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  • Time To Clean House?   5 years 6 days ago

    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain

    "Meanwhile, in the real world" ...Tinhip is deflecting from the real issue.

    This sad state of affairs is not about Biden or his son. Unfortunately for Trump trolls trying to defend the indefensible, there is Z-E-R-O evidence of either criminal wrongdoing or the more amorphous charge of corruption on the part of the Bidens -- despite the desperate and pathetic attempts by His Grace, The Orange, and the Hand of the King, Ser Giuliani, to manufacture such evidence for self-serving political purposes by blackmailing (in effect by threatening to withhold much-needed, Congressionally-approved aid for) a fledgling democracy, our ally, fighting for its life against a murderous totalitarian regime, our enemy.

    Sorry; the Democrats didn't make this up, as the purveyors of big lies and half-truths are forever wishin' and hopin' in their most fevered wet dreams.

    "In the real world," there is ample evidence of traitorous unpatriotism, criminal wrongdoing, and systemic corruption by King Trump and his court of fools -- so much so that it finally triggered a much-deserved impeachment inquiry, the gravest undertaking of Constitutionally mandated oversight responsibility. (Whereas, hypocritical Republicans tried to impeach Bill Clinton's penis.)

    And to reduce the discussion down to a "gotcha" by bragging gleefully about fund-raising off such despicable behavior only demonstrates the depths of depravity to which Republicans have sunk.

    Thanks for making that abundantly clear to everyone, Tinhip.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   5 years 6 days ago

    It would be great if we could build a massive wall between north korea and USA, kind of like a big fence. Too bad there is an ocean in between. I own fencing companies lexington ky , wichita ks fence installation, fence companies in cincinnati ohio, and des moines fence.

  • How The Republican Party Responds to Corruption Says It All   5 years 6 days ago

    Ver pelicula online - MIRROR LINK - Rambo Last Blood Ver película català Rambo Last Blood ver cine galego Rambo Last Blood ver película euskara Rambo Last Blood y descargar peliculas gratis Rambo Last Blood y descargar películas Rambo Last Blood cine online gratis Rambo Last Blood en linea película español Rambo Last Blood cine latino online Rambo Last Blood pelicula completa Rambo Last Blood película completa online Rambo Last Blood gratis Rambo Last Blood película Rambo Last Blood pelicula completa Rambo Last Blood película completa en linea Rambo Last Blood pelicula online Rambo Last Blood película en linea gratis Rambo Last Blood online pelicula castellano Rambo Last Blood pelicula latino online Rambo Last Blood pelicula online gratis Rambo Last Blood en linea pelicula chilena Rambo Last Blood pelicula latino online Rambo Last Blood pelicula completa Rambo Last Blood película completa online

  • How The Republican Party Responds to Corruption Says It All   5 years 6 days ago

    Ver pelicula online - MIRROR LINK - Rambo Last Blood Ver película català Rambo Last Blood ver cine galego Rambo Last Blood ver película euskara Rambo Last Blood y descargar peliculas gratis Rambo Last Blood y descargar películas Rambo Last Blood cine online gratis Rambo Last Blood en linea película español Rambo Last Blood cine latino online Rambo Last Blood pelicula completa Rambo Last Blood película completa online Rambo Last Blood gratis Rambo Last Blood película Rambo Last Blood pelicula completa Rambo Last Blood película completa en linea Rambo Last Blood pelicula online Rambo Last Blood película en linea gratis Rambo Last Blood online pelicula castellano Rambo Last Blood pelicula latino online Rambo Last Blood pelicula online gratis Rambo Last Blood en linea pelicula chilena Rambo Last Blood pelicula latino online Rambo Last Blood pelicula completa Rambo Last Blood película completa online

  • Debate: Is The High Cost Of Education Too High?   5 years 1 week ago

    Yes, the high cost of education is too high. It depends upon the town near the educational center. If the depends upon their standard and students can check essay for quality work. It is now a sort of business or a way of earning profit. Nowadays education is very expensive without it one cannot survive in the upcoming years. It is an essential part of life.

  • How The Republican Party Responds to Corruption Says It All   5 years 1 week ago

    "People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!" -- Greta Thunberg

    A brave little girl from Sweden has more intelligence, courage, and humanity than the collective "brainpower" of the entire Republican Party and their Wall Street masters. She sailed across a sea to stare down the world.

    And the evil clowns in America could only ridicule her.

    The world is dying. There are no more excuses. A vote for a climate-crisis denier is a vote against life itself.

  • Time To Clean House?   5 years 1 week ago

    In my neck of the woods, Trump zealots outnumber sane people two to one. One of the easiest ways to shut them down is simply to ask how Republicans would have dealt with Obama or Hillary had either of them sounded and acted even a little bit like Trump. (Fill in the blanks for examples; the list of King Joffrey's abhorrent behavior is long.)

    Of course, any real answer requires a modicum of intellectual honesty, which Trumpsters famously lack. But it's fun to watch squinty eyes dart around vacantly as a Fux News zombie-brain searches futilely for a coherent response.

  • Tribalization of Politics Ian Reifowitz   5 years 1 week ago that helps me to find the source of citation. "}" style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial;">It's really important to make space for children and students comfortable. For me, as for a student, comfortable table is on the first place. I hate mess in my workspace especially when I work on an important project such as a dissertation for which I use this service that helps me to find the source of citation. "}" style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial;"> that helps me to order the best assignment from professional writers.

  • Call Congress & Demand Trump Be Impeached Now   5 years 1 week ago

    If Democratic House holdouts can set aside crass politics for the moment and do what the Constitution demands, would this be Trump's zugzwang? By releasing the whistleblower's (Dan Coats?) report, he'll be impeached; by not releasing it, he'll be impeached.

    It's Trump's move.

    Then it's Nancy's.

    If she insists on playing politics (After all, that's her job as Speaker.), then perhaps her calculation should be: Which party will be complicit in Trump's high crimes and misdemeanors by not holding him accountable? What happens next November to the Democrats if they look weak and feckless (because they would be) in the fight against Republicans' all-out war on democracy?

    Why not put the onus on the double-talking Republicans and Moscow Mitch, and make them look like subservient Trump toadies and fascists (because they are) when they refuse to convict their very own petty dictator in the Senate after the House makes the good and proper move to impeach?

    As Greta Thunberg would say, "We will be watching you!"

    And, yes, the best move that We the People can make is to demand that our representatives perform their constitutional duty!

  • Time To Clean House?   5 years 1 week ago

    I'm really curious on your thoughts of impeachment. I was speaking to my tow truck guy and he was defending Trump up one side and down the other.

    I just shook my head!


  • The Corporate Conquest of America   5 years 1 week ago

    Why does everyone think that corporate America is a good thing?

    They've been telling us to click here for years - and we do!

    We are a puppet doing their will.

    Sad fact,


  • Call Congress & Demand Trump Be Impeached Now   5 years 1 week ago

    Ha! Good observation, Iliana Carol. I'm sure they'll come up with some kind of dastardly plot, and that's as good as any.

    But the House Democrats should not fall into their traps; instead, they should first focus on His Highness who rules over all executive branch departments -- the tree from which the bad apples fall. Then, all the rest of his rotten fruit can be dealt with accordingly.

  • Call Congress & Demand Trump Be Impeached Now   5 years 1 week ago

    Trump and Hannity have dinner often.

    Hannity is both a mouthpiece and an ear for Trump.

    What if Hannity says we can displace the burden of impeachment inquiry from only you to the State Dept. and Pence if we have Guiliani spill these beans on my show. Now - it's not just Trump that was corrupting Ukraine, whcih is impeachable, but it the entire state dept AND Pence that has to be questioned, delaying the inevitable impeachment proceeding.

  • Should Trump Have the Power To Take Us to War?   5 years 1 week ago

    My answer to your question is a resounding no! Trump, under investigation as he is, should have curtailed powers, if it is Constitutionally possible to do so. That this unstable person is allowed to sit in the White House is a commentary on our poor election machinery and counting system. Unforgiveably bad.

    That said, though Congress was meant to have sole power to declare war, other US presidents have seemed to manipulate events, too. There are those who waited for Congress to recess, in order to call a war, as an "emergency measure." (Legally a President can declare a military action to last no longer than 60 days, I believe, without notifying Congress. Short, quick actions have happened. The name Bush comes to mind.)

    FDR himself, whom I greatly esteem, was said to have wanted a war he publicly denied wanting. The stories of deciphered communications between Roosevelt & the British, and deciphered Japanses communications during WWII, create suspicions in me that Congress was manipulated by the President into that war, in our then 'isolationist' America.*

    PS I admit surprise, reading in Ed Asner's new history (which carries a brilliant, full copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the back) that originally Congress was intended to meet only once a year! That being the case, I wonder what the founders would have thought of our standing army, and the President's use of it. (I remember Kent State & President Nixon's calling the National Guard to fire upon American students. Indeed, this is not the 1st time we've seen tyranical actions by a US President. I can only hope Trump's fate is to go the same way.)

  • Did Trump Commit Treason?   5 years 1 week ago

    At this point, it's overkill and it doesn't seem to matter how much he crosses the line. It's pretty clear our institutions won't hold him accountable, so it's better to work on a viable successor at this point.

    Regards from France,
    Flower delivery France

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   5 years 1 week ago

    Thanks for sharing this article well explained.

  • Did Trump Commit Treason?   5 years 1 week ago

    Sourcing matters.

    Yes, there certainly are "Lots of articles if one wants to spend one minute doing research." Of course, quickly cruising search engines to cherrypick right-wing articles in support of one's obvious biases doesn't really count as credible "research" in any academic sense of the word, does it? Perhaps spending a few minutes on the following article over at Politifact might shed more light on the subject:

    Fact-checking Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Ukraine -- By Louis Jacobson, May 7th, 2019

    Disclaimer of my own bias: For many reasons (primarily for being too corporatized), I do not think Biden is the right choice for Democrats this time around, just as Hillary was not the right choice the last time around. I hope he gets knocked out in the primary. If his Ukraine non-scandal does the trick, so be it.

    But fair is fair. So far anyway, with regard to corruption allegations against the former vice president, it appears there is simply no there there, much to Republicans' chagrin. Should Biden win, he would still be -- by any measure -- a more qualified and legitimate president than the current, wholly corrupt occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Any erroneously perceived corruption on Biden's part pales in comparison -- a molehill to a mountain!

    But I get it; Republicans are flailing around and desperate to change the subject and steer the news cycle away from shining the klieg lights on the Trump crime family and their nearly absolute, runaway corruption, exposed by thick volumes of evidence in the public record and on the books of numerous prosecutorial venues. Go ahead and spend several thousand minutes on that research, then get back to us.

    Besides, in a political context, how many voters really care about the past trials and tribulations of a wayward son who is not running for any public office of trust other than angry, hateful, frustrated Republicans throwing shade? Why not balance out your damning critique of Hunter Biden with a few words about Joe Biden's deceased son, Beau Biden -- a much better role model as a son of a famous politician? (Although I'm sure Joe Biden loves all his children equally despite their individual failures and successes, as would most parents.) The once-upon-a-time slogan of Faux News, "fair and balanced," may have been a popular Republican mantra back in the day, but it was always a laughable misnomer; it definitely did not and does not reflect their actual one-sided narratives.

    By the way, there are only two sides to a news story: the truth and the lie.

    Have you spent more than "one minute" researching the Mueller Report? I suspect not since you've totally missed the salient point of this weighty matter vis-à-vis the Ukraine: It's clearly against the Constitution, the vast body of case law, and all acceptable standards of decency for a U.S. politician to seek foreign help to sway a domestic election, to lie about it, and to obstruct justice that seeks the truth.

    Those are impeachable offenses hands down, no matter how much Republicans try to obfuscate and distract. They want to make it all about the Democrats and the mere process of oversight rather than the real underlying issue, which is the Republican Party harboring their thoroughly corrupt "Dear Leader" who is defiantly in contempt of Congress -- yet another article of impeachment. Good luck with that.

    As time marches on and the relevant facts inevitably come out, hopefully before the general election, the majority of voters should see through all the dust kicked up by hyper-partisans and their false equivalencies -- if mainstream media can somehow, miraculously, set aside their own for-profit bias and finally do their damn job in the true interests of the public (their Constitutional mandate) instead of just focusing on the horserace and blathering on and on with shallow, salacious analyses. Their reality-show approach to the news may be a good business strategy, attracting more eyeballs and big-buck advertisers, but it sadly misinforms the public by underreporting the more critical, albeit uncomfortable, issues facing our declining democracy.

    In this era of 24/7 news saturation from all directions -- some valid, some not -- it's vitally important to investigate multiple sources, to separate the wheat from the chaff, to follow that thread of truth winding its way through daily news cycles no matter where it leads. In other words, we must each learn to become more responsible citizens if our experiment in democracy is to survive a small-minded aspiring dictator unwisely placed in a position of ultimate, intoxicating power.

    Whenever Tyrant Trump hollers "Fake news!" just because he can't handle the ugly truth about himself, imagine Thomas Jefferson turning in his grave:

    "No experiment can be more interesting than that we are now trying, and which we trust will end in establishing the fact, that man may be governed by reason and truth. Our first object should therefore be, to leave open to him all the avenues to truth. The most effectual hitherto found, is the freedom of the press. It is, therefore, the first shut up by those who fear the investigation of their actions." [emphasis mine] --Thomas Jefferson to John Tyler in 1804.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   5 years 1 week ago

    Very interesting article.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   5 years 1 week ago
  • Should Trump Have the Power to Take Us to War?   5 years 1 week ago

    Trump will just start bombing. We have long-range missiles.

    “The Art of the Deal” is a work of fiction.

    Trump has been a member of the Russian Mafia since he was a teenager. His mother entertained criminals from Russia ever since they moved here, from Germany, when he was very young. I told this to Robert Mueller before the primaries in 2015. The government knew since 2003 and ignored it and helped Trump cover it up. In fact, the Government Intelligence knew everything in the Steel Dossier, and still made sure Trump was the Republican candidate, which takes away every American’s right to Democracy.

    There are many people in many cults who were raised to believe the book of Revelations was written by God, who is asking the people of earth to end all life on earth. Revelations was written around 333 by people who wanted to dupe the new Christians into doing the bidding of Satanists. There are Christian faiths in America that have sprung up over the past hundred years. 7th Day Adventists, Evangelicals, Jehovah Witnesses’, Mormons, Amish, Christian Science and many more. Every Tom, Dick and Harry who begs for money on TV has his roots in Satanism. Why are these nuts, who follow a rapist, mass-murdering madman bigot, so hard to crack? Because it is what their religion teaches them. These ideas and ideals were beaten into them since they were babies. They believe we were born with original sin, not original love, so they learn to hate God. Some believe God wants them to destroy the earth. Throw up your hands in exasperation whenever I say that, but it’s true. Sometimes the crazy sounding answer is the only answer that makes sense in such crazy times.

    This is why Trump’s followers won’t forsake him, he wants WW3 and Armageddon. I know it, I’ve talked to him for over three hours about it. He says he grew up believing he was a god sent to end the earth. Trump and others who want Armageddon, planned out these wars before the primaries. Sometimes I participated, with a gun to my head, in the conversations over the past few years. My memory was erased, but returns when things like this happen, it jogs my memory. He wants a nuclear WW3, that’s why he’s been spending money on long-range missiles. That’s the reason for the mysterious, private phone calls and meetings. That’s why foreign journalists get killed to keep them from telling what they know. That’s why British spies who suspect the US has infiltrated British Intelligence with Russian nerve poison made in the USA put in a breath spray My contribution to one of the attacks was to use a metal boat so the US could put magnet decals on the side just for the photo-op.

    Why is Trump opposed to stricter emissions restrictions on cars? Why is Trump opposed to wind power? Because it doesn’t pollute. Trump’s cult is the cult that owns me. I’ve written a book and a thousand articles about them, I can’t sell the book because of them. I’ve been their prisoner and I’ve lived with them my whole life. I’ve known Trump, and worked with him since I was fifteen. People who you wouldn’t suspect are Satanists are Satanists and they don’t even know it. I lived with them and I didn’t know they were Satanists. I knew they were oddballs and weirdos, and when I discovered anything illegal, my memory was erased. I believe the people who yell the loudest, that Satanic cults didn’t exist or were small and harmless. The Satanists are the ones who chastise people and call them crazy when they try to have a conversation about cults. They shout me down and say I’m crazy, stupid or I want attention when I warn others. I know there are plenty of people like me, who look for the good in people. My big downfall is - I always look for the good in people.

    If you only look for the good in people, all you will see is good!

    instead of love, they preach hate. These ideas and ideals are spread though the cult and they’re told everyone feels the same way. If they keep friends with people int the cult, only, it seems that way, especially to a child. Trump was brought up thinking he was the chosen one, chosen to be the god who brings about Armageddon; and he has to fulfill that prophesy. That’s why nothing he does or says can shake his small number of minions, from grasping onto the hem of his garments. They worship him because in their Church, the Devil is god. He’ll kill them once he gets what he wants. That’s why he repealed, but did not replace, Obamacare. In 2003, Trump said he didn’t need to replace it because they’ll all be dead. In back rooms, and behind closed doors, he promises them the world. Once they’ve left the room, the same people who put Trump in office and will keep him there in 2020, are ridiculed for being so stupid and poor.

    instead of love, they preach hate.

    These ideas and ideals instead of love, they preach war. They want to weaponize the moon, even though they know space travel is currently impossible and they have been fabricating stories of people from other worlds, so we feel further threatened. (That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a good Sci-Fi movie about space. I do. One photo of a “space ship” is a cropped picture of a sonogram showing a tear in my muscle. The imager commented on it saying, “Oh look, doesn’t that look like a space ship?”)

    I am a political prisoner because I know the truth. No one can call, email, or snail mail me. The only way to reach me is face to face without warning, so I can’t plan for it. If you ask someone in the area about me, they’ll lie. A huge percent of the residents in Jefferson County belong to the most strict cult I’ve ever come across.

    Don’t talk about me on the phone or in emails as satellites scan for my name. if you do talk about me, do it under a tree. TH’s wife keeps him from knowing I’ve been calling, writing, emailing and visiting, for ten years. Now she is selling their house. She wants Armageddon, which he’s been brainwashed to reject and to trust her implicitly, and reject me because he’s another one in their legends. I told her I would try again so he’s letting her sell the house. If he tries to talk to her about me, she will drug and torture him and then electrocute him to forget. She doesn’t like him, so she may even inject him with a carcinogen, which she’s done a few times before. The red beet juice he drinks is a carcinogen. She’s been keeping him sick and dependent on her feeble, selfish self. They trusted Obama or other politician or law enforcement and took them into their confidence. He stays alive, like I do, we won’t die until there’s no chance for the earth to survive. She’s so selfish she doesn’t care about children or friends. It’s hard for me to talk to her because she says foul things about him that he doesn’t deserve. She doesn’t like him because she’s not suited to him. She’s the wrong person for him. I know what it’s like to be married to someone who doesn’t like you. Someone, who, if you spend more than two weeks apart to think, you can start to think for yourself, and you realize you’re with the wrong person. You realize your spending your time with someone you don’t like.

    Since it is cult members in the Government and US Military who want Armageddon, They have hijacked our way of life and use our Special Forces to fight against us. At any given time, we’re getting blocked by 35,000 Satanic automatons who are under orders. To help start world war three.

    I know this is highly irregular. The same people who killed Jack and Bobby Kennedy are out to kill me. They don’t want me to stop WW3 again. I worked for both Jack and Bobby who would have blocked attempts to get into a nuclear war – which is why they were killed. The murdering Military people who were young then, are old now, and still believe starting a nuclear war is their Destiny. They were instrumental in starting Vietnam, I was advising Johnson when it happened. Johnson didn’t out them because he didn’t want the world to stop trusting the US.

    may have met Robert Jr. when he was about ten. I need a safe place to stay. No one can contact me. You can email me, but just an address for me to go to, or a private, secure phone number I can call. I’ll call the 800 number on 9/19, because I hope Bobby Jr. will have a message with an office or a place to go, or a direct number to an office where he’ll be. (Don’t trust Obama. He wants Armageddon, too)

    Thom has been trying to contact me for years. Lot 545 ground. 2481 Anderson Lake Rd.,Chimacum, DO NOT STOP at the office or talk to anyone about me. I can’t bring anything but a passport. I will need money for some clothes, and a safe place to stay. I’ve been trying to get in touch with Thom for over 10 years, ever since I got part of my memory back. Thom’s been trying to get in touch with me for almost 50 years, but the cult has been interfering with us. Louise has been controlling Thom using electricity, drugs and torture. Whenever the cult tries to kill Thom, they try to kill Louise, too, because they won’t need her anymore. The same thing happened to me. My husband kept me a mind-controlled prisoner for 27 years. Louise picks my letters out of Thom’s mail, she even signs for his mail when I send certified, restricted mail. She picks up his phone, intercepts his emails, etc. Satanic cults are working toward Armageddon, but her response is she doesn’t love Thom or their kids. I’ve been told we are supposed to stop WW3 together. We should start stopping the war Trump’s secret meetings and phone calls are about. Louise has also been brainwashing Thom to NOT trust me. The cult won’t allow me any calls, emails, etc. You can’ about me on or near the phone or near any mics (even if they’re off) Gen.J K said I stopped WW3 a bunch of times and they can’t allow me to stop it again because this is their last chance. I need a safe place to stay. Obama wants Armageddon, too. He helped to sabotage Hillary’s campaign. Thom was right about her campaign manager working for the Republicans.Thom should not confront Louise because she will tell her cult, which is the same cult as Trump’s and the one that still steals from me and keeps me prisoner. Don’t come if you have no place for me to go. Thom: If you do decide tell Louise, to play with all our lives, tell her I want my red, three ring password book back.

    Lot 545 Evergreen Coho Escapee Park paved driveway with SKP in rocks on the ground. 2481 Anderson Lake Rd., Chimacum, WA 98325 DO NOT STOP at the office or talk to anyone about me. Stay straight through the park. to the end turn right go to lot 545. #’s on the street. Pull far back on the lot and close to the 5th Wheel RV. Try to come between Noon and 6 PM. If there is no little red car, I’m not home – please try again.* I’ve been very sick. I can’t bring anything but a passport. I will need money for some clothes, and a safe place to stay.

    *You can go north on Rhody Dr, or HWY 19, to sight see Port Townsend. Sorry you can’t plan. Don’t talk about me in your car or on the phone. The whole park is one big microphone and camera. (Put as little info in your GPS as possible.)

    Obama and Louise are in Trump's cult don't confront them. i'll get tortured again. Louise had me tortured when she had my password book stolen. Talk to me first - you've been brainwashed to not believe me.

  • IRAN: Are We "Locked & Loaded"?   5 years 1 week ago

    DO NOT STOP at the office or talk to anyone about me. I can’t bring anything but a passport. I will need money for some clothes, and a safe place to stay. I’ve been trying to get in touch with Thom for over 10 years, ever since I got part of my memory back. Thom’s been trying to get in touch with me for almost 50 years, but the cult has been interfering with us. Louise has been controlling Thom using electricity, drugs and torture. Whenever the cult tries to kill Thom, they try to kill Louise, too, because they won’t need her anymore. The same thing happened to me. My husband kept me a mind-controlled prisoner for 27 years. Louise picks my letters out of Thom’s mail, she even signs for his mail when I send certified, restricted mail. She picks up his phone, intercepts his emails, etc. Satanic cults are working toward Armageddon, but her response is she doesn’t love Thom or their kids. I’ve been told we are supposed to stop WW3 together. We should start stopping the war Trump’s secret meetings and phone calls are about. Louise has also been brainwashing Thom to NOT trust me. The cult won’t allow me any calls, emails, etc. You can’ about me on or near the phone or near any mics (even if they’re off) Gen.J K said I stopped WW3 a bunch of times and they can’t allow me to stop it again because this is their last chance. I need a safe place to stay. Obama wants Armageddon, too. He helped to sabotage Hillary’s campaign. Thom was right about her campaign manager working for the Republicans.Thom should not confront Louise because she will tell her cult, which is the same cult as Trump’s and the one that still steals from me and keeps me prisoner. Don’t come if you have no place for me to go. Thom: If you do decide tell Louise, to play with all our lives, tell her I want my red, three ring password book back.

    Lot 545 Evergreen Coho Escapee Park paved driveway with SKP in rocks on the ground. 2481 Anderson Lake Rd., Chimacum, WA 98325 DO NOT STOP at the office or talk to anyone about me. Stay straight through the park. to the end turn right go to lot 545. #’s on the street. Pull far back on the lot and close to the 5th Wheel RV. Try to come between Noon and 6 PM. If there is no little red car, I’m not home – please try again.* I’ve been very sick. I can’t bring anything but a passport. I will need money for some clothes, and a safe place to stay.

    *You can go north on Rhody Dr, or HWY 19, to sight see Port Townsend. Sorry you can’t plan. Don’t talk about me in your car or on the phone. The whole park is one big microphone and camera. (Put as little info in your GPS as possible.) Obama and Louise are in Trump's cult, don't confront them. i'm still being tortured.

  • IRAN: Are We "Locked & Loaded"?   5 years 1 week ago

    All of the attacks were made to look like they came from other countries.

    “The Art of the Deal” is a work of fiction.

    Trump has been a member of the Russian Mafia since he was a teenager. His mother entertained criminals from Russia ever since they moved here, from Germany, when he was very young. I told this to Robert Mueller before the primaries in 2015. The government knew since 2003 and ignored it and helped Trump cover it up. In fact, the Government Intelligence knew everything in the Steel Dossier, and still made sure Trump was the Republican candidate, which takes away every American’s right to Democracy.

    There are many people in many cults who were raised to believe the book of Revelations was written by God, who is asking the people of earth to end all life on earth. Revelations was written around 333 by people who wanted to dupe the new Christians into doing the bidding of Satanists. There are Christian faiths in America that have sprung up over the past hundred years. 7th Day Adventists, Evangelicals, Jehovah Witnesses’, Mormons, Amish, Christian Science and many more. Every Tom, Dick and Harry who begs for money on TV has his roots in Satanism. Why are these nuts, who follow a rapist, mass-murdering madman bigot, so hard to crack? Because it is what their religion teaches them. These ideas and ideals were beaten into them since they were babies. They believe we were born with original sin, not original love, so they learn to hate God. Some believe God wants them to destroy the earth. Throw up your hands in exasperation whenever I say that, but it’s true. Sometimes the crazy sounding answer is the only answer that makes sense in such crazy times.

    This is why Trump’s followers won’t forsake him, he wants WW3 and Armageddon. I know it, I’ve talked to him for over three hours about it. He says he grew up believing he was a god sent to end the earth. Trump and others who want Armageddon, planned out these wars before the primaries. Sometimes I participated, with a gun to my head, in the conversations over the past few years. My memory was erased, but returns when things like this happen, it jogs my memory. He wants a nuclear WW3, that’s why he’s been spending money on long-range missiles. That’s the reason for the mysterious, private phone calls and meetings. That’s why foreign journalists get killed to keep them from telling what they know. That’s why British spies who suspect the US has infiltrated British Intelligence with Russian nerve poison made in the USA put in a breath spray My contribution to one of the attacks was to use a metal boat so the US could put magnet decals on the side just for the photo-op.

    Why is Trump opposed to stricter emissions restrictions on cars? Why is Trump opposed to wind power? Because it doesn’t pollute. Trump’s cult is the cult that owns me. I’ve written a book and a thousand articles about them, I can’t sell the book because of them. I’ve been their prisoner and I’ve lived with them my whole life. I’ve known Trump, and worked with him since I was fifteen. People who you wouldn’t suspect are Satanists are Satanists and they don’t even know it. I lived with them and I didn’t know they were Satanists. I knew they were oddballs and weirdos, and when I discovered anything illegal, my memory was erased. I believe the people who yell the loudest, that Satanic cults didn’t exist or were small and harmless. The Satanists are the ones who chastise people and call them crazy when they try to have a conversation about cults. They shout me down and say I’m crazy, stupid or I want attention when I warn others. I know there are plenty of people like me, who look for the good in people. My big downfall is - I always look for the good in people.

    If you only look for the good in people, all you will see is good!

    instead of love, they preach hate. These ideas and ideals are spread though the cult and they’re told everyone feels the same way. If they keep friends with people int the cult, only, it seems that way, especially to a child. Trump was brought up thinking he was the chosen one, chosen to be the god who brings about Armageddon; and he has to fulfill that prophesy. That’s why nothing he does or says can shake his small number of minions, from grasping onto the hem of his garments. They worship him because in their Church, the Devil is god. He’ll kill them once he gets what he wants. That’s why he repealed, but did not replace, Obamacare. In 2003, Trump said he didn’t need to replace it because they’ll all be dead. In back rooms, and behind closed doors, he promises them the world. Once they’ve left the room, the same people who put Trump in office and will keep him there in 2020, are ridiculed for being so stupid and poor.

    instead of love, they preach hate.

    These ideas and ideals instead of love, they preach war. They want to weaponize the moon, even though they know space travel is currently impossible and they have been fabricating stories of people from other worlds, so we feel further threatened. (That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a good Sci-Fi movie about space. I do. One photo of a “space ship” is a cropped picture of a sonogram showing a tear in my muscle. The imager commented on it saying, “Oh look, doesn’t that look like a space ship?”)

    I am a political prisoner because I know the truth. No one can call, email, or snail mail me. The only way to reach me is face to face without warning, so I can’t plan for it. If you ask someone in the area about me, they’ll lie. A huge percent of the residents in Jefferson County belong to the most strict cult I’ve ever come across.

    Don’t talk about me on the phone or in emails as satellites scan for my name. if you do talk about me, do it under a tree. TH’s wife keeps him from knowing I’ve been calling, writing, emailing and visiting, for ten years. Now she is selling their house. She wants Armageddon, which he’s been brainwashed to reject and to trust her implicitly, and reject me because he’s another one in their legends. I told her I would try again so he’s letting her sell the house. If he tries to talk to her about me, she will drug and torture him and then electrocute him to forget. She doesn’t like him, so she may even inject him with a carcinogen, which she’s done a few times before. The red beet juice he drinks is a carcinogen. She’s been keeping him sick and dependent on her feeble, selfish self. They trusted Obama or other politician or law enforcement and took them into their confidence. He stays alive, like I do, we won’t die until there’s no chance for the earth to survive. She’s so selfish she doesn’t care about children or friends. It’s hard for me to talk to her because she says foul things about him that he doesn’t deserve. She doesn’t like him because she’s not suited to him. She’s the wrong person for him. I know what it’s like to be married to someone who doesn’t like you. Someone, who, if you spend more than two weeks apart to think, you can start to think for yourself, and you realize you’re with the wrong person. You realize your spending your time with someone you don’t like.

    Since it is cult members in the Government and US Military who want Armageddon, They have hijacked our way of life and use our Special Forces to fight against us. At any given time, we’re getting blocked by 35,000 Satanic automatons who are under orders. To help start world war three.

    I know this is highly irregular. The same people who killed Jack and Bobby Kennedy are out to kill me. They don’t want me to stop WW3 again. I worked for both Jack and Bobby who would have blocked attempts to get into a nuclear war – which is why they were killed. The murdering Military people who were young then, are old now, and still believe starting a nuclear war is their Destiny. They were instrumental in starting Vietnam, I was advising Johnson when it happened. Johnson didn’t out them because he didn’t want the world to stop trusting the US.

  • Did Trump Commit Treason?   5 years 1 week ago

    Connecting the dots as the truth dribbles out, it's looking more and more like King Joffrey has threatened to withhold military aid for Ukraine unless they dig up dirt on Joe Biden's son. Putin is loving this for sure -- "Vodka all around, comrades!"

    "Stupid is as stupid does." Democratic dithering over the evidence laid out in the Mueller Report, which screams for impeachment, has only emboldened the head lunatic once again to seek foreign assistance with his election campaign while lying about it and obstructing justice, naturally.

    Lesson learned: The Democrats won't hold the Mad King accountable, so now he figures he can get away with anything, as will all future evil presidents. When chaos and crazy reign, the final order shall be, "Burn 'em all!" (Where is our metaphorical kingslayer?)

    Pelosi is playing politics with a moral imperative ...and is losing.

  • Did Trump Commit Treason?   5 years 1 week ago

    The phone call promise
    The apprentice aka trump the traitor knows there's a recession coming on the heels of the new election so he's trying to get a war started ( Saudi Arabia) to get reelected and blame the recession on federal reserve and migrants

  • Beware of Hustlers On the Networks...   5 years 1 week ago


    Roger wilco. Peace out.

    P.S. Bog ponies definitely rule...

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