America Concentration Camps & Voter Suppression - What Will it Take for Trump Supporters To See the Light?

Thom plus logo El Salvador and Honduras right now have the highest civilian homicide rates in the world. In the entire world. Even higher than countries like South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which are experiencing civil wars.

There has also been a five-year climate-change-caused drought in the region, which has wiped out millions of family farms and devastated the largely agriculture-based economy of Central American countries, and Guatemala now has the highest malnutrition rate in the world, according to the CIA. This is why we have gone from 1% of refugees reaching the southern US border bringing children with them in 2014, to 50% today. People are literally trying to save their children from being murdered or dying of malnutrition-related diseases.

On top of this, the Trump administration is trying to do everything they can to rig the US census to undercount Latinos in the United States so that they can, essentially, gerrymander the entire country to the political and financial benefit of white Republicans. Meanwhile, the Trump administration and the GOP are delighting in the cruelty of all of it, because they know that without the white racist vote they don't have a chance in 2020. They are not horrified by the pictures and stories coming out of our concentration camps: they want more and more people to see them to fire up white racist voters.

In a year and a half we will have a chance to remove these Republicans from office across the nation. If we fail to, America may well never recover as the nation we thought we knew.


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