history.
It's a different kind of slavery....slavery has been around a long long time.
How far back do you plan to go? Egypt?
AOC were you elected to stop children from getting funding at the border so you could complain that children didn't have what they need at the border?? perhaps there are homeless mothers and children in your district? Do you think they could have used those jobs you threw away.
Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby?
Also I didn't know offending someone was a crime...however beating someone with a crowbar is a crime,,,,and the MSM doesn't even report your news being cencored? you particiate in spreading contempt for fellow Americans???
....Antifa = KKK & both are very sick puppies.
Sorry, that's my rant...All better now :)) !
Its a genuine act but it led to nothing as few genuine people joined to push for the same concrete polishing Iowa.
Coalage3 , at this point in time all President Trump has to do is ten second clips of those idiots on the debate stage. He need say nothing, just a split screen with him smiling while the softball questions were being asked and their hands waving like school children.
HotCoffee, Portland/Seattle has to be a couple of the worst places to live in the US.
The mayor is endorsing this trouble and the police apparently are in support of the violence. The incompetent mayor of Portland can be reached here,
As for me being prepared for trouble? I avoid places where it can happen but remember I am a firearms instructor and have not left the house without a firearm on me for the last twenty-five years. If I were to be in a situation where an individual is coming at me or my family with a crowbar, the result would likely hit the national news and I would be on Tucker Carlson that evening.
Gotta look up everything that transpired with Nike and the Betsy Ross flag. Colon Kaepernick, that petulant little brat now worth $22 million dollars, thinks blacks have no opportunity in the USA so he gets Nike to pull a line of shoes they have already manufactured.
God Bless Governor Doug Ducey or AZ who told Nike to shove their new plant plans unless they want to pay full fare taxes on the building and property instead of the incentives extracted from them by Nike in their search.
I sent an e-mail congratulating Governor Ducey on his great decision of inviting Nike to search elsewhere for some suckers to finance their operation. The good Governor of AZ can be thanked here,
An awesome Tuesday to you Diane,
U.S. Manufacturing Growth Strong, U.S. Manufacturer Hiring Very Strong, Material Costs Lower (no tariff impact)…Posted on July 1, 2019 by sundance
Today, July 1st, is the first day of the third quarter 2019. As typical some of the earliest economic reporting from June is released. One of the first reports comes from the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) as they compile the manufacturing sector.
As noted in the ISM review, manufacturing growth remains strong with an overall index of 51.7 (anything above 50 is growth), and the results are stronger than initially predicted by the financial media (Wall Street).
The manufacturing production index for June is 54.1 versus last month’s 51.3 (May); generally this means manufacturing outputs are growing, order backlogs are being reduced, orders are being fulfilled faster. This is an indication that new production investment is now coming on-line and delivering actual products from orders.
In the past CTH had noted the heavy Main Street investment which began in 2017 would start to come on-line in Q2 2019, it generally takes about two years for a new manufacturing facility to start producing, and then increases in production efficiency follow. The ISM result shows we were pretty close with that forecast.
and more @
Portland Antifa: Watch Thugs Beat Elderly Man With a Crowbar
Sick people out there be alert on the 4th.................
Antifa Claims to be Planning Chemical Attack In Washington D.C.
One of the first questions Savannah Guthrie asked at the debate was whether the far-left agenda of the democrat candidates would put the much improved Trump economy at risk. She referred to a poll that said over 70% of americans thought the economy was doing well including 60% of democrats.
Now, if a democrat gets elected and is somehow able to implement the socialist agenda which includes a bunch of "free stuff", why work at all? If you are going to have your basis needs provided for by someone else, where is the incentive to work?
Good morning Hot Coffee, it's Tuesday already. I see from the section above that Hatrmann is ragging about Trump's economy again. I find it interesting that for the last two years, records have been set for stock market highs and unemployment in every category at 50-year lows, manufacturing up, and yet we get this crap from the leftie/socialists. I remember back when I was a regular listener, it was 2013 and Thom was telling everybody to get out of the stock market, all based on wishes and a couple of sisters he follows both of which run their business offshore. Writing a book detailing the date of the "Great Crash" has to be one of the biggest blunders an author has ever made.
Gotta run, catch you later.
Diane & coalage
Amen I agree with both of you.
Thom wouldn't last long on tv if he told the truth. Antifa is a terrorist group that makes Mad auntie Maxine proud.
Sorry been busy....
Coalage3, Harassing is ok if you are a leftie/socialist. Anybody does it from the right and they are called Nazis.
With respect to Portland, It has become a sh*thole city and the stupid residents of that city deserve everything they voted for.
And now I hear that the KKK, better known these days as Antifa, has beat up anther person in Portland. This was a reporter who happens to be gay and of Vietnamese heritage. Apparently, he wrote some stuff about Antifa that they didn't like. So he has to be beaten. Who runs the city of Portland anyway? Why don't they just go ahead and hand out black sheets and hoods to the Antifa thugs? The next time a rally is to be held in Portland, Trump should send in the US marshals to arrest anyone who causes trouble.
How about it Thom Hartmann? Don't you agree that these Antifa, klanish street thugs should be arrested for their obvious law breaking?
I hear that a new war has broken out. We shall call it the "Spitting Wars". I'm sure that you heard about the spitting incident involving Eric Trump. And of course there have been other incidents where administration people have been harassed at restaurants because of their association with Trump. Now you have the NYT and other publications basically saying that its okay for people to be spit on, to be attacked by the left version of the KKK (known as Antifa), etc.
I wonder what would happen if someone went up and spit on Kamala Harris. After all, she is a hater of the first degree and perhaps the biggest religious bigot in the senate. The NYT says its okay to spit or attack people you don't agree with. The law doesn't matter either. Screw the law.
How about you Thom Hartmann? Is it okay to attack or spit on people you don't agree with politically, or culturally?
Stanislav Petrov was called "the man who saved the world" because his decision prevented nuclear war from breaking out. According to AP, on the night of September 26, 1983, the alarm rang, signaling that the US launched intercontinental ballistic missiles. Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov, 44, had to decide quickly whether the attack on the Soviet Union was real or not.
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Good morning HotCoffee and a great Sunday it is.
I see President Trump was the first US president to enter NKorea. I suspect past presidents would have loved to have done the same. I wonder how the leftie/socialist radio talking head will spin this into a negative.
Your links of obama doing and making the exact same comments on the border that Trump is now making is hilarious. It is amazing how the leftie media tries to pretend that never happened. It's like they forget there is video of nearly everything and research only takes a second or two. (avoid Google).
One more beauty that points out the utter stupidity of those on the left surely to be covered by Thom Hatrmann.
The leftie/socialists complain there aren't enough beds in detention centers,
The Trump administration orders thousands of beds from online retailer, Wayfair.
Leftie/socialist democrats complain that Wayfair is making beds for "concentration camps".
Wayfair workers stage a walkout and stop making beds that were being sent to the detention facilities.
All Trump has to do is post 10-second videos of this crap and he is a walk in second term win.
Maybe the funniest 10 minutes of video ever on youtube.
I agree with the autor cause 60% schools in the world are not free. Students should go at work or find at least a part-time job to pay for education. Of course such circumstances force people to find alternative ways like to get high points. Let's make education accessible to all.
Happy Saturday Kids,
And here's Willie Brown, pretty honest really!
Local // Willie's WorldDemocrats have a 2020 problem: Trump is good at electionsWillie Brown Feb. 9, 2019 Updated: Feb. 9, 2019 7:25 a.m.
and that's what I like about Willie he's it or not!
Great website Thom thank you for the sharint, Dr Balti
Hilarious parody of the Dempcratic debates (video, ~2 min)
Hi Diane,
So in post #35 you posted ..."Julian Castro defends transgender women's right to abortion"
and I was thinking how does that work exactly... scientifically? Since the left is so into science.
1. Get uterus and load it with a fetus.
2. transplant into transperson.
3. Then... transperson can go to planned parenthood and get an abortion??
Kamala won the pity me party last night.
I think Kamala would have been around 10 years old at the time of busing.
The problem with her statment is that it leaves out everything else going on in the Bay Area at the time....such as the Patty Hearst case and bombings of at least one police station. The Symbionese Liberation Army, all that soon after the Kent state shootings, and much more. People were nervous! Anyone remember that? Those were crazy times as well.
Coalage3 you are absolutely correct. Hatrmann loves to twist history and choose polls that have been designed to report the outcome he favors but when the rubber meets the road most these leftie/socialist talking heads are way out of step with most Americans.
What I gathered from listening to segments of those pandering fools on stage over the last two nights,
abolishment of ICE
open borders
free healthcare for all illegals
free college
total forgiveness for student debt.
reparations for blacks
Higher taxes
Abortion on demand anywhere, anytime, paid for with government insurance
At this point in time, any rational person that steps forward and runs on the democrat ticket would have a chance at defeating President Trump.
All Trump has to do is ask the American people if they want to elect someone who is pushing the above points. If he follows that simple plan he has nothing to worry about in 2020.
David Brooks, a Never Trumper if there ever was one, points out the obvious:
The party is moving toward all sorts of positions that drive away moderates and make it more likely the nominee will be unelectable. And it’s doing it without too much dissent.
First, there is health care. When Warren and Kamala Harris raised their hands and said that they would eliminate employer-based health insurance, they made the most important gesture of the campaign so far. Over 70 percent of Americans with insurance through their employers are satisfied with their health plan. Warren, Harris and Sanders would take that away.
According to a Hill-HarrisX survey, only 13 percent of Americans say they would prefer a health insurance system with no private plans. Warren and Sanders pin themselves, and perhaps the Democratic Party, to a 13 percent policy idea. Trump is smiling.
Third, Democrats are wandering into dangerous territory on immigration. They properly trumpet the glories immigrants bring to this country. But the candidates can’t let anybody get to the left of them on this issue. So now you’ve got a lot of candidates who sound operationally open borders. Progressive parties all over the world are getting decimated because they have fallen into this pattern.
Hey there, please continue to write more blog posts about Brexit! I forgot to ask you that the other day. Thanks! -Rob at