Yikes, Tom! I hate to be pedantic, but after writing all your books, your spelling should be better. "Sewn" should be spelled "sown". You S-E-W thread, and S-O-W seeds. "Populace" is spelled correctly the second time you used it. It is a noun in both instances but spelled like the adjective the first time. And doesn't "advocate" get followed by the word "for"? If you "advocate" something, I'm not sure people will know what side you are on. And "yesterdays" should be "yesterday's".
You got that right, Tom. There is no need to carry open weapons in public except to intimidate or shoot someone. The bull that they have a constitutional right is right along with the stupidity of not wearing a face mask. Right along with the stupidity that Democrats have a world wide child trafficing ring run by Hillary Clinton and eating children.
Sad deal all around, and what goes around comes around. Hatred and spreading hate gets the same in return. I'll be damned if i will turn the other cheek.
Regarding automation, robots benefit the robot owners not the workers. There is no mechanism to distribute the increase in profits. The same was true for slavery. It mostly benefited the slave holders, not as much the poor southern farmer who went to war for the south to preserve the way of life of the rich plantation owners.
Wow, a rare moment of sanity from the Denver city council.
Denver City Council Votes Against 'Peace Force' Proposal
"The Denver City Council—which had recently been presented with a bill that would create wide-sweeping change to the structure of that city's police department—has voted to reject the proposal.
According to CBS News, the council voted 11-1 to suspend a proposal that aims to replace the Denver Police Department with a "peace force."
Only the bill's sponsor—Councilwoman Candi Cedebaca—voted in favor."
Side note:
Candi CdeBaca is the Councilor for the 9th district of the Denver City Council. She is a member of the Democratic Party and the Democratic Socialists of America. Need I say more?
What fresh hell will they loose in the next 5 months?
They had the balls to refer to the pandemic in the past-tense tonight. We will be rid of this pestilence and the Administration eventually. Oh Happy Day! Then let the healing begin.
I still can't believe I am unable to travel and much of the world pities us...how humiliating.
Wow! I see Melania dusted off the mothballs of her great grandmothers Third Reich uniform, sans armbands, to speak at the Chumps For Trump Convention tonight.
Look out Melania! It looked like Donny J was getting hot drooling over his aryan goddess standing in front a worlds record number of flags in one shot. Sprechen sie deutsch? Expect a knock on your bedroom door tonight. Might wanna have a convenient headache. Does Donny like to do it doggie style so he can continue to soak in the adulation from Fox News?
Thank you for continuing to point out that Trump IS of the same ideological and policy raw materials as Reagan and Nixon. All roads from Reagan lead to Trump. They are inseparable. The hatred, the failed ideas, epic disasters and coverups spring from the same well of greed, selfishness, hair brained crazed ideas, anger, and fear from the Reagan years. The behavior of the Trump White House, McConnell Senate, and Roberts SCOTUS are the burgeoning infection in America of Reagan's "Government Is The Problem'' ideological failure.
NO, instead “The Problem is Republican Government”, “The Problem is conservative Government." Republicans and conservatives have proven they can't govern, don't know how to govern, and do not want to govern: Republicans and conservatives only want to Rule.
Republicans & conservatives do not believe in, never had a plan for, & will always oppose:
Healthcare for all, raising the minimum wage, universal voter rights, abolishing the electoral college, higher taxes on high incomes and corporations, infrastructure spending, strengthening Social Security, Medicare, the USPS, EPA and CPA, ending Citizens United, ending corporate welfare, effective gun control, unrigging the process of Supreme Court Justice hiring and retiring, fighting climate change, strong environment and safety regulations, public education, ending systemic racism and police brutality, any immigration plan, leading the free world, leading the entire world towards genuine Democracy and universal human rights, and Everything Else in the Democratic agenda. Conservatives' only “solutions” to absolutely every American affliction are tax cuts for the wealthy, and privatization of government.
Beware of the "Biden Republicans"!!! They ONLY want Trump removed because he has exposed the grand failure of conservative ideology, and damaged the Republican brand. Once Trump is gone, they will be in hyper-spin mode to rebirth conservative ideology while erasing ties to Trump. They are already trying to stake out posts throughout the main stream media from which to push that effort. Tune in to MSNBC any hour of the day and hear and see for yourself the pundits and anchors from the Bush and Reagan years. Some are already trying to push the "need to debate the size of government."
And: Beware of the conservatives in the federal courts.
They are poised to reject any Democratic legislation.
No, it can't end the same way, because Trump won't accept a close election defeat, especially if there is any question about vote counting. No, we need a repeat of the election 4 years later, with an overwhelmeing defeat of Trump. In 1964 it was 61% for LBJ to 38% for Goldwater. But still, no guarantees for the next election!
No surprise, Trump has been channeling Nixon for some time now. Biden and Harris occasionally sound just slightly like JFK, so the election has subtle echoes of the 1960 race. May it end the same way.
While these events could happen, the main executor is Jay Powell. If Powell does as Thom envisages many billionaires will be badly hurt. Its unclear why Powell would want to Punish the U.S.A. for electing a Democrat, as opposed to Trump. In any event, Powell could in theory be removed in theory for cause. The chairman of the Fed in his domain is more powerful than the President and checks on his/her power would be appropriate.
Whataboob: Thanks for making the point for the safety of mail-in ballots. The point being, They Didn’t Get Away With It. They will probably go to jail. You proved it yourself when you said “postal workers became suspicious.” That’s the point, THEY DIDN’T FUCKIN’ GET AWAY WITH IT. THEY WERE FUCKIN CAUGHT!!!!!!!! Yeah, they did it, but they were caught!!!
To sway a presidential election would take this kind of activity on steroids! If they couldn’t get away with it Patterson, N.J. Why do you think they can get away with it on a nationwide basis? Do you really think there are that many people that want to go to jail and pay large fines?
"In the days before New Jersey’s third-largest city held municipal elections in May entirely by mail, postal workers became suspicious when they found hundreds of ballots bundled together.
The discovery triggered an investigation that led to charges of voter fraud against two local elected leaders and resulted in nearly 20 percent of the ballots being rejected. It also prompted President Trump to cite the case as an example of how mail-in voting can corrupt elections, though election experts staunchly disagree.
On Wednesday, a New Jersey judge ruled that the election in Paterson, N.J., had been irreversibly tainted and ordered a new vote to be held in November to settle the race for the City Council seat."
"2. The website may fill in the candidates for you to choose from. But if it does not, you can type in the candidate’s name. Or, you can just type in "Democrat" for any office where you don't know the candidate's name. (This doesn't work for Primary elections since all of the candidates will be Democrats!)"
"*IMPORTANT: If you receive your official ballot after submitting your FWAB, you should complete and return your official ballot as well.
It’s okay–only one ballot per person will be counted! If both your FWAB and your official ballot arrive before the deadline, your FWAB will be discarded and only your official ballot will be counted."
Well Legend, you might want to rethink your entertainment choices. Just my opinion, but Dirty Harry kicked off the era of, The Ends Justify The Means, conservative thinking of Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump.
I remember hearing Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on a radio interview saying that a Fox executive admitted to Wilkerson that a big part of the 24 series was to condition the American public to accepting torture as a legitimate tool of the government.
No doubt these movies and shows are presented in seductive packages to pull in as many viewers as possible, but ultimately they work as propaganda for the masses, wether intentional or not.
It turns out that there is a Republican platform after all: Kiss Trump’s Ass. But not just kiss it, insert ones head firmly up Trump’s ass and inhale as much Trump shit as you can possibly hold in and then vomit it out at the Republican Klan Rally Convention. Then rush back for more. Yum! Yum!
Wide-spread cults can be defeated by a team of people with demonstated skills and abilities of facing reality (facts) with realism. Biden has made an excellent choice for his VP. But this may not be enough to convince a lot of young people to come and vote. Among the other candidates of the primaries of the Dem party, whom young people were following most? Why is he not part of the "crusade" against the cult, if the coming elections are indeed a matter "of life and death"?
Why Biden does not follow the european pre-election tactic of nominating his cabinet? Why not include people that represent the whole spectrum of the Dem base? If Kamala Harris is willing to be #2, aren't the others (Sanders, Warren, Andrew Yang, mayor Pete, Amy Klobucher, Betto O' Rourke, Michael Bloomberg) willing to be part of a team to push this country forward?
If the situation is so bad and crucial, why risk it by sending in the "battle" just two people? Send the best 10 people you got,representing the widest possible inclusion of approaches to the common cause and then "bet all your money" that this team can win the family team of Trainee the Impeached. "Better safe than sorry".
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Yikes, Tom! I hate to be pedantic, but after writing all your books, your spelling should be better. "Sewn" should be spelled "sown". You S-E-W thread, and S-O-W seeds. "Populace" is spelled correctly the second time you used it. It is a noun in both instances but spelled like the adjective the first time. And doesn't "advocate" get followed by the word "for"? If you "advocate" something, I'm not sure people will know what side you are on. And "yesterdays" should be "yesterday's".
You got that right, Tom. There is no need to carry open weapons in public except to intimidate or shoot someone. The bull that they have a constitutional right is right along with the stupidity of not wearing a face mask. Right along with the stupidity that Democrats have a world wide child trafficing ring run by Hillary Clinton and eating children.
Sad deal all around, and what goes around comes around. Hatred and spreading hate gets the same in return. I'll be damned if i will turn the other cheek.
You can update laws all you like Thom
Guns are an illegal drug in America
Try taking away and you will get withdrawal symptoms
It will not be pretty
Needs to be done though!
Всем привет! Класный у вас сайт! Нашёл познавательное в сети: Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым от 24.12.2019 Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым от 24.12.2019 или или Смотреть со второй минуты http://firstnewz.ru/news/14705-yacenyuk-rasskazal-o-posledney-agonii-put... Яценюк рассказал о «последней агонии путинской империи» Ещё много всего нашел тут: новости сегодня видео http://firstnewz.ru/ новости политики и геополитики новости политики видео
Всем привет! Класный у вас сайт! Нашёл познавательное в сети: Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым от 24.12.2019 Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым от 24.12.2019 или или Смотреть со второй минуты http://firstnewz.ru/news/14705-yacenyuk-rasskazal-o-posledney-agonii-put... Яценюк рассказал о «последней агонии путинской империи» Ещё много всего нашел тут: новости сегодня видео http://firstnewz.ru/ новости политики и геополитики новости политики видео
Regarding automation, robots benefit the robot owners not the workers. There is no mechanism to distribute the increase in profits. The same was true for slavery. It mostly benefited the slave holders, not as much the poor southern farmer who went to war for the south to preserve the way of life of the rich plantation owners.
Wow, a rare moment of sanity from the Denver city council.
Denver City Council Votes Against 'Peace Force' Proposal
"The Denver City Council—which had recently been presented with a bill that would create wide-sweeping change to the structure of that city's police department—has voted to reject the proposal.
According to CBS News, the council voted 11-1 to suspend a proposal that aims to replace the Denver Police Department with a "peace force."
Only the bill's sponsor—Councilwoman Candi Cedebaca—voted in favor."
Side note:
Candi CdeBaca is the Councilor for the 9th district of the Denver City Council. She is a member of the Democratic Party and the Democratic Socialists of America. Need I say more?
What fresh hell will they loose in the next 5 months?
They had the balls to refer to the pandemic in the past-tense tonight. We will be rid of this pestilence and the Administration eventually. Oh Happy Day! Then let the healing begin.
I still can't believe I am unable to travel and much of the world pities us...how humiliating.
Wow! I see Melania dusted off the mothballs of her great grandmothers Third Reich uniform, sans armbands, to speak at the Chumps For Trump Convention tonight.
Look out Melania! It looked like Donny J was getting hot drooling over his aryan goddess standing in front a worlds record number of flags in one shot. Sprechen sie deutsch? Expect a knock on your bedroom door tonight. Might wanna have a convenient headache. Does Donny like to do it doggie style so he can continue to soak in the adulation from Fox News?
Thank you for continuing to point out that Trump IS of the same ideological and policy raw materials as Reagan and Nixon. All roads from Reagan lead to Trump. They are inseparable. The hatred, the failed ideas, epic disasters and coverups spring from the same well of greed, selfishness, hair brained crazed ideas, anger, and fear from the Reagan years. The behavior of the Trump White House, McConnell Senate, and Roberts SCOTUS are the burgeoning infection in America of Reagan's "Government Is The Problem'' ideological failure.
NO, instead “The Problem is Republican Government”, “The Problem is conservative Government." Republicans and conservatives have proven they can't govern, don't know how to govern, and do not want to govern: Republicans and conservatives only want to Rule.
Republicans & conservatives do not believe in, never had a plan for, & will always oppose:
Healthcare for all, raising the minimum wage, universal voter rights, abolishing the electoral college, higher taxes on high incomes and corporations, infrastructure spending, strengthening Social Security, Medicare, the USPS, EPA and CPA, ending Citizens United, ending corporate welfare, effective gun control, unrigging the process of Supreme Court Justice hiring and retiring, fighting climate change, strong environment and safety regulations, public education, ending systemic racism and police brutality, any immigration plan, leading the free world, leading the entire world towards genuine Democracy and universal human rights, and Everything Else in the Democratic agenda. Conservatives' only “solutions” to absolutely every American affliction are tax cuts for the wealthy, and privatization of government.
Beware of the "Biden Republicans"!!! They ONLY want Trump removed because he has exposed the grand failure of conservative ideology, and damaged the Republican brand. Once Trump is gone, they will be in hyper-spin mode to rebirth conservative ideology while erasing ties to Trump. They are already trying to stake out posts throughout the main stream media from which to push that effort. Tune in to MSNBC any hour of the day and hear and see for yourself the pundits and anchors from the Bush and Reagan years. Some are already trying to push the "need to debate the size of government."
And: Beware of the conservatives in the federal courts.
They are poised to reject any Democratic legislation.
No, it can't end the same way, because Trump won't accept a close election defeat, especially if there is any question about vote counting. No, we need a repeat of the election 4 years later, with an overwhelmeing defeat of Trump. In 1964 it was 61% for LBJ to 38% for Goldwater. But still, no guarantees for the next election!
No surprise, Trump has been channeling Nixon for some time now. Biden and Harris occasionally sound just slightly like JFK, so the election has subtle echoes of the 1960 race. May it end the same way.
While these events could happen, the main executor is Jay Powell. If Powell does as Thom envisages many billionaires will be badly hurt. Its unclear why Powell would want to Punish the U.S.A. for electing a Democrat, as opposed to Trump. In any event, Powell could in theory be removed in theory for cause. The chairman of the Fed in his domain is more powerful than the President and checks on his/her power would be appropriate.
Is that a quote from William Barr?
Go ahead Punk, make my day! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_Harry_(film_series) I like revisitining San Fancisco in the 70's.
Whataboob: Thanks for making the point for the safety of mail-in ballots. The point being, They Didn’t Get Away With It. They will probably go to jail. You proved it yourself when you said “postal workers became suspicious.” That’s the point, THEY DIDN’T FUCKIN’ GET AWAY WITH IT. THEY WERE FUCKIN CAUGHT!!!!!!!! Yeah, they did it, but they were caught!!!
To sway a presidential election would take this kind of activity on steroids! If they couldn’t get away with it Patterson, N.J. Why do you think they can get away with it on a nationwide basis? Do you really think there are that many people that want to go to jail and pay large fines?
Try to get real!!!
Thom, if I look up TDS in the liberal dictionary will I see your picture? Talk about your one track mind. Jeeezz.
Paterson, NJ:
"In the days before New Jersey’s third-largest city held municipal elections in May entirely by mail, postal workers became suspicious when they found hundreds of ballots bundled together.
The discovery triggered an investigation that led to charges of voter fraud against two local elected leaders and resulted in nearly 20 percent of the ballots being rejected. It also prompted President Trump to cite the case as an example of how mail-in voting can corrupt elections, though election experts staunchly disagree.
On Wednesday, a New Jersey judge ruled that the election in Paterson, N.J., had been irreversibly tainted and ordered a new vote to be held in November to settle the race for the City Council seat."
Or this little beauty from democrats abroad.
I especially like,
"2. The website may fill in the candidates for you to choose from. But if it does not, you can type in the candidate’s name.
Or, you can just type in "Democrat" for any office where you don't know the candidate's name. (This doesn't work for Primary elections since all of the candidates will be Democrats!)"
"*IMPORTANT: If you receive your official ballot after submitting your FWAB, you should complete and return your official ballot as well.
It’s okay–only one ballot per person will be counted! If both your FWAB and your official ballot arrive before the deadline, your FWAB will be discarded and only your official ballot will be counted."
Well Legend, you might want to rethink your entertainment choices. Just my opinion, but Dirty Harry kicked off the era of, The Ends Justify The Means, conservative thinking of Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump.
I remember hearing Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on a radio interview saying that a Fox executive admitted to Wilkerson that a big part of the 24 series was to condition the American public to accepting torture as a legitimate tool of the government.
No doubt these movies and shows are presented in seductive packages to pull in as many viewers as possible, but ultimately they work as propaganda for the masses, wether intentional or not.
It turns out that there is a Republican platform after all: Kiss Trump’s Ass. But not just kiss it, insert ones head firmly up Trump’s ass and inhale as much Trump shit as you can possibly hold in and then vomit it out at the Republican Klan Rally Convention. Then rush back for more. Yum! Yum!
Oh no? I like Dirty Harry movies and 24. What does that make me?
This is a great shot! I didn't know about the movie narrated by Harrison Ford.
Your friends at, Tree Service Wilmington NC
Wide-spread cults can be defeated by a team of people with demonstated skills and abilities of facing reality (facts) with realism. Biden has made an excellent choice for his VP. But this may not be enough to convince a lot of young people to come and vote. Among the other candidates of the primaries of the Dem party, whom young people were following most? Why is he not part of the "crusade" against the cult, if the coming elections are indeed a matter "of life and death"?
Why Biden does not follow the european pre-election tactic of nominating his cabinet? Why not include people that represent the whole spectrum of the Dem base? If Kamala Harris is willing to be #2, aren't the others (Sanders, Warren, Andrew Yang, mayor Pete, Amy Klobucher, Betto O' Rourke, Michael Bloomberg) willing to be part of a team to push this country forward?
If the situation is so bad and crucial, why risk it by sending in the "battle" just two people? Send the best 10 people you got,representing the widest possible inclusion of approaches to the common cause and then "bet all your money" that this team can win the family team of Trainee the Impeached. "Better safe than sorry".
@ 15; Or, a website where one can garner a bit of therapy by stating opinions held, but never spoken.
Or, a website some are paid to visit..