Trump is a reality TV / Mob Boss style president. It blows my mind that thar many of the American people are ok with this. I guess decades of numbing us and breaking down our values through an "Ugle American" culture has led to this acceptance. It is so obvious how Trump plays the emotions of the left and media, as well as firing up the right with these tactics.
If we look back at all the manufacturered drama created by malcontent leftie/socialists, they have drawn a big fail on each and every one of them. Yesterdays NYT (of all places)
Another beauty from the "you can't make this stuff up" department.
Some Amazon workers chose yesterday (Prime day) to go in a limited strike. Why you ask? Part of the reason their strike leaders stated was Amazon was cooperating with ICE in ridding Amazon of illegal workers. DUH!
Trump is calling out the Gang for their perverted views of how the american government should function. While the public face of the party of death shows support for the Gang, I would bet that privately many dems wish they would just be quiet. There is no question that the Trump strategy of making the party of death showing support for communism and illegality is so far successful. The dems take his bait every single time, and then he reels them in. You can call it racist if you want, but its also true.
The Gang has every right to say what they want and to serve in Congress. But Trump has every right to call them out for their communist/socialist beliefs, their support of illegal immigration and open borders, their support for wealth confiscation, their failure to condemn the violence of Antifa, their anti-semitism, etc. Now I agree that he is getting too personal with them, but he is playing them like a Stradivarius. And they let him.
The Gang, and the rest of the so-called progressives/dems/party of death, think they are beyond reproach. They remind me of the spoiled kid in grade school who throws a temper tantrum when they don't get their way or when nobody pays attention to them. If they really want to make an impact, be quiet and work behind the scenes. Quit making yourself the center of attention. Can anyone name even five other first year representatives to the House?
Didn't think so and that tells you all you need to know about the Gang.
Did it backfire on AOC when she called Pelosi a racist? I don't think it hurt her one little bit. But she's a democrat so the liberal media gives her a pass. How about you Thom? You going to give her racist comments a pass too? How about you DS? A pass for AOC?
They should go back to where they came from: The sewer.
By next November, the rest of America -- if you're listening -- should be disgusted enough to thoroughly destroy the morally bankrupt Republican Party and their disgusting base of racists and bigots for generations to come in a landslide victory of moral outrage.
I reallly think you are right, It's time to overturn the Supreme Court decisions that gave war contractor billionaires the ability to own an entire political party.
I can see this taking down our country eventually.
Well I agree about peace talk i don't want to have another world war 3 in all countries because i love my life as well as my family so please share avoid having war in any countries. Click here to see more..
Hey HotCoffee, I think anyone would have been inspired working with those kids yesterday. One of the girls worked with lad two prosthetic legs above the knee, and one arm gone just below her elbow. She never stopped smiling the entire two days she was at our range. She has shot a precision air rifle only once in her life but managed to finish in second place. Today she is competing in Track, swimming, and ping pong.
As for Pelosi's nephew, I see no way he will be recalled. I believe what will will go on in CA is the continual migration of taxpayers and corporations to other states leaving the burdens on the remaining. unfunded liabilities alone approaches $1 TRILLION. Notice the alt-lefties never talk about that.
Just in from one of your websites I would like to discuss with Mr. Hatrmann,
Good Wednesday HotCoffee. I had a great Mon and Tues working with kids 8-16 with handicaps. Mostly missing limbs and a few in wheelchairs for life. They were warming up for national para Olympics events in a variety of sports including track, field, archery and shooting sports. We held the airgun matches at our range and I have never been so inspired in my life. Nothing but smiles and laughter from these polite young kids.
Let's hope the leftie/socialists haven't yet figured out they have fallen into Trump's trap. Useful idiots like Hatrmann, Miller, and the like continue with their stupid "everything republican is racist"
Collusion? Not according to a too long investigation by Mueller. Economy collapsing? Hardly, with wages and employment up and the stock market at an all time high. If you have a 401K account, send Trump a thank you note. Trump's poll numbers are up and match Obama's at the same time in their terms. And he is likely to be the first president since WW II not to start a conflict somewhere. Emoluments trouble? Trump just won a lawsuit in connection to that challenge. He has also put two judges on the Supreme Court.
Now let us consider the presidential candidates from the party of death (they used to be called the democrats). Most are advocating doing away with employer based health insurance, even though the vast majority of american citizens who have them like them. The party of death advocates for open borders and free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Or how about publicly funded abortions for trans men? Thats a good one. Does anyone remember "safe, legal, and rare"? And don't forget reparations for the black community. Gun confiscation is always on the list for the death party too. I don't know why they even bother with all of this since they think the world is coming to an end tomorrow due to climate change.
Now think about this. Donald Trump has now emerged as the safe candidate in the upcoming election at least as compared to Harris, Pocahontas, Sanders, Spartacus, etc. Why do you think Biden still leads the polls? Because he at least appears somewhat normal as compared to the death party candidates. I wonder though if Obama knew Joe was a racist. Oh well, every white person is now a racist so Joe really can't help it.
Think about how screwed up the democratic party has now become that they make the Donald appear as the level headed person.
The iconic late poet Maya Angelou once said, “When people show you who they are, believe them.” That simple advice seems especially relevant regarding the American left in 2019. Both politicians and activists of the Democratic media complex scurry to charge racism against President Trump and our nationalist movement, when in reality they themselves employ brutally divisive political strategies buttressed by their own increasingly bigoted thinking.
Sadly, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley echoes the divisive designs of my cable news counterparts. Specifically, she told the uber-leftist “woke-palooza” Netroots Nation crowd that “we don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.” Her message -- really her warning -- was crystal clear: We on the left view you not as a human being with thoughts and dignity and a soul, but rather as a skin-deep political robot. As such, deviations from the progressive party line will not be tolerated, particularly from minorities. Her thinking flows from the same bigoted philosophy that attacked me on CNN Monday night.
Moreover, many minorities like me gravitate to President Trump not because he speaks delicately or because he never offends us (or others), but rather because he has become the political warrior we need. He fights the status quo at home and abroad and demands that the interests of working-class Americans – many of whom are black and brown – take priority. Thus, he works for secure borders to protect minority citizens from illegal alien crime and unfair workforce competition, and restructures trade deals that had decimated manufacturing in America. He has also unleashed the power of small business through tax and regulatory relief, a particularly powerful propellant for our highly entrepreneurial Hispanic communities. This growth explains why Hispanic wage growth now vastly exceeds the national average, a stark contrast to the slow-growth Obama era. Such real-world, tangible improvements easily eclipse the false promises and lofty rhetoric the Democrats have directed toward minorities for decades.
This resurgence will not be deterred by the fear-mongering and intimidation of luminaries of the New York Times, TV news, and the halls of Congress. Their bigotry must be exposed. Their paradoxical prejudice must be revealed. And when these self-serving, manipulative leftist bigots show us who they are, believe them.
The problem is that the party of death in congress has done absolutely nothing about the immigration invasion/problem. After all, they will condone anything if they think it is to their political advantage. And the repubs are not much better.
They should all be impeached for dereliction of duty for not protecting this country. Trump's repeated calls for congress to do something to fix the illegal immigration crisis are right on the mark.
As usual, you have it backwards. The political dynamite is the party of death's socialist plan to completely do away with private health insurance. Most people who have employer provided plans are satisfied and want to keep them. What does Bernie plan to do about them?
Trump is a reality TV / Mob Boss style president. It blows my mind that thar many of the American people are ok with this. I guess decades of numbing us and breaking down our values through an "Ugle American" culture has led to this acceptance. It is so obvious how Trump plays the emotions of the left and media, as well as firing up the right with these tactics.
David - Austin TX Business Owner -
The comedy continues,
Will women vote for Trump in 2020. A little clip from CNN. Anderson Cooper is really having a bad run following his interview with that nut job that claimed rape was sexy.
Then, followed by this disaster,
Good Thursday HotCoffee & Coalage3,
If we look back at all the manufacturered drama created by malcontent leftie/socialists, they have drawn a big fail on each and every one of them. Yesterdays NYT (of all places)
‘Trump’s Going to Get Re-elected, Isn’t He?’
Voters have reason to worry.
Another beauty from the "you can't make this stuff up" department.
Some Amazon workers chose yesterday (Prime day) to go in a limited strike. Why you ask? Part of the reason their strike leaders stated was Amazon was cooperating with ICE in ridding Amazon of illegal workers. DUH!
Trump is calling out the Gang for their perverted views of how the american government should function. While the public face of the party of death shows support for the Gang, I would bet that privately many dems wish they would just be quiet. There is no question that the Trump strategy of making the party of death showing support for communism and illegality is so far successful. The dems take his bait every single time, and then he reels them in. You can call it racist if you want, but its also true.
The Gang has every right to say what they want and to serve in Congress. But Trump has every right to call them out for their communist/socialist beliefs, their support of illegal immigration and open borders, their support for wealth confiscation, their failure to condemn the violence of Antifa, their anti-semitism, etc. Now I agree that he is getting too personal with them, but he is playing them like a Stradivarius. And they let him.
The Gang, and the rest of the so-called progressives/dems/party of death, think they are beyond reproach. They remind me of the spoiled kid in grade school who throws a temper tantrum when they don't get their way or when nobody pays attention to them. If they really want to make an impact, be quiet and work behind the scenes. Quit making yourself the center of attention. Can anyone name even five other first year representatives to the House?
Didn't think so and that tells you all you need to know about the Gang.
Did it backfire on AOC when she called Pelosi a racist? I don't think it hurt her one little bit. But she's a democrat so the liberal media gives her a pass. How about you Thom? You going to give her racist comments a pass too? How about you DS? A pass for AOC?
On Thom's Blog, the Trump troll circlejerk of Coalage3/Dianereynolds/HotCoffee has a long history of racism and bigotry.
The United States has a long history of racism and bigotry.
Ever since the Southern Strategy, modern-day Republicans have a long history of racism and bigotry.
Trump has a long history of racism and bigotry.
Racism and bigotry are learned behaviors; what you think makes you a racist and a bigot.
If you support a racist and a bigot, that makes you a racist and a bigot.
A large minority of white U.S. citizens are racists and bigots.
They should go back to where they came from: The sewer.
By next November, the rest of America -- if you're listening -- should be disgusted enough to thoroughly destroy the morally bankrupt Republican Party and their disgusting base of racists and bigots for generations to come in a landslide victory of moral outrage.
Trump is certainly helping Democrats achieve that goal.
Make America Great Again indeed!
I reallly think you are right, It's time to overturn the Supreme Court decisions that gave war contractor billionaires the ability to own an entire political party.
I can see this taking down our country eventually.
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Hey HotCoffee, I think anyone would have been inspired working with those kids yesterday. One of the girls worked with lad two prosthetic legs above the knee, and one arm gone just below her elbow. She never stopped smiling the entire two days she was at our range. She has shot a precision air rifle only once in her life but managed to finish in second place. Today she is competing in Track, swimming, and ping pong.
As for Pelosi's nephew, I see no way he will be recalled. I believe what will will go on in CA is the continual migration of taxpayers and corporations to other states leaving the burdens on the remaining. unfunded liabilities alone approaches $1 TRILLION. Notice the alt-lefties never talk about that.
Just in from one of your websites I would like to discuss with Mr. Hatrmann,
Alexandria Ocashew-Cortex Claims Democrats Conquered the Moon and Gave You Electricity
That woman is a waste of skin.
Maybe later
Hi Diane,
Sounds like a great way to spend the last 2 days, I would have enjoyed being there.
The debt ceiling needs to be raised.
Spending appropriations bills need to be resolved.
Immigration laws need to be fixed.
The border is in crisis.
Infrastructure spending needs to be resolved.
The USMCA needs to be ratified.
Health care is a mess.
Forget all those issues that matter…. what does House Speaker Nancy Pelosi do?
Why, stop everything so she can advance a resolution to prove her squad doesn’t like President Trump.
Should be an interesting rally in NC today....
better get more popcorn!
AND last but not least...
Recall California Governor Gavin Newsom! Make California Great Again.
Right here!
Sorry HotCoffee, I just read the title of Hatrmann's blog.
"How Has the Right Wing Takeover of the GOP and the Media Changed America?"
The right wing media? WTF is he talking about?
Good Wednesday HotCoffee. I had a great Mon and Tues working with kids 8-16 with handicaps. Mostly missing limbs and a few in wheelchairs for life. They were warming up for national para Olympics events in a variety of sports including track, field, archery and shooting sports. We held the airgun matches at our range and I have never been so inspired in my life. Nothing but smiles and laughter from these polite young kids.
Let's hope the leftie/socialists haven't yet figured out they have fallen into Trump's trap. Useful idiots like Hatrmann, Miller, and the like continue with their stupid "everything republican is racist"
Hoot of the day, Trump's popularity is growing since the leftie/socialist media misquoted Trump's tweet over and over.
In other news,
Beetooo is done. BETO BOTTOMS OUT: O’Rourke at 0% in New Hampshire poll — was at 6.4% in April!
Bernie is running out of fereeshit to offer, Sanders losing the ‘Bern’ in New Hampshire: poll
Democrat ‘Doomsday Scenario’ as Campaign Funds Evaporate
Anxiously waiting for Hatrmann's youtube video on the leftie/socialist activist that attacked the Tacoma, WA ICE center.
Washington ICE detention center attacker Willem Van Spronsen wrote 'I am Antifa' manifesto before assault
The disassembling of the democrat party 101:
Thank you to the Stephanie Miller's and Thom Hatrmann's of the world. You are the best ally the Republican party could ever recruit.
Lord help me as I am running out of popcorn.
Lets review...shall we?
Collusion? Not according to a too long investigation by Mueller. Economy collapsing? Hardly, with wages and employment up and the stock market at an all time high. If you have a 401K account, send Trump a thank you note. Trump's poll numbers are up and match Obama's at the same time in their terms. And he is likely to be the first president since WW II not to start a conflict somewhere. Emoluments trouble? Trump just won a lawsuit in connection to that challenge. He has also put two judges on the Supreme Court.
Now let us consider the presidential candidates from the party of death (they used to be called the democrats). Most are advocating doing away with employer based health insurance, even though the vast majority of american citizens who have them like them. The party of death advocates for open borders and free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Or how about publicly funded abortions for trans men? Thats a good one. Does anyone remember "safe, legal, and rare"? And don't forget reparations for the black community. Gun confiscation is always on the list for the death party too. I don't know why they even bother with all of this since they think the world is coming to an end tomorrow due to climate change.
Now think about this. Donald Trump has now emerged as the safe candidate in the upcoming election at least as compared to Harris, Pocahontas, Sanders, Spartacus, etc. Why do you think Biden still leads the polls? Because he at least appears somewhat normal as compared to the death party candidates. I wonder though if Obama knew Joe was a racist. Oh well, every white person is now a racist so Joe really can't help it.
Think about how screwed up the democratic party has now become that they make the Donald appear as the level headed person.
Common sense from Steve Cortes:
The iconic late poet Maya Angelou once said, “When people show you who they are, believe them.” That simple advice seems especially relevant regarding the American left in 2019. Both politicians and activists of the Democratic media complex scurry to charge racism against President Trump and our nationalist movement, when in reality they themselves employ brutally divisive political strategies buttressed by their own increasingly bigoted thinking.
Sadly, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley echoes the divisive designs of my cable news counterparts. Specifically, she told the uber-leftist “woke-palooza” Netroots Nation crowd that “we don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.” Her message -- really her warning -- was crystal clear: We on the left view you not as a human being with thoughts and dignity and a soul, but rather as a skin-deep political robot. As such, deviations from the progressive party line will not be tolerated, particularly from minorities. Her thinking flows from the same bigoted philosophy that attacked me on CNN Monday night.
Moreover, many minorities like me gravitate to President Trump not because he speaks delicately or because he never offends us (or others), but rather because he has become the political warrior we need. He fights the status quo at home and abroad and demands that the interests of working-class Americans – many of whom are black and brown – take priority. Thus, he works for secure borders to protect minority citizens from illegal alien crime and unfair workforce competition, and restructures trade deals that had decimated manufacturing in America. He has also unleashed the power of small business through tax and regulatory relief, a particularly powerful propellant for our highly entrepreneurial Hispanic communities. This growth explains why Hispanic wage growth now vastly exceeds the national average, a stark contrast to the slow-growth Obama era. Such real-world, tangible improvements easily eclipse the false promises and lofty rhetoric the Democrats have directed toward minorities for decades.
This resurgence will not be deterred by the fear-mongering and intimidation of luminaries of the New York Times, TV news, and the halls of Congress. Their bigotry must be exposed. Their paradoxical prejudice must be revealed. And when these self-serving, manipulative leftist bigots show us who they are, believe them.
The problem is that the party of death in congress has done absolutely nothing about the immigration invasion/problem. After all, they will condone anything if they think it is to their political advantage. And the repubs are not much better.
They should all be impeached for dereliction of duty for not protecting this country. Trump's repeated calls for congress to do something to fix the illegal immigration crisis are right on the mark.
As usual, you have it backwards. The political dynamite is the party of death's socialist plan to completely do away with private health insurance. Most people who have employer provided plans are satisfied and want to keep them. What does Bernie plan to do about them?