
Caller: Amtrak Should be Privatized!

Thom Hartmann tries to explain to a viewer why Amtrak and the rest of our commons shouldn't be privatized.

TPP will Allow Corporations to Sue Countries!

Thom Hartmann shares examples of how free trade deals like NAFTA and the TPP allow corporations to sue countries that pass regulations that cut into their profits.

Is Treachery Afoot with the TPP?

Thom Hartmann talks the dangers of the Trans-Pacific Partnership with Congressman Alan Grayson, U.S. Congressman (D-FL, 9th District) Website: (

Amtrak Employee Explains Positive Train Control...

An Amtrak employee explains to Thom how the Positive Train Control system works to help avoid accidents like the Amtrak 188 crash in Philadelphia and where the system is already installed.

Caller: Government Run Trains in U.K. More Reliable...

A caller tells Thom Hartmann that in the United Kingdom, government run trains are more reliable and profitable than trains run by private corporations.

Thom Hartmann Schools Republicans on Infrastructure

Thom Hartmann says our commons - like Amtrak, our national passenger railroad - are no supposed to make profit. They are part of the structure that helps commerce thrive.

Geeky Science: Manmade Testosterone Not Safe...

Thom Hartmann shares about TBA, a manmade version of testosterone used by farmers so cows gain weight faster. The concern is that the chemical hangs around a lot longer than originally thought.

Shell Exposes Arctic to 75% Chance of a LARGE Spill...

Thom Hartmann talks with Mary Nicol, Arctic Campaign Specialist-Greenpeace USA, Website:, about the Obama Administration giving Shell Oil permission to drill in the Arctic.

What is the Appropriate Role of Government?

Thom Hartmann says it's time for this country to have a debate over where the commons end and private begins.

Republicans Care More About Billionaires than America...

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Sheriff Mack would Vote Bernie Sanders over Jeb Bush!

Thom Hartmann talks with Sheriff Richard Mack, Founder-The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association / Board of Directors-Oath Keepers Movement ( / Former AZ Sheriff (Graham County) Website:, who says if Jeb Bush is the Republican nominee, he'd vote for Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Why are you Conservative vs. Liberal?

Thom Hartmann and Sheriff Richard Mack, Founder-The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association / Board of Directors-Oath Keepers Movement ( / Former AZ Sheriff (Graham County) Website:, debate over each other's political world view.

Amtrak 188 Derailment Should be a Wakeup Call!

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Reaganism Caused the Amtrak Crash!

Thom Hartmann says America's infrastructure continues to fall apart as a result of 35 years of Reaganism.

Why are Republicans Sticking it to our Troops?

Thom Hartmann asks, if Republicans claim to care so much about our troops, then why do the block legislation to protect our service members from predatory lending?

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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