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  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Good Sunday HotCoff

    Never fear the wall is being built and the best thing the democrat party can do is continue on their path promoting open borders, the abolishment of ICE, and free healthcare to illegal aliens. Very few working people in this country will support that pandering crap.

    Speaking of free healthcare, it looks like your legislature has passed a bill forcing you to have proof of individual insurance or pay a fine (ala obummercare) and just two weeks before they voted to give free healthcare to illegals. It sounds like the most desirable resident of CA is to be illegal.

    Pelosi's nephew will likely approve?

    Why do the leftie/socialists or communists like Thom who have nothing good to say about this country ever ask the question, "if the United States is so terrible, why does anybody want to come here?" I might actually listen to three hours of Hatrmann overtalking the responses to that one.


  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    LMAO... Almost forgot...

    Somehow Nata Holly and Mentalage3 in posts 6 & 7 just seem to flow together, like Yin and Yang, two lovelorn souls in need of each other.

    If memory serves correctly, about a year ago, I picked the mind of Mentalage3 clean and, sadly, found it wanting.

    Two things immediately leaped out of his/its monotonic posts: One, it was a mind too easy to pick, rather boring and a waste of time in attempting any sort of rebuttal to such lame arguments (A classic exercise in futility is to debate intellectual dishonesty.); Two, he/it is either a bot or a mindless human parrot of Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Lara Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, Glen Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Tucker Carlson, Matt Drudge, Richard Spencer, Steve Doocy, Jeanine Pirro, Mark Levin, Brian Kilmeade, or, more likely, Ted Nugent (all of the above, pick and choose, or fill in the blanks) -- a scary, hateful, racist jumble of empty words cycling through a continuous loop of scripted pages, flipping around aimlessly behind dead eyeballs in the degraded core and corrupted motherboard. It's like he/it is a lost and lonely Russian bot from Comrade Trump's 2016 lie-fest of a campaign.

    It doesn't matter what the topic of the day is or what anybody else says, Mentalage3 frankly does not have very effective reading comprehension skills and so always responds with the same staccato Republican talking points that never stray far from the mind-numbing madness of Trump's "alternative facts" universe. Evidently, the obedient cyborg suffers acutely from deep-seated, long-term, highly flawed programming errors -- a frog slowly and thoroughly boiled.

    He/it offers no original, deep, spontaneous thought or feeling -- the very essence of life that makes us human and that all bots lack. At least Trolls # 1 & 2 offer fun, and then even funnier, targets of opportunity for taking well-deserved, drive-by potshots, as they dance and twirl around the subjects, offering anecdotal tales from the Dark Side of the internet that have nothing to do with anything other than to elevate shameless hypocrisy into some kind of twisted, religio-racist art form. "Thank you, Jesus, for Trump!"

    Like I say, funny.

    On the other hand: Yaaawn, ho-hum, boooring! Pick a subject, any subject; it doesn't matter. Say something, anything; it doesn't matter. The mentalage3 bot's only conclusion is always to blame all Democrats for all Republican transgressions all of the time, and then always refuse to look at the simple truth laid out plainly at his/its feet.

    Good God, it must be a miserably shallow existence trapped so hopelessly in such a colorless, humorless prison of brainwash -- Pavlov dog conditioning run amok! What a waste of precious life to be dead in one's mind!

    Like the other two trolls who haunt Thom's Blog (more frequently of late), virtually every sentence he/it utters is based on bald-faced, easily provable lies (with just a few clicks of the mouse -- toward, that is, reliable sources based in the real universe rather than toward Trump's Twilight Zone.)

    FYI: Your stale, overly defensive Republican talking points are detracting from the aftermath and urgency of Trump's child-kidnapping-caging policy crisis -- the humanitarian crimes taking place at the border right now, which must be resolved right now, not in some hypothetical future when intransigent Republicans will suddenly have a change of heart and negotiate in good faith with Democrats for a workable and humane border policy. ("The lady doth protest too much, methinks.")

    Your false assumptions in post #7 are debunked repeatedly in the various links in the preceding posts directly above. So why don't you get your lil' Pepe pimple head out of your alt-funny book's ass for once and do your damn homework before spouting off with any further ignorance?

    Mentalage3 is Troll #3 -- Curly of the Three Stooges, bitterly clinging to "guns or religion"

    ...and Thom's Blog.

    (Hey, Bucko, did Nata Holly's "love spells" work for you, or ain't that old gray horse what he/it used to be, many long years ago?)

  • With The Dalai Lama   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Interesting picture of a famed figure in modern history.

    -Meg, Detroit face painting

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Back in October 2016 when everyone, including Trump, thought Hillary was going to win, House Republicans were preparing for "years" of investigations (with evidence of... nothing!).

    House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, who could barely contain himself while quivering with anticipation and salivating on his tie over the prospect of endless hearings, said, “It’s a target-rich environment.

    Yeah? And what has Hillary EVER been convicted of, except pure right-wing bullsh*t (to use Trump's go-to word)? Name any investigation at all -- and there were many -- that found her guilty of... A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

    After all, it's not like she is Donald J. Trump.

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Tracking 29 Investigations
    Related to Trump

    By Larry Buchanan and Karen Yourish (updated July 2, 2019):

    Federal Criminal Investigations

    Federal prosecutors are pursuing more than a dozen criminal investigations that grew out of the work of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel. These are the ones we know about. Select an investigation to see more.

    1. Trump inaugural committee donations and spending --Southern District of New York (Inauguration)

    2. Trump inaugural committee donations / committee chairman’s ties to Middle East -- Eastern District of New York (Associate; Inauguration)

    3. Business and political dealings of top fund-raiser for Trump’s campaign and inauguration --Justice Department’s public integrity section (Associate; Campaign; Inauguration; Presidency)

    4. Possible role of Trump and others in concealing hush money payments --Southern District of New York (Business; Campaign; Presidency)

    5. Whether Trump’s lawyers offered presidential pardon to Cohen --Southern District of New York (Presidency)

    6. Allegations of inflated insurance claims --Southern District of New York (Business)

    7. Pending prosecution of Roger J. Stone Jr. --United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia (Campaign)

    8. Possible lobbying violations by firms recruited by former Trump campaign chairman -- Southern District of New York

    9. Pending prosecution of former Manafort associate --United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia

    10. Bank officer who sought Trump administration job --Southern District of New York

    State and Local Investigations

    Authorities in New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C., are also examining Mr. Trump, his businesses and associates through various — mostly civil — investigations.

    11. Trump Organization insurance practices --New York Department of Financial Services (Business)

    12. Contributions to Trump inaugural committee --New Jersey attorney general (Inauguration)

    13. Role of Trump’s children and businesses in Trump’s inauguration --District of Columbia attorney general (Business; Inauguration)

    14. Pending criminal prosecution of Manafort on state mortgage fraud charges --Manhattan district attorney (Associate)

    15. Allegations of misused charitable assets, self-dealing and campaign finance
    violations by the Trump Foundation --New York attorney general (Business; Campaign)

    16. Allegations that the Trump Organization inflated financial assets --New York attorney general (Business)

    17. Trump family’s tax schemes --New York attorney general (Business)

    18. Whether Trump and his family underpaid taxes --New York City (Business)

    Congressional Investigations

    In the months since Democrats took control of the House, several committees have opened inquiries that could turn up politically damaging or embarrassing material or, in the case of the obstruction investigation, lead to impeachment proceedings.

    19. Potential foreign influence over Trump and possible attempts to obstruct justice --House Intelligence Committee (Business; Campaign; Inauguration; Presidency)

    20. Possible role of Trump and others in concealing hush money payments --House Oversight and Reform Committee (Business; Campaign; Presidency)

    21. Possible obstruction of justice and abuse of power by Trump and his administration --House Judiciary Committee (Business; Campaign; Inauguration; Presidency)

    22. Possible abuses of the White House security clearance process --House Oversight and Reform Committee (Presidency)

    23. Whether Trump misrepresented his net worth --House Oversight and Reform Committee (Business)

    24. Alleged use of private messaging by White House officials --House Oversight and Reform Committee (Presidency)

    25. Trump’s tax returns --House Ways and Means Committee (Business)

    26. Trump’s communications with Putin --House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight and Reform Committees (Presidency)

    27. Possible money laundering --House Intelligence and Financial Services Committees (Business)

    28. Russian interference in the 2016 election --Senate Intelligence Committee (Campaign)

    29. Proposed U.S. nuclear venture in Saudi Arabia --House Oversight and Reform committee (Presidency)

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    "Currently, there are almost 13,000 unaccompanied alien children in our care, and we expect that number to rise during the new year."

    -- Donald Trump

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    "13,000 migrant children in detention: America's horrifying reality"

    -- Alice Driver

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    "Doctors describe black box of medical care in detention facilities: 'That is not medical care. That's malpractice.'"

    --Jen Christensen and Michael Nedelman

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    "The evidence of Trump’s crimes against humanity is piling up"

    -- Joe Conason

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    "Trump's fans think he's a macho he-man — he's really a moral weakling who preys on women and kids.
    Trump and his supporters want you to think of him as strong and manly, but he won't pick on someone his own size."

    --Amanda Marcotte

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    "It’s the Cruelty, Stupid.

    Donald Trump continues to remind us that he does not care about the pain and hardships of racial minorities."

    --Charles M. Blow

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    "Nothing About Trump Matters But the Racism."

    --Elspeth Reeve

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    "The Cruelty Is the Point.

    President Trump and his supporters find community by rejoicing in the suffering of those they hate and fear."

    --Adam Serwer

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    "It turns out that Trump's base isn't in this because they're bamboozled by fascist theatrics or swept up in Trump's gaudy, cheap version of glamour. What this has always been about for the Trumpers is making a stand for white supremacy and male domination. While they may indeed long for some cheesy bombast, they will continue to stand there on a drizzly evening, even when all the glitz is stripped away and their reality TV leader is looking lame behind a wet barricade.

    This is important: What drives the Trump base isn't actually Donald Trump himself. It's the bigotry. Everything else is gravy."

    --Amanda Marcotte

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Well I love Mexican food and Mexican people and I'm glad Mexican people are here and brought the rest of their culture with them.

    now the other side of the story.......

    Maybe Congress should walk a mile in these people’s shoes. The urgency to have a wall built at the border may not seem like a crisis for some. One such person is Kari Wade, who, with her family, owns a ranch just 50 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border.

    The border rancher recently responded to a Facebook comment when someone asked, “Where’s the fire” in regards to the urgency of President Trump to build the wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. . . .Let me tell you where the fire is:

    The “fire” is finding dead bodies on your ranch, … the “fire” is waking up to unknown people talking in your attic, the “fire” is dogs barking all night when your closest neighbor is 7-25 miles depending on the direction to just realize there are people outside your barn, the “fire” is having to come home after dark and have to carry a rifle to go feed your livestock after BP tells you that they only caught 9 of the 15 they are looking for.

    The “fire” is making a choice… do I take my child with me to a dark barn to feed and hold the flashlight or lock him in the house, so you lock him in the house and call a friend to let them know he’s home alone and if they don’t hear back from me to come check on us. The “fire” is you don’t feel comfortable letting your child play outside without being in eyeshot of them. The “fire” is having large drug busts on your ranch. The “fire” is feeling sick to your stomach every time the helicopter swirls your house because you know they are chasing people because you can hear them on the speaker talking to them. The “fire” is seeing the BP camera set-up 1/2 mile from your house. The “fire” is coming home after dark…your children are driving in front of you as one is of age to drive, and there are officers on your road watching illegals 1/4-1/2 mile from your house and you have to call your children and tell them to keep driving, don’t stop at the house.

    The “fire” is coming home to your backdoor wide open.

    The “fire” is real for me, my family, and my community.

    MURDER & MAYHEM Mexico murder bloodbath spirals out of control reaching all-time high with 94 killings every DAY

    So how do you stop it??


    Have an orderly, lawful, process allowing people who go through the process sucessfuly to enter. Gee, we aleady have that now if the Dems would just let us use it!

    The same is true for all immigrants....come legally.

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Hot Sh*t says:

    "6 Toxic Arguing Techniques Used by Narcissists and Manipulators

    and much more...

    can be applied to Thom's question."


    If Hot Lips had read this article with a clear mind and even a modicum of situational awareness (and when pigs fly), she would have immediately recognized that the author, Darius Cikanavicius, is describing Trump to a T.

    ALERT: Thom's opinions can be backed up by solid facts and actual history, whereas Trump's delusional musings, like the gibberish of his obedient trolls, is backed up by...


  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago


    That's a great way to enjoy the 4th weekend.

    We're having a picnic on the river that's about 800 ft from our abode. Watch the dragon flys soar up & down the river.

    Have all the Dems turned into narcissists??

    http://How Narcissists Play the Victim and Twist the Story


    6 Toxic Arguing Techniques Used by Narcissists and Manipulators

    and much more to see and read @ this site.

    can be applied to Thom's question.


    I'm actually at the top of the San Andres and the bottom of the The Cascadia fault system. Could be affected by either one if they go off.

    CBS reporter John Blackstone asked him about the warning technology, “On the San Andreas fault, we’re waiting for the big one. On the Cascadia fault, we’re waiting for the really big one?”

    I was in S.F. for the Loma Preita in 89'....close to candlestick park during the world series.

    Have fun!

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Those who know and understand Trump the most have stated for the record:

    • "In terms of the conservative movement, I do think it would be foolish to deny that Trump has exposed certain aspects of that movement as less healthy than I thought or hoped." --Bill Kristol (No sh*t, Sherlock!)

    • "He's a f*cking idiot." -- Lindsey Graham
    • An "idiot" and a "Dope." --H.R. McMaster
    • "a f*cking moron" --Rex Tillerson
    • "an idiot surrounded by clowns." "Dumb as sh*t." --Gary Cohn
    • "an empty vessel when it comes to things like the constitution and rule of law." --Scott Pruit
    • "like an 11-year-old child" --Steve Bannon
    • "the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader.” --Jim Mattis
    • racist, misogynist and bigot” --Manigault Newman
    • "a f*cking liar." --John Dowd
    • "Trump is not only willing to lie, but he doesn't get bothered by it, doesn't feel guilty about it, isn't preoccupied by it. There's an emptiness inside Trump. There's an absence of a soul. There's an absence of a heart." --biographer Tony Schwartz.
    • "It is him almost demanding you believe something so fantastic and so ludicrous, that the listener winds up thinking: 'Am I crazy to be thinking about this?'" --biographer Michael D'Antoni
    • "[Trump] just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it” --Jared Kushner

    And from the highest court in the kingdom:

    [The Supreme Court is] “not required to exhibit a naivete from which ordinary citizens are free.” --Chief Justice Roberts quoting judge Henry Friendly.

    (Translation: just about everybody on the planet knows Trump is a f*cking liar and idiot, and the Supreme Court can't pretend otherwise.)

    All of the above is only a small sample of what just a few prominent Republicans, in their heart of hearts, had to say in public. In private, the list is much longer and even more revealing.

    In other words, the goof-ball red-hats have strayed so far to the hate/fear/lie, far-right extreme even the so-called "adults in the room" (haha) do not consider them true Republicans. (Whatever the hell that means nowadays.)

    After their illegitimate president's heavy, heavy karma comes due next November -- and if he can miraculously avoid prison somehow -- perhaps the nation's f*cking idiots, liars, and trolls will start their own third party and march off into oblivion.

    Call it the MAGA Party (Make Assholes Go Away).

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Hi HotCoffee.

    I assume you are well away from any issues with the current spate of shakers.

    Training church groups to form security teams this weekend. Lot's of interest and now that Florida recognizes the parkland shooting could have been far less damaging than it was, Florida has is now actively training and arming teachers. Good move on their part and glad they are joining the many other states that already have that in place.


  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago
  • Why Don't We Start Postal Banking To Save The Post Office? (w/Guest: Alex Lawson)   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Postal services are quite complex and that's why we need to find ways to make it easier to use them. I bet a lot of people ask themselves "what's my zip code in the first place?" Thankfully, it's not hard to find out if you know resources.

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago


    4 min



    DallasNews reported in late June:

    A new series of lawsuits allege a serial murder suspect’s path of violence through Dallas and Collin counties was even wider than previously believed.

    Billy Chemirmir, 46, was already accused of killing 12 elderly women in Dallas and Collin counties. The lawsuits allege six more elderly victims, including one man.

    Family members filed the six separate lawsuits Tuesday against The Tradition-Prestonwood, an upscale senior living complex where eight of the people died. The complex is operated by The Tradition, a company that owns four senior living communities in Dallas and Houston.

    and last

    Something San Francisco This Way Comes West Coast craziness coming to a community near you. back tomorrow.

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago


    The hair thing sure came as a suprise....I have hired & fired many workers in S.F. when I worked there as a manager and never heard a word about hair except in a resturant food prep situation...but then I left S.F. in see if I liked country living. Now when I rarly visit S.F. I'm so glad when I get back home!

    We do have many good folks in Ca. and a few good politicians such as Devin Nunes, whom I would like to see run for Governor. Do recall Regan was from Ca. So the tide can turn again especially as the insanity increases.

    Most of the rift raff are actually from other states that moved here cause they couldn't push that crap back where they came from.

    Here in the remote areas people don't much pay attention to S.F. critters and are split roughly 50 50 politicaly. Inland and far northern Ca. is much more sane. Hence the contant threat to split the state into 3 states.

    Having fresh trout this 4th & 5th from a lake in eastern Ca. Yum!

    The Dems want chaos at the border they think it helps their cause, I think even the people of Ca. want an orderly process and this will backfire. For some reason the Dems don't care about the people going through an orderly process that follows the law...I guess they aren't important....just give us the lawless, the cartels and gang bangers.

    Glad Trump said something needs to be done for the homeless.

    Going to check what's going on today a take a trip into town......later!

  • When the Economy Crashes Will America Move to the Hard Right or Left?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Where are the gas chambers and the work camps? I am pretty sure the Jews of WWII would have kissed the earth if they had been in detention camps like we are providing on the southern border.

    Deny it all you want because your propanda filled brains can have no other possible response.

  • How Should the Democrats Deal with the Fact That Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty on the Border?   5 years 12 weeks ago

    Good Friday HotCoffee, I hope you had a great fourth of July. It was fun watching all the leftie/socialists hand wringing over the display in Washington DC yesterday. President Trump gave a great speech and avoided politics. Very moving to watch the Blue Angels flyover. Also interesting to see the Abrams M1 tank is now back into production. Good to see a president that supports the military back in the WH. President mom jeans was a handful if you were a supporter of the armed forces and their related equipment. Oddly, Trumps proposal for a Space Force makes total sense as in the future, technology attacks damage will exceed the need for manpower, bullets and bombs. President Reagan had it right and too few listened.

    I hear you in CA will get yet another new law. Pelosi's nephew just signed a "hair discrimination law into effect. No, you can make it up. It's real and begs the question when someone is injured on the job because their dredlocks were caught in the machinery, do they sue the company or Newsome or the State of CA. Either way, thank God we have big brother watching your every move. I know it's beautiful but I could not live in your state but I suspect you are remote enough to not be directly affected.

    back later.

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