Recent comments

  • With Louise in Alaska at a glacier   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Very professionalism the design of this website.User friendly, and more site

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    When Trump tells the Fab 4 to go home because they don’t like America he should be reminded that he does not represent America and that why they really don’t like is Trump’s America of hate and divisiveness.

  • The Thom Hartmann Program - Aug 30th 2018   5 years 10 weeks ago

    How do I know which product is the best among the ones listed here?

  • With The Dalai Lama   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Very impressive picture.

    - Carlton from Dearborn snow removal service

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    The world must have forgotten what it really means to be civilized.

    usps postal service tracking

  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Interesting stuff. Want To Know Who Will Win In 2016? Forget The Pollsters, Check With The Bookies.

    When you want to know who’s going to win the next presidential election, don’t read the mainstream newspapers or tune in to the cable networks. And forget the pollsters — they don’t know diddly. Just check in with the bookies.

    Daily Wire TV

    onald Trump is still favored to win the 2020 Election with -120 average odds," Sports Betting Dime wrote last week. That means you’d have to bet $120 just to win $100. Them’s some pretty good odds that Trump‘ll repeat., another betting site, pointed out what a huge turnaround that is from the 2016 election, when Trump’s odds at the start 500/1 — or +50,000 on betting sites.

    "This means that the implied odds gave Trump a 0.2% chance of winning the presidency. So, if you saw Donald Trump listed as 500/1, a moneyline wager of $1 winning would return $500. If you see it priced at +50,000, then a $100 bet would return $50,000 profit," the site said.

    A $2,000 bet on Trump in the early days of the 2016 campaign would’ve made you a millionaire.

    But you won’t get such good odds this time around.

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Fucking Brexit !

    Yann Belliard

  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, Watching Mueller now. What a waste of time. Dem & Repubs both rabid trying to make their side believe something. Turning it off and going for a walk.

  • With The Dalai Lama   5 years 10 weeks ago
  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    OK Diane are you ready for this??

    I got a call from a Black friend fom LA today she was telling me that the Black girls and Latinos are using fix a flat tire repair to get those big booties....I couldn't believe it but this is what I found. I mention she's black cause I haven't heard of white girls doing this...yet! Seems to be a black or latina thing.

    Getting a backside boost is your call, but do your research. Seek out a board-certified plastic surgeon ( is a great resource) to avoid bargain-priced procedures that could be illegal and potentially lethal. Here in the U.S. dozens of cases have been reported in which women developed infections and even died after being injected with silicone—or, in stranger instances, with elixirs containing cement and Fix-a-Flat, a tire sealant.

    more @

    OK gotta go order my straws!

  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, I have heen commenting on Hatrmann's hate speech long before President Trump was elected. I am of the opinion he is just a very unhappy and full of dispair individual. I remember years ago he actually admitted he carried a Geiger counter when he went to the grocery store. Negative people tend to live their with their hair on fire. Geez, what a way to drag yourself through life.

    As for obama, I had little use for any of his policies but I never approached anywhere the stage of insanity the leftie/socialists have lowered themselves, in fact I thanked him for the several hundred thousand dollars he put in my pocket in training fees and owning gun manufacturers stocks.

    BTW, just ordered red plastic plastic straws with the word Trump printed on them in gold letters. He made $200,000 last weekend in sales.

    This guy is a master at trolling the leftie/socialists.

  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    I guess when you lie long enough it's hard to get the words out.

  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    WASHINGTON: It used to be a truism of American politics that we only have one President at a time. That there was a strong tradition ensuring the ‘peaceful transition of power” from one administration to the other. President Barack Obama is obliterating those quaint traditions of American democracy. Indeed he seems to have set up a government in exile, in Washington DC, while he seeks to undermine and sabotage the sitting President. (Trump claims ‘Obama had to know about’ efforts to undermine presidency)

    His actions are unprecedented. The impact of his activities may well lead to a string of criminal indictments against a plethora of senior Obama Administration officials. Both in the senior levels of his cabinet. And in the upper echelons of the Obama White House staff and the Oval Office itself.

    A coup d’etat by the outgoing Obama administration

    There is no instance where a two-term President has left the Oval Office and then actively sought to destroy his successor. Until Barack Obama. There is no situation where the outgoing President weaponized the intelligence agencies and the DOJ to target, frame, and decimate the incoming President, even before he has taken office.

    No President has ever sought to stage a coup d’etat against his successor. Until now.


  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 10 weeks ago


    "This is how we need to campaign against Trump, putting his hate, bigotry, misogyny and racism at the center of the campaign."

    Geez, I thought that's what they've been doing since 2015 isn't that how the pantsuit nightmare lost??

    "A Twofer would be to also point out that he and the entire Republican Party are hopelessly criminal and corrupt."

    Oh boy, more deplorable, stinky walmart people BS. Yep, 1/2 the country is corrupt and criminal ...why cause Thom doesn't like them.

    It's going to be a great 2021....if that's the plan.

  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Coalage3 & HotCoffee,

    I didn't have to read Hatrmann's description of anything to figure out where he stood on any topic. For years he and I agreed on only two fronts.

    1. Trying to stay out of unnecessary wars.

    2. Get rid of Clinton's NAFTA and impose tariffs.

    President Trump has tried both and Hatrmann does nothing but whine.

    Out of town all week but will jump in when I can.

  • Martin O'Malley suspends presidential campaign after Iowa caucuses   5 years 10 weeks ago

    This is a very nice page. Contents are highly informative. And if you want to know more of the services that we offer for tree service check out our website.

  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    I read your description of republicans and I thought you were talking about the party of death. If you think they can win a national campaign based strictly on hate, go for it.

    Trump is going to steal away votes from the dems in the black community. He is going to tell them that the policies advocated by the party of death over the last 60 years, or so, have failed. How do we know that? Because if they had been successful, we would not be hearing any calls for slavery reparations, would we?

  • Will Racism Backfire on Trump...Or not?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    What is racism? The party of death, with the help of their liberal media friends, have tried to change the meaning.

    As i heard one commentator put it: "Racism is a conservative who is winning an argument with a liberal".

  • Will Racism Backfire on Trump...Or not?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Trump is a fun guy if you're into him. Full of surprises and good ideas. He can do no wrong. He said so. Who doesn't want a better country? Quit picking on him and let him work his magic. Fantastic affordable health care is coming real soon. National debt will start going down any time now. Social security, Medicare and Medicaid will all be saved. (Not the same as preserved.) What's not to love?

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Thanks for sharing.

    Click this out

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   5 years 10 weeks ago

    I agree, Brexit will be hard to do, even for Boris Johnson.

  • What's the Trump administration doing in the face of the rise of armed hatred in the United States?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    How can I pick out the best product from those listed on this site?

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Dear Liberals: Why Do You Still Trust The MSM That Has Been Repeatedly Caught Lying Right To Your Faces? - Like Abused Spouses, The Left Seem Incapable Of Leaving Their Abusers

    81 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List

  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 10 weeks ago

    I think I heard a report that AOC wants a commission to study the illegal immigrant children detention policy. Where was she , and especially where were her fellow party of death members during the Obama administration? Chirp...chirp...chirp. Let us not forget that the very first released pictures of "children in cages" were taken during the Obama presidency.

    I think we need a commission to study what happened to the democrats common sense, rationality, and brains. Of course, the cost would be enormous to go on such an arduous investigation but AOC says she doesn't want spending to matter anymore. So there you go...

    Why didn't Mueller call for Trump to be indicted for his alleged crimes? Even if a sitting president cannot be indicted, Mueller could easily have said that he should be charged after his second term is over. But he didn't. He has repeatedly said he doesn't want to testify and his report speaks for itself. Now this could all be a big act so as for Mueller to try and salvage what might be left of his dignity after this disaster of an investigation. After all, we were told for two years that Trump was going to be impeached and was going to jail. CNN said so. So why didn't Mueller just go ahead and say he was guilty instead of this legal mish/mash of an explanation? He supposedly points out different things that happened that might be considered obstruction. Well if that's the case, why didn't he say so? Get off the fence and make a determination. Could it be because he also knows that there were many problems with the way that the Russia collusion hoax was perpetrated?

    DS thinks that republicans/conservatives really care if Trump is thrown out of office. Most die hard repubs I know would welcome a Pence presidency in its place. He would be a real conservative and not some fake wannabe like Trump.

  • Martin O'Malley suspends presidential campaign after Iowa caucuses   5 years 10 weeks ago

    Great article very up to date, and was kind of a shock to know that O'Malley has been suspended in his presidency. By the way, you can visit our companies website Tree Service & Removal of Alexandria or visit us at Alexandria VA.

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