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  • No More Presidential Immunity!   5 years 23 weeks ago

    Agree! The hard part of all this is getting him to take responsibility for his actions.

    Michael Woodman - Escondido moving services

  • No More Presidential Immunity!   5 years 23 weeks ago
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Makes You Hate Monsanto More Than You Already Do   5 years 23 weeks ago

    My local government officials used glyphosate unlawfully applied to my private property ongoing for over 5 years routinely. Their purpose was to eliminate me from my private property so one of their own could acquire my private property. This special protected citizen needed my private property or a court would have ordered him to remove the noncompliant structures from his new illegal property redevelopment. He purchased the non conforming lot from the mayor. The building administer issued fraudulent building permits for the illegal structures. After five years the affects the chemicals had on my skin were chronic severe skin condition. It was unbearable to wear clothes, I was blind and homeless for the following four years. My property was my largest investment as most other citizens. I traveled to Washington DC to change the laws allowing me to get out of poverty to acquire ownership of my property. This property not only contained my home but my buisness and my pursuit of happiness. I was denied any protection of the law. I made a complaint about the nuisance drainage issue caused by the illegal redevelopment and the building administrator refused his duty to address my concerns, he continued to issue fraudulent permits to this special resident. The structures were the size that would legally fit on an acre of ground. He tried to squeeze them onto a 70' W X 300'L nonconforming lot. A civil court order citing my right to used my property as I wished I thought would stop the illegal exposure to glyphosate. It did nothing by make this neighbor and the government officials more aggressive in eliminating me from my private property. Senator Grassley requested two inquires into my case. The FBI would contact me he advised. After five years I contacted Grassley again and he put in another request, five more years pass and I am advised by Grassley to be patient. The FBI never contacted as they are required to do. I reached out after ten years of severe suffereing, my life forever change from my plan for my own destiny to the local FBI. This agent was so incompetent that it took 14 months for him to come to my now rental home. His purpose was specifically to review the hard copy evidence that proves without a doubt Federal law has been violated. He arrived advising me that he had no intention of reviewing my evidence. I could just tell him the story and he would take notes. He gave me 2 1/2 hours of his time to tell a story that was ongoing for well over ten years in violationg of Federal law. He had three notes written on his pad when he left. Two hours after he left my home I receive in the mail a letter from Assistant Deputy Director JC Hacker a letter stating that the agent had determined no violation of Federal law had occurred. It is not possible for this incompetent agent to accomplish an investigation and have a decision in the mail from Washington DC two hours after he left my home. He never investigated financial records to discover a bribe had been taken. He never interviewed any witnesses on my behalf. He never followed standard procedure to assure my allegations were valid. This in itself is an act to deprive me of my rights under color of law. This is not acceptable by any government standard. My allegations are completely supported by the hard copy evidence. For anyone to claim that the statute of limitations has expired is ludacris. Any negligence has been intentional of the part of government officials who have taken an oath to uphold the Constititution and have the duty to hold corrupt government accountable for their violations of Federal law. I am one mad single middle aged female. Discrimination against housing has been committed by all levels of government and I am demanding that a full independent investigation be done. The evidence used to determine was not based on facts. It was based on hearsay. I want compensated for the damages that have intentionally been done to me. This is not a joke. My father did not spend his military service in the South Pacific on a ship taking on bombs and kamakazi pilots for me or anyone else to be denied their freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Drain the Swamp.

  • Did Bernie On Fox Just Show Progressive Politics Are Widely Beloved?   5 years 24 weeks ago

    I absolutely agree that he carried himself very well throughout the interview. Regardless of whether or not I agree with all of his policies, he still deserves some respect for sure. Roland - carpet cleaning | painters st. john's nl

  • Big Ag Appears to Be Lying about Glyphosates   5 years 24 weeks ago

    I want this story to be know by the general public. To date I have been completely raped of my rights as an American citizen and I do not see anyone being held accountable by the government authorities. I recognize now that the government protects the government. I have had a real reality check. Here is my story. To date not one government official has reviewed this hard copy indisputable evidence. Please take your time and review my page. I have not included my medical records but believe me I do have them, a pile of them. I am not a skilled web site designer but I hope you can understand to a degree what has happened to me at the hands of my government officials. I am a single middle aged female. I was happily self employed as an upholstery service operator and my future was bright until this special person purchased the nonconforming lot adjoining mine. At that time I became less than human and completely undeserving of any Constitutional rights.

  • How Billionaires Buy Laws & How To Stop Them   5 years 25 weeks ago

    Is Boeing taking a BULLET FOR TRUMP!

    Report: Shutdown Delayed 737 Max Software Fix

    By Ross Gianfortune
    March 13, 2019
    An update to the cockpit software that could have contributed to the deadly Ethiopian Airlines crash last week was delayed partially because of the
    35-day government shutdown earlier this year.
    Federal Aviation Administration officials told The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday that a software problem with the Boeing 737 Max's MCAS flightcontrol
    feature was expected in January, but that the shutdown "halted work on the fix for five weeks." The agency did not label the software fix an
    imminent concern, according to the Journal, and thus deemed the delay acceptable. Boeing promised a fix by April to the software and said it is
    working "closely with the FAA" on certification of the software "enhancement."
    The FAA released a statement on Tuesday–with news of the aircraft's grounding by Canada, China, Indonesia, Singapore, the European Union and
    more than 30 other national aviation authorities–saying that the plane is safe to fly. "Our review shows no systemic performance issues and provides
    no basis to order grounding the aircraft," the release from acting FAA Administrator Daniel K. Elwell reads. But on Wednesday afternoon, the Trump
    administration announced it would ground the planes in the United States as well.
    » Get the best federal news and ideas delivered right to your inbox. Sign up here.
    The FAA has been operating under an acting administrator for 14 months and the budget for the Transportation Department has decreased during
    President Donald Trump's administration.
    All 157 passengers and crew members on Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 died when the plane went down Sunday shortly after takeoff from Bole
    International Airport in Addis Ababa. Another Boeing 737 Max 8 plane running on the MCAS flight-control software crashed in Indonesia last fall
    and investigations into the cause of the October crash are still ongoing. Similarities between the crashes have prompted the grounding of the planes
    in many countries.
    According to the Journal, the safety certification record of the 737 Max is partially derived from certification history of the Boeing 737 Next
    Generation, potentially obscuring the plane's safety record.
    Since the 737 MAX is a derivative of an earlier model, certification rules allowed regulators to give the plane maker credit for the safety record of those
    earlier planes. And to some extent, government and industry officials have said, government scrutiny of certain systems typically is less intense for
    derivatives than for brand-new designs. With design work on the original 737 planes dating back some five decades, “there is no other jet in the world
    that has so many derivatives over such a long period of time,” according to John Cox, an industry consultant and former senior safety official for
    North America’s largest pilots union.
    In the wake of the weekend crash, President Donald Trump tweeted his thoughts on automation software used by the aviation industry.
    Airplanes are becoming far too complex to fly. Pilots are no longer needed, but rather computer scientists from MIT. I see it all the time in many
    products. Always seeking to go one unnecessary step further, when often old and simpler is far better. Split second decisions are....
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 12, 2019
    ....needed, and the complexity creates danger. All of this for great cost yet very little gain. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want Albert Einstein to
    be my pilot. I want great flying professionals that are allowed to easily and quickly take control of a plane!
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 12, 2019
    According to reports, Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg spoke to Trump Tuesday after the tweets, assuring him of the safety of the plane. A Boeing
    spokesman told CNN that Muilenburg reiterated to Trump that Boeing believes that the 737 Max is safe.
    FlyersRights, a passenger rights organization, called on the FAA to ground the planes. In a statement, the group said "Serious questions over
    Boeing’s MCAS system safety need answers and a re-certification of this aircraft." The group's president, Paul Hudson, said the FAA keeping the
    planes in the air "risks lives as well as the safety reputation of the U.S. aviation industry." Hudson, a member of the FAA Aviation Rulemaking
    Advisory Committee, also said that "the failure to warn airlines and pilots of the new feature, and the inadequacy of training requirements" should be
    reason enough to ground the plane.
    Report: Shutdown Delayed 737 Max Software Fix - Oversight - GovExe...
    1 of 2 4/5/2019, 10:41 AM
    The largest flight attendants union in the United States also called on the FAA to ground the 737 Max. "This is about public confidence in the safety
    of air travel," Sara Nelson, the president of Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, said in a statement. "The FAA must restore public confidence by
    grounding the 737 MAX until the required changes have been implemented and the public can be fully assured."
    By Wednesday afternoon, the mounting pressure on the government and Boeing forced the issue to a head and President Trump ordered the fleet
    grounded. "I felt it was important psychologically and in a lot of other ways," Trump said. He stressed that the decision was made out of an
    abundance of caution.
    During the shutdown, a group of aviation workers' unions warned of catastrophic effects on the American aviation system. The National Air Traffic
    Controllers Association, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA and the Air Line Pilots Association released a joint statement saying that it was
    impossible "even calculate the level of risk" during the shutdown due to a halt of inspections, furloughs to safety workers and federal aviation
    employees working without pay.
    Former Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Jim Hall, who headed the National Transportation Safety Board from 1994 to 2001, also called on
    the FAA to ground the 737 Max this week.
    The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on American air safety in the wake of the crash, committee
    chairman Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., announced on Tuesday. "It is important to allow the FAA, NTSB and other agencies to conduct thorough
    investigations to ensure they have as much information as possible to make informed decisions," he said in a statement. He also told reporters that
    he would personally fly on the 737 Max.
    Senate Commerce Chairman Roger Wicker says he’d get on a Boeing MAX right now
    — Burgess Everett (@burgessev) March 13, 2019
    Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., had earlier backed the FAA's decision to keep the plane flying. "I'll let the FAA make that decision," Graham, whose
    state houses a large Boeing plant that makes parts for the 737 Max, told reporters Tuesday. "I trust their judgment until somebody proves that I
    Several senators had called on the FAA to ground the plane prior to Trump's decision, including Sens. Mitt Romney, Elizabeth Warren, Ted Cruz,
    Richard Blumenthal and Dianne Feinstein. "There should be a full investigation but in the meantime, better safe than sorry," Blumenthal said.
    This story has been updated to reflect President Trump's order to ground the fleet Wednesday afternoon.
    By Ross Gianfortune
    March 13, 2019
    Report: Shutdown Delayed 737 Max Software Fix - Oversight - GovExe...
    2 of 2 4/5/2019, 10:41 AM

  • How Billionaires Buy Laws & How To Stop Them   5 years 25 weeks ago

    Trump Govt Shutdown - Cover UP - BOEING taking a Bullet for TRUMP?

    Report: Shutdown Delayed 737 Max Software Fix

  • Thom and Louise Meet Pope John Paul II   5 years 26 weeks ago

    Excellent blog, great work.

    cupones descuento

  • Higgins faces off Goosalini   5 years 27 weeks ago
  • Trump's AG Bill Barr has a history of cover-ups - and he just struck again   5 years 27 weeks ago

    In Barr's term paper theorizig that presidents can't be indicted -- he shows ignorance of the PRECEDENT of a sitting president being arrested. 1872, President Grant was arrested for speeding in Wash. DC. Check it out -put 'president Grant arrested' on google and get lot of sources, including Washington Post.

  • Here's what Republicans and billionaires really mean when they talk about 'freedom'   5 years 28 weeks ago

    I just returned from Rwanda and you should revisit the genocide in that country that happened especially in 1994. The people were brainwashed by radio and schools that the Hutus should be very afraid of the Tutsis as they were going to steal everything, they were snakes and cockroaches amongst a whole orchestrated brainwashing program that resulted in one million Tutsis being eradicated methodically in 100 days. I tell people here as I can it happening with this us versus them mentality being fomentied in our media today. People need to wake up! It can happen here

  • Time To Expel Rep Steve King From the House?   5 years 28 weeks ago

    Thom. Why cant Trump use the words Radical white nationalist terrorist? We need to push this mean like they did about radical Muslim terrorism.

  • Democrats Need To Reclaim the Word Freedom Now   5 years 28 weeks ago
  • With The Dalai Lama   5 years 29 weeks ago

    I have so much respect for this man. Thank you for sharing.

    Blessings from Redding Lawn Care and Redding Towing

  • Should Trump Be Impeached? Would a Democratic Prez Who Did the Same Things Trump Did - Get Away With It?   5 years 29 weeks ago

    What has Trump done to deserve impeachment? And please no speculation. What crime has he committed that would call for impeachment?

  • Tuesday 5 March '19 show notes   5 years 30 weeks ago

    Dear Thom,

    Perhaps you could discuss this topic on the show.

    I would love to hear the discussion on the program. Republicans over decades have successfully equated the definition of socialism to communism to a vast segment of the public through right-winged media.

    Democrats have been unsuccessfully forced to play defense by trying to correctly define socialism to people who don’t care to listen. These people who listen to Right Wing Media won’t entertain the thought to hear what socialism actually is. Why don’t Democrats just forget trying to define and defend Socialism and just refer to themselves as FDR Democrats.

    Many of right wing listeners have an understanding of what FDR’s New Deal meant and what it would mean for them. Especially since many of their parents worked jobs created by FDR’s Public Works Administration.



  • Climate Scientists are Panicking - 1 Degree Makes a Big Difference   5 years 30 weeks ago

    I suggest you look at the new book, The Uninhabital Earth, by David Wallace-Wells for some memorable phrases to characterize what is coming. There is also a recent interview on Chris Hayes Podcast, "Why is this happening?"

  • A new model for the 21st century - Thugocracy   5 years 30 weeks ago

    Thom- On the subject of Thuggery, please interview Shoshana Zuboff or review her new book, "Surveillance Capitalism." She is wicked smart, funny, and surprisingly optimistic, in spite of the awful subject of her book, which parallels somewhat the subject of the "Team Human" book whose author you interviewed recently. Please, please, please interview her! This is the kind of book that can help people to look at the larger picture of democracy as it impacts their own lives most significantly! I see parallels that I did not recognize so clearly before between how surveillance capitalism works and the subject of my master's thesis, concerning how "consensus" institutions have substituted for political participation in the management of western waters, which is getting off the track quite a bit, but that's a good thing!

  • Americans Want Socialism - Trump Says No!   5 years 31 weeks ago

    As most of us are being barraged by campaign solicitation the question arises again and again concerning ActBlue’s management and collection of all contributions. A question concerns me as to the distribution of the campaign funds. Are those funds tethered to the individual campaign that solicited them? Or does the DNC decide the application and distribution of those funds? I am concerned because it was rumored the DNC favored certain candidates in the past. I want a way to contribute to certain candidates to support that candidate and have not been able to get past ActBlue. Can u or anyone help on the issue? I have heard a few and they all lead me back to ActBlue.

  • Is Trump’s Emergency Crisis a Campaign Stunt?   5 years 31 weeks ago

    A plan to help refugees seeking asylum is already in place. its called legal immigration.

  • Trump's Man Says Climate Scientists are the Same as Holocaust Deniers   5 years 31 weeks ago

    Urge Congress to suipport the Green New Deal! Sign the MoveOn petition and postit to your social media. Spread the word! Thanks!

  • How Deep Is the Rot In the Republic Party? What Will It Take To Break the Billionaire Greed Hold and Recover?   5 years 32 weeks ago

    A massive awakening of the species understanding that We Are All One that's the only thing that can create harmony,balance and peace on this planet.

    The solutions are spiritual,you know this Thom.


  • What's the Most Effective Way to Get Americans to Support Clawing Back this Wealth?   5 years 32 weeks ago

    Aloha Thom,

    Amy fell for the Republican Two Santa Clause Theory! Where do the other candidates stand on the debt?

    “No, I am not for free four-year college for all” says. She says she wishes she was a “genie” and could make it happen. But “We have a mounting debt,” she says during town hall. Doesn’t want to leave that debt on their shoulders.



  • Mom and Dad   5 years 34 weeks ago

    photo of a very nice couple and feels very happy. Syair Hk

  • The State of the Union is Worrying   5 years 34 weeks ago

    Lobbyists hate him they can't buy him off. He is trying to stop them from making the trip so children will not be put through that. He has sold out to no one , finally someone is looking out for the best interest of Americans. Start a war? he is pulling out of one. Worried about money, wages are going up and taxes coming down. What has he done about rights?

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