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  • Social Media Has Created the "Hive Mind" & Let It Loose Into America   5 years 9 weeks ago

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  • Will Racism Backfire on Trump...Or not?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Donald Trump is one of America's president that has a very strong personality. By the way, guys our company offers kitchen remodeling with a quality service.

  • How Has the Right Wing Takeover of the GOP and the Media Changed America?   5 years 9 weeks ago

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  • Will Racism Backfire on Trump...Or not?   5 years 9 weeks ago

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  • How a Trojan horse project to rewrite our Constitution could actually happen if Trump wins in 2020   5 years 9 weeks ago

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  • What Do Democrats Really Want?   5 years 9 weeks ago

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  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 9 weeks ago

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  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

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  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    What a great article !

    ilias @

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Write On, Sister... DJT, The Salty Sailor And The Fireman

    Sometimes you just run across thoughts that prick you when touring various boards.

    Here's one:
    Great analogy!! I think her writing represents so many people's feelings

    Read this once, pause for a minute or two to think honestly about it, then read it again. I can find no fault with it...

    The views this mother has about Donald Trump are much like many other people. Her characterization of Trump as the "Salty Sailor" or as “The Fireman” paint an excellent picture!! She has written many great books about her son and family. This is a Comment from KAREN VAUGHN, Mother of Aaron Vaughn, Navy Seal.

    Sometimes God uses the no-nonsense, salty sailor to get the job done. Appreciating what the man is doing doesn't mean we worship the salty sailor or even desire to be like the salty sailor. It doesn't even mean God admires the salty sailor. Maybe He just knows he's necessary for such a time as this.

    I believe with all my heart that God placed that salty sailor in the White House to give this nation one more chance in November 2016. Donald Trump is what he is – and he is still the man he was before the election – and without guilt. I very much admire what that salty sailor is accomplishing.

    He's not like me. That's okay with me. I don't want to be like him. I will never behave like him. I know we've NEVER had a man like him lead our nation before. It's crazy and a little mind-blowing at times. But I can't help admire the stamina and ability he has – acting with his heart rather than a calculated, PC, think tank-screened, carefully edited script. I still believe that is WHY he became our President and WHY he's been able to handle a landslide of adversity and STILL pass unprecedented amounts of good legislation for our country AND do great works for MANY other nations, including Israel.

    I'm THRILLED with what he's doing for my nation, for the cause of Christ (whether intentional or unintentional, doesn't matter to me), and for the concept of rebuilding America and putting her FIRST. I will not be ashamed of my position because others don't see him through the same lens.

    Should it matter to me if a fireman drops an f-bomb while he's pulling me from a burning building? Would I really care about what came out of his mouth in those moments? Heck no! I'd CARE about what he was DOING. He wasn't sent there to save my soul and I'm not looking to him for spiritual guidance. All I'm thinking in those moments is, "Thank you, GOD, for sending the fireman." AND DONALD TRUMP IS OUR FIREMAN.

    I'll soon post this article again for those who still might not understand me. This man is crass. Okay. He's not careful with what he says. Okay. You feel offended that he's not a typical statesman. Okay. But he is DOING THE JOB of rebuilding the nation my son died for... the nation I feared was on a fast track to becoming a hopeless cause.

    Forgive me if I'm smiling."

    Written by


  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    And the hits just keep on coming............

    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) once referenced North Korea to slam the conditions and lifespan of residents in Baltimore’s “poorest boroughs,” calling it a “disgrace.”

    This comes in the wake of far-left politicians slamming President Trump over criticisms of House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), who represents Baltimore’s district.

    In 2016, Sanders slammed the conditions in Baltimore’s “poorest boroughs,” claiming that residents have “lifespans shorter than people living under dictatorship in North Korea.”

    “That is a disgrace,” he added in May 2016.

    Residents of Baltimore’s poorest boroughs have lifespans shorter than people living under dictatorship in North Korea. That is a disgrace.

    — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) May 5, 2016

    Days later, he added: “Horribly, someone born in Baltimore’s poorest neighborhood can expect to live 20 years less than a person born in the wealthiest area.”

    Horribly, someone born in Baltimore's poorest neighborhood can expect to live 20 years less than a person born in the wealthiest area.

    — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) May 13, 2016

    This comes in the wake of criticisms from far-left lawmakers aimed at Trump, who slammed Cummings Saturday for “shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border.”

    and more

    and now on to Sara Carter....

    Butina’s lawyer, Robert Driscoll, also confirmed the relationship between Byrne and Butina. Driscoll stated that he also had relayed the information to the FBI and prosecutors earlier during his trial, and asked repeatedly about any Brady material -exculpatory information – that the bureau may have collected from Byrne on Butina, to no avail. The bureau denied it had any information regarding Byrne and Butina’s relationship, said Driscoll.

    On Thursday, Driscoll sent a letter to United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut John Durham, who was appointed by Attorney General William Barr to investigate the FBI’s handling of the Russia investigation; Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is conducting an investigation into the bureau’s origins of the Trump probe and Corey Amundson, with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Professional Responsibility.


    never ending!

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    And a great Sunday to you Diane,

    Having a second cup myself....

    I just love Collies I grew up with 3 full size collies, very smart dogs! my best friends had border collies and they are the same, just smaller. After the collies passed on I 've had shepard huskie mix, they are smart too..a cop stopped my son when he was young for riding his bike and not stopping at a stop sign, he warned him it was dangerous and our shepard took the cop by his wrist and brought him to our house about a block away. Good thing the cop loved dogs.

    Got Kamala right!

    This whole 3 years has been nothing but a cover hillary and cohorts butt session.

    Hopefully Huber & Barr will put and end to it.

    Nolte – MSNBC Host: We’re Not Going to ‘Play Fair’ to Put Trump in Jail
    by John Nolte

    During a Friday appearance on Morning Joe, MSNBC host Donny Deutsch promised the world, “We’re not going to necessarily play fair” to put President Trump “in jail.”

    “We may not have won the battle of impeachment,” Deutsch squealed, “but we’re going to win the war of putting him in jail — whatever we have to do, and we’re not going to necessarily play fair.”

    So what you have here is an anchor for a major cable news outlet assuring everyone that when it comes to putting an individual in prison, “we’re not going to … play fair.”

    This is how far gone the media now are…

    Full article includes short video:

    Fascinating excerpt of Donald Trump interviewed by Rona Barrett, ca. 1980 (4+ minute video)


  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Good Sunday HotCoffee, I am enjoying a large cup right now.

    Right on with the FBI. Obama pretty much destroyed the integrity of the FBI, Secret Service, and mush of Homeland Security. This from 2014 no less,

    I missed the giant kerfuffle over Ivanka Trump picking up a new dog and the leftie/socialists went absolutely nuts over the fact the dog was "WHITE". My God how many took to social media blasting her for that choice. Rumour has it that President Trump is also picking out a new dog,

    That be a Border Collie.

    One last bit on Harris.

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago


    As we noted in March, current and former FBI associates were embarrassed to even turn on their TV’s before the Mueller testimony. Now they must be enraged.

    Time magazine of all places reported about the many efforts the FBI took related to Hillary’s exoneration and then the framing of President Trump. These corrupt and criminal actions have taken a desperate toll on the current members of the FBI –

    In normal times, the televisions are humming at the FBI’s 56 field offices nationwide, piping in the latest news as agents work their investigations. But these days, some agents say, the TVs are often off to avoid the crush of bad stories about the FBI itself. The bureau, which is used to making headlines for nabbing crooks, has been grabbing the spotlight for unwanted reasons: fired leaders, texts between lovers and, most of all, attacks by President Trump. “I don’t care what channel it’s on,” says Tom O’Connor, a veteran investigator in Washington who leads the FBI Agents Association. “All you hear is negative stuff about the FBI … It gets depressing.”

    Of course the employees of the FBI are in a funk, their fearless and corrupt leaders, as well as leaders in Obama’s corrupt DOJ, participated in extravagant efforts to exonerate the obvious criminal actions of Hillary Clinton, and then to do all they could to prevent candidate Trump from winning an election. Then once the election was won by President Trump, they went to unheard of depths of deceit and corruption to attempt to remove him from office.

    tomorrow's good!

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Good afternoon HotCoffee,

    Interesting to Bernie Freeshit Sanders come face to face with economic reality. After screwing his workers and gets called out, his response was to cut hours back and eliminate staff. Welcome to the real world ol' Bern. Perhaps you could sell one of your three homes and cough up a buck or to for the "little people"

    Then there is Talib, an anchor baby from Palestine who screeched racist in front of any microphone she could find when President Trump suggested Omar return to Somalia and fix her country and then return to show us how she corrected that 5th world country. Well, who woulda thunk, Tlaib during the 2016 Trump campaign told Trump to return to the country he came from.

    It appears the republicans best vote getter Omar, found herself in trouble because she marched in the gay pride parade in Minneapolis in July. Radical Muslims have a tendency to kill gays on sight. Omar has some splanin' to do back home.


  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    It is crazy whats going on down there in US!

    Live in Canada!

    Thanks Alicia @ online life coaching

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    more good news! Supreme Court rules Trump can use military funds for border wall construction

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, another of the rants by one of the lefties on Democracy Now was over Puerto Rico. If Hatrmann was anything like all the rest of the socialist media, he ranted on and on over President Trump's lack of response to the Hurricane. NOW it comes to light that the billions that we taxpayers sent were all squandered just as President Trump stated years ago.

    Somehow I missed all the apologies from the media for their fake news.

    As for Mike Lindell running or office, screw Omar as she has become a republican asset.

    Mike Lindell should run for senate and would make mincemeat of either senator Amy Klobuchar or Tina Smith both as ineffective as a box of raisins.

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    I think I'm going to be well stocked on pillows & straws.....

    Mike Lindell of My Pillow Considering a Run Against Ilhan Omar in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District
    By Shane Trejo

    Freshman legislator Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has quickly emerged as one of the nation’s most reviled lawmakers after making a cacophony of anti-Semitic, anti-white and anti-American comments while serving in Congress. Mike Lindell, better known as the My Pillow inventor, is considering a challenge against her next year.

    Lindell confirmed that he will be intimately involved in the effort to turn Minnesota red next year, and failed to rule out a potential Congressional run against Omar during an appearance on the Sara Carter show earlier this month.

    “There’s things going on you don’t even see,” he said. “And I will tell you this, I’m going to do so much in Minnesota over the next year and a half, you won’t even see any blue.”


  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago


    Isn't it great to have a POTUS that enjoys life...and made that wedding even more special at the same time.

    The dems huddle for their coordinated chant...heaven forbid one of them have an original thought....repeat after me...the walls are closing in...They look like they are at a funeral.

    Several Repubs passed some of their time back to Jim Jordan during the questioning of Mueller if you put Jordan's questions together it goes like this.

    makes much more sense this way.

    I just got more after I have a chance to see what crazyness is going on today.

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago
  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Good Friday HotCoffee, back in town and glad to be so. On an early hour morning walk, I tuned in Democracy Now and laughed at the efforts lefties go to twist news into their narrative, Today which must have been a repeat of yesterday devoted a lot of time to conservative Boris Johnson who was just elected in the UK. It so reminded me of all the Sturm und Drang that followed the Trump election in the US.

    The media is so united in their hatred I will leave this for you to enjoy.

    Note how communist Thom Hatrmann embraces capitalist opportunities by seeking out ways to exploit his "fame" by pimping cruise lines to offer him a free vacation if he can convince enough lemmings to also sign on the SS Minnow. I would love to have a video of that group all huddled around a flatscreen for 5-1/2 hours watching intently for Mueller to support any of their beliefs only to see the entire meme collapse before their very eyes.


  • Will Racism Backfire on Trump...Or not?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Thom - as usual, you are asking the right question but in the wrong context. The right question is...."Will Racism Backfire on the Democrats"?

    After all, its their entire platform.

  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Pete Van Buren nails it as to why the party of death, formerly known as the democrats, have a flawed strategy:


    The people of Youngstown understand this in their bones, and, to the endless amazement of progressive media, support Trump even when he is ineffective in helping them, because at least he understands. He would never tell them that their economic problems pale in comparison to racism. Gillibrand, on the other hand, went to Youngstown specifically to communicate that she doesn’t care—her eye is on another audience.

    It is time to admit that racism is not the core problem, the one Pete Buttigieg claims“ threatens to unravel the American project.” It is in 2019 an exaggeration driving a key Democratic strategy: betting the White House on unreliable voters (since the 1980s, blacks have turned out in higher numbers than whites, percentage-wise, only for the Obama elections) against a body of whites they devalue.

    This is a risky strategy. It alienates too many while challenging others (older Americans of all races historically turn out at 30 to 40 percent higher rates than the youngest voters) to vote for the party that now gleefully denounces Thomas Jefferson as a slaver, and throws its own vice president emeritus and frontrunner under the racism bus. Voters, meanwhile, wonder when the reparations for their lost jobs and homes will come.

    The Dems can’t reassess because to discuss racism in any but the Party’s own terms is more racism. Dissenters are racists, or at least noncompetitive. Mayor Pete, who in January said, “Trump got elected because, in his twisted way, he pointed out the huge troubles in our economy and our democracy,” now leads the charge with racism. Argument is ended with “Oh, so says a white person.” Whitesplaining! It’s like saying only doctors who have cancer are allowed to treat tumors.

    In Wall Street terms, Democrats are “shorting” white voters. A short means betting against something, devaluing it. If you are short on Microsoft, you make investments that will go up if Microsoft goes down. Dems think white voters have little value, and are betting against them with exaggerated claims of supremacy. Along the way, they assume all “people of color” will fall into place, believing that what resonates with young urban blacks will also click with their older rural relatives in swing states, as well as with Latinos who trace their roots from Barcelona to Havana to Juarez, and Asians too (why not?), simply because, in Democratic lexicon, any color trumps white—no shades of nuance needed.

    If that sounds simplistic, never mind inaccurate, and a bad idea, you may want to consider shorting the Dems for 2020.

  • Dad, Thom, Stan, Steve, John, Mom   5 years 9 weeks ago

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