
Even Conservatives Find Bernie Sanders Honest...

Thom Hartmann talks with a conservative caller from Burlington, Vermont who believes U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders to be a man of his word.

President Obama: Politician or Agent of Change?

Thom Hartmann wonders how President Obama sees himself in light of his recent criticism of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) over her opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Why Aren't the "Job Creators" Creating Jobs?

Thom Hartmann explains how lowering taxes and doing away with regulations doesn't actually create jobs as Republicans like to claim.

A Good Cop Targeted by Fellow Officers...

Thom Hartmann shares the story of Baltimore Police Detective Joseph Crystal who says he was targeted by other officers for trying to root out corruption in the department.

Lying: The Only Way Jeb Bush can Win!

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Caller: Bernie Sanders Should Call Himself a Capitalist...

A caller tells Thom Hartmann he is concerned Republicans will use Bernie Sanders' self-described label of "Democratic Socialist" against him.

Debating Bernie Sanders' Platform with Neil McCabe...

Thom Hartmann debates Bernie Sanders' presidential platform with Neil McCabe, Conservative & Editor-The Washington Mercury news site Website:

Thom Hartmann on Economic & Labor News: May 11, 2015

Thom Hartmann comments on Economic and Labor news for the week of May 11, 2015.

Bernie Sanders: TPP Will Be a Disaster!

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders says past trade agreements have resulted in American jobs going overseas and the Trans Pacific Partnership will be no different.

Why Liberal Democrats Lost in English Elections...

Thom Hartmann shares his thoughts on why Liberal Democrats lost so many seats in parliamentary elections.

Caller: Is Walmart Using Subliminal Advertising?

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Scott Walker Gives Away Millions to Corporations, but Screws the Poor!

Thom Hartmann talks about the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and how it doles out state money to corporations that send jobs overseas, while Governor Walker continues to slash funding for vital social services.

TPP Would Mean Layoffs for Maine Shoe Company...

Thom Hartmann says while President Obama travelled to Oregon to talk up the Trans-Pacific Partnership at Nike Headquarters, The New Balance athletic shoe company says it would have to lay off numerous workers at it's factory in Maine due to increased foreign competition because of TPP.

Bernie Sanders: Reaching out to Young People...

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders joins Thom Hartmann for their weekly town hall meeting, Brunch with Bernie, and explains to a young voter how he will reach out to her generation.

Bernie Sanders: Republican Budget All About the Rich...

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on his weekly program, Brunch with Bernie, says the Republican budget would take away health care for 27 million Americans, impose huge cuts in Pell Grants and nutrition programs, while giving the top 2/10 of 1 percent a huge tax break.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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