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  • You Can't Have a Functioning Democracy Without High Quality Infrastructure   5 years 9 weeks ago

    I think it has just began click here.

  • Transcript: Blood on the Floor, Jun 19 2006   5 years 9 weeks ago

    the design offers added attention on areas that we all appreciate and love to hate..."blood"

  • Paranoid delusions swept across the floor of the United States Senate...   5 years 9 weeks ago

    This was not necessary but in a way it is necessary click here

  • How Will Servers Survive with Minimum Wage and No Tips?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Thank you very much for sharing such important advice, I really hope that you will publish such information in the future.


    Alan from

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago


    They don't just want free sh*t here they want it everywhere they go! Disgusting.

    by Tyler Durden Tue, 07/30/2019 - 23:45

    Millennials who have delayed marriage, children, and homeownership, have been spending their money not just on servicing their student loans but also on fun adventures throughout Southeast Asia.

    Some of these youngsters have been backpacking in countries like Hong Kong and Thailand without money, forced onto the streets to beg for money to fund the remainder of their trip, reported The Guardian.

    Locals have called western backpackers: "begpackers," and government officials in several countries have had enough with these pesky white youngsters asking for money from people who are significantly poorer than they're.

    MUST SEE PICS & the rest of the story

  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Trump has no filters and sure has a history. Really don't know how he is still in office. Escondido movers

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago


    LOL more Dem flubs....

    Get Woke, Go Broke: Gillette Loses BILLIONS After Sexist and Lecturing #MeToo Razor Ads

    EPIC! Trump Hits Back at Dems – Posts Video of Elijah Cummings Calling Baltimore “Drug Infested”

    Desperate Brennan Shifts From ‘Trump Russia’ to ‘Trump is Racist’ – “This Madness Must End”


    Season of the Witch

    Ok..time to fix dinner!

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago
  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Hey Diane,

    It's noon here had to make a run to the feed store and pet the baby goat :) reminded me of Bernie looked a lot like him.

    I didn't get a chance to watch either so thanks for the.. lol... summary!

    Had time was too precious to waste on cranky Bernie and friends.

    Heres a bit on Kamala.....

    Posted by Daniel Greenfield

    Senator Kamala Harris, who lives with her white husband in one of the most segregated neighborhoods in Los Angeles, has come out with a call for busing children to distant schools to fight “segregation”.

    That’s great for Kamala, who has no children. Her stepson, Cole, who works at the William Morris Agency, which is about as diverse as his dad and S-Mamala’s Brentwood hood, won’t be bussed to work at more diverse talent agencies, and Ella, won’t be bused from her studies at Parsons School of Design (4% black) to a more diverse design college. Like most politicians, Harris wants to penalize other people.

    None of these provisions and solutions to problems that don’t exist will actually apply to her and hers.

    If segregation is the mere absence of diversity and requires government intervention, as she insists it does, what is Senator Kamala Harris doing to desegregate her Brentwood neighborhood?

    Kamala’s $4.8 million Brentwood home is located in a neighborhood that is 84% white and 1.2% black in Los Angeles, a city that is nearly 10% black.

    Senator Harris has come out for busing children to schools that aren’t sufficiently diverse. What about busing some folks from South Central to Brentwood to live across the street from her home?

    “There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me,” Senator Kamala Harris whined.

    Because the only way a successful Democrat can run for office is by playing the victim.

    The truth is that little girl, the privileged daughter of wealthy foreign grad students, wasn’t bused.

    She was flown around the world.

    That’s not a “right-wing conspiracy theory”, as the media now describes any account fact-checking Kamala Harris’ imaginary past, it’s right there in the words of her own mother who couldn’t stop bragging about the wealth and power that was Kamala’s birthright by way of family and connections.

    “When Kamala was in first grade one of her teachers said to me, ‘You know, your child has a great imagination. Every time we talk about someplace in the world she says, ‘Oh, I’ve been there.’ So I told her, ‘Well, she has been there!’”

    “India, England, the Caribbean, Africa—she had been there," Kamala's mother told Modern Luxury magazine.

    These days, Kamala actually has a great imagination. She has to work hard to imagine being oppressed.

    That’s the actual little girl being displayed on those t-shirts that Kamala Harris For the People (the official and officially laughable name of a campaign funded by California millionaires) is selling for $30 bucks.

    "Two decades after Brown v. Board, I was only the second class to integrate at Berkeley public schools. Without that decision, I likely would not have become a lawyer and eventually be elected a Senator from California,” Senator Kamala Harris claimed.

    Kamala’s insistence that without busing she wouldn’t have become a lawyer or a senator takes place in an exciting fantasy world in which her wealthy, famous and powerful parents never existed. In the real world, her Brahmin mother, an internationally famous cancer researcher, sending her "Montreal’s tony Westmount" high school probably had a lot more to do with her becoming a lawyer.

    Busing certainly didn’t put Kamala Harris on a path to the Senate and the White House. Not unless there were buses running directly to Willie Brown’s house and stopping in a shadowy spot at the back door.

    It wasn’t civil rights, but an alleged extramarital affair with a dirty San Francisco city boss that made her.

    Forget the trauma of busing. To get to where she was, Kamala, at 29, hooked up with Willie, at 60, and ended up in a Brentwood home with no children, but a Senate seat and a shot at the White House.

    “And that little girl was me.”

    It’s understandable politically and personally why Kamala would want to invent a past in which she hadn’t used her privilege and connections as a down payment on ruining her life and selling her soul.

    Kamala’s story, in which busing took her out of the grim inner cities of Berkeley, where she had to watch three beatnik poets recite bad verse before she got to her bus stop, and opened the world to her, so that one day that little girl in the old creased photo could aspire to be president, is much nobler.


    Going to scan the news now & be back later!

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    It's Wednesday Hot Coffee, good day to you,

    I couldn't watch the "debates" last night so I just picked up the "highlights?" from various sources.


    Laughable, after not having even one American flag on the stage for the first debate, they actually got the message and played the national anthem. Too bad obama could not attend and stand there with his hands in his pockets.

    No one mentioned the Mueller Report so that's water over the dam

    No one mentioned Russia collusion so that is also a dead duck. BTW, I hear Russia is going to boost their spending in the next election. It will go from 0.000000002% of the total amount spent in the 2016 election to 0.000000003% in 2020.

    Marianne Williamson Is apparently a different gender but Governor Moonbeam comes to mind.

    Sanders seems to be the most angry old man in the country not to mention he is obviously losing his hearing. Of everything I heard of his participation, he came off as one commentator said, the old man next door who is always shouting at kids, "get off my lawn"

    Fauxahontas seemed to be screeching her tripe to a very small tribe.

    One analyst commented on the fact some of the first ten seemed to figure out that the far left wackos will have no chance against Trump and realized they needed to bring down the tone and degree of their impossible promises.

    So much for the second tier group, tonight the real s**tshow begins with everyone pouncing on the hair sniffer.

    This whole debacle reminds me of the start of The Hunger Games.


  • Is Trump a Target for Blackmail?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    I had to write a dissertation abstract international politics, I have to say I very doubt that Trump is a target for blackmailing, I supose, he has a lot of sceletons in a clothet

  • Our Women On The Ground - Essays by Arab Women   5 years 9 weeks ago

    It's a very sensitive subject for an essay. I was interested to know more about Arab women. Unfortunately, nature has not given me a talent for writing and so almost all the essays I order in the service I've tried training, but I never get a brilliant essay. Service professionals will save my student's life.

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago


    Two Somali-Americans were arrested at Tucson International Airport for conspiring to join the Islamic State. What is striking about the arrest is how images that repulse ordinary people will attract those people with extremist or twisted mentalities. Ahmed Mohamed and Abdi Hussein were arrested at the airport on July 26th and the FBI released communications from the men, including Mohamed telling the undercover agent, “[I]f I go to Syria I want to be the beheading person.


  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Hi Diane,

    I still recall racist Jessie Jackson spitting in white folks salad!

    Once he told of his days as a waiter at the Jack Tar Hotel in his home town of Greenville, S.C. Just before leaving the kitchen he would spit into the food of white patrons he hated and then smilingly serve it to them.

    Who can forget Rev. Al Sharpton would not admit the Tawana Brawley rape case he drove to national prominence was a hoax and on Morning Joe Tuesday, saying he had no regrets

    however on the bright side....................

    This is absolutely brilliant. With OVER 308,000 followers gay-pro-Trump activist Scott Presler is actually doing something about the problems in Baltimore.

    A conservative activist just threw down a challenge to liberals who are up in arms about President Trump’s recent remarks about Baltimore.

    As Democrats and the talking heads on the left continue their bashing of the president as a racist for stating the obvious on the shameful conditions in Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Maryland district, one Trump supporter is taking action — and challenging the critics to join him.

    Scott Presler, a gay Republican from Virginia Beach, announced a trash clean-up day in Baltimore as a way to push back on the anti-Trump rhetoric, calling on volunteers to join the effort.

    later :)

  • Social Media Has Created the "Hive Mind" & Let It Loose Into America   5 years 9 weeks ago

    You're right, social media can be harmful depending on how its used

    Organic Food kansas city

  • Is Impeachment a Remedy to Hate?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Good article!

    Bedbug extermination

  • How To Fight Trump?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    If you the democrats, also known as the party of death, want to beat Trump in 2020, the solution is relatively easy. All they have to do is come up with some better ideas.

    Sorry, but free everything will not work. Doing away with private health insurance plans will not work. Open borders for all will not work. Abortion anytime, anywhere, and for any reason will not work. No support for the poor and working classes will not work. Calling everybody who disagrees with you a racist will not work. No mention at all of foreign affairs and foreign policy will not work.

    Now....if you want to beat Trump, come up with something that will work.

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Good Tuesday morning HotCoffee and Coalage3,

    Coalage, you are right on. Race is a business and two masters at keeping things up are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Both are complete scum and do nothing to help but everything to promote themselves by threatening companies to shovel money into their "foundations". Sharpton who owed the government millions in back taxes sold his life story to his own charity for $530,000 in cash. Add to the likes of those two con men the thousands of bleeding heart leftie/socialists burdens with their own self inflicted white guilt and you now have created a huge $$$$ making business to be exploited.

    Little coverage from the printed media or ventriloquist dummie radio talking heads on this,

    Trump grants presidential pardons, commutations to seven people

    An then there is this,

    Rahm Emanuel to 2020 Democrats: You ‘Closed the Door on Swing Voters’


  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    How can we be civilized as long as portions of our major cities are "rat infested"? Everyone, and I mean Everyone, knows that what Trump said about Baltimore is more truth than rascist. And Cummings knows it. There have been several stories about this problem including by the Baltimore Sun. This is old news.

    The democrats and their pals in the liberal media just can't stand the fact that Trump fights back. If you say something about him or his policies that he doesn't agree with, he says so. If you continue to speak out against him, he just doubles down even more.

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago


    That's called adjustable facts !

    tomorrow after I get back from town !

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, Note the shooter was half Italian and half Iranian. The leftie socialists will glob onto this and call him white". If he were running as a democrat for congress he would be referred to as "Iranian".

    Did Hatrmann go off on this today?

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    The mysterious Mister Mifsud and why no one wants to discuss himBy Jonathan Turley, opinion contributor — 07/27/19 10:00 AM EDT

    Joseph Mifsud: The name of the generally unknown character in the Russia investigation came up, over and over, in the long-awaited House committee hearings with former special counsel Robert Mueller. Republican Jim Jordan of Ohio invoked the name as if it legally required the accompaniment of horror movie theme music; Mueller immediately snapped back that he would not discuss that man. Yet that did not deter Republicans. “Joseph Mifsud,” “Joseph Mifsud” — the mantra continued until the shadowy professor had emerged as the Keyser Söze of the Mueller hearings.

    Söze was the mysterious figure in the film “The Usual Suspects.” Another of the film’s characters, “Verbal” Kint, explained to an FBI agent that Söze was a criminal mastermind who committed horrible acts and then disappeared: “Nobody has ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. Rat on your pop, and Keyser Söze will get you.”

    Mifsud appears to be the story that Republicans tell their kids at night. However, it is a new story for most of us. Political analyst David Gergen acknowledged as much during CNN’s live coverage of hearings, saying that Republicans “presented things, frankly, we haven't talked about much on CNN, aspects of this that are on the right but we don't — you know — we haven't visited because we don't put much stock in a lot of what they're arguing.”

    Indeed, despite the nonstop coverage of the Russia investigation, most news shows have rarely “visited” the allegations linked to Mifsud. Certain subjects are rarely visited by CNN or other networks, at least not substantively. Media largely dismisses the fact that the Clinton campaign also solicited political dirt from foreign intelligence sources, including Russian intelligence, through investigator and British ex-spy Christopher Steele and the research firm Fusion GPS. Few programs mention that Glenn Simpson, a co-founder of Fusion GPS, had dinner with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya both the day before and the day after she met with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016.

    Many figures are now household names, such as resigned Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and onetime Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. But not Mifsud, despite his central role as a catalyst of the original investigation. For Republicans, it is like what Kint said about Söze: “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

    Two years ago, I wrote about Mifsud and his curious role in the unfolding scandal. He was variously described as a “Russian stooge,” a “KGB cutout” or an intelligence handler. Mifsud had worked as a “full-time professorial teaching fellow” at the University of Stirling in Scotland and was a professor at the London Academy of Diplomacy. He had a degree from the University of Malta and ran in diplomatic circles as a type of dealmaker for grants and conferences. He was said to be a fan and claimed acquaintance of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    For Republicans, if there was a Garden of Eden in the Trump campaign, Mifsud was the snake. It was Mifsud who, in a 2016 meeting in London with then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos, suddenly broached the possibility that the Russians might have emails and dirt on Hillary Clinton. Notably, he had that meeting just after returning from Moscow and allegedly referred to “thousands of emails.” Papadopoulos later repeated what he had been told to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in a London pub, and Downer reported that to the U.S. government.

    plenty more

  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    G'Morning Diane,

    I Think I'll start the day with a little humor....

    Shoplifting Canadian Squirrel Attacks Woman Witness (Video) 2:28

    also in the food news....

    C'mon Now, Do You REALLY Think Your Food Delivery Order Would Not Be Munched On By The College Dropout SJW Who Delivered It?

    (WSET) -- Ever wondered if a delivery driver took a bite of your food while on delivery? A new study says your fears might be real.

    A new study done by US Food shows the habits of both customers and delivery drivers.

    The study shows 28 percent of delivery drivers have taken food from a customer's order.

    54 percent of delivery drivers polled also said they are often tempted by the smell of the food they deliver to customers.

    The US Food study also shows that 17 percent of customers complained their food was not warm or fresh, and 16 percent complained their food was delivered late.

    Customers weren't the only ones with complaints about food delivery. The study also says 60 percent of delivery drivers complained of receiving little or no tip, while 39 percent complained that the customer's instructions were unclear.

    The study covered 1,518 American adults who have used food delivery apps, including UberEats, Grubhub, DoorDash and Postmates from May 9 to 13.

    They also surveyed 497 American adults who identified as having worked as a deliverer for at least one food delivery app.


    And before they call for more gun control in Ca. over the garlic are the laws now....

    No mention this though !

    One wonders why all media eyes were on the CALIFORNIA Shooting
    at the garlic festival when this happened in Brooklyn.

    Why aren't the DEMS screaming gun control over this one??

    Not politically correct? Don't want to counter gun crime here??

    By Sun-Times Wire Jul 29, 2019, 6:02am CDT

    At least 48 people were shot — eight fatally — in incidents of gun violence within city limits over the weekend.

    Shootings escalated as the weekend went on: Nine people were wounded Friday after 5 p.m., 15 were shot Saturday and Sunday saw 24 people shot.

    more on link

    This Didn't Make the News Either- 8 Killed, 40 Wounded in Chicago Weekend Shootings

    Geez.. all in Gun Free zones!!


  • Can America Claim to Be Civilized?   5 years 9 weeks ago

    Good Monday HotCoffee,

    Great posts. The lefties are not down to squabbling among themselves whether President Trump's comments about Baltimore are definitely racist and Bernie Sanders and Catherine Pugh's are not. Moving on, Three weeks ago Rush Limbaugh in response to Nike's stupid act of pulling shows with the American flag on the back because some spoiled brat washed up athlete hates America. Limbaugh created a Save Betsy Ross tee shirt and donate ALL the profits to charity. Three weeks in and already he will donate $3 million dollars and counting going to Tunnels 2 Towers Foundation . Trump has brought in $500,000 in the sale of plastic straws in just ten days.Tell me this is not a great country. Later.

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   5 years 9 weeks ago

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