By Thom Hartmann A...

Michael Cohen said yesterday that Trump was not joking when he said he could kill people, and, on top of that, that his supporters would stand by him. And he's already done it. His so-called "zero tolerance" policy has already killed two little children, and the Jerry Falwells of the world still support him.
Cohen said that Trump would "not leave peacefully" if he lost in 2020, suggesting that Trump would call out his armed supporters to start a second US civil war. Thugs all over the world have been doing this for a long time, and now the President of the United States has spent 2 years praising them, sucking up to them, and telling them - strongmen like Bashir, Kim, Duterte, Putin, and Bolsinaro - that they should continue with their terror campaigns against their own people and their destruction of a free press and anything left of democracy in their regions.
Of all the reasons to impeach this mob boss in the White House, this is the strongest. The United States must step back from the edge of becoming a Thugocracy, and that begins with nullifying the corrupted election of 2016.