
Transcript: Blood on the Floor, Jun 19 2006

Thom's philosophy when debating.

Transcript: Grover Norquist (estate tax), Jun 08 2006

Estate tax, inheritance tax or death tax?

Transcript: Greg Palast (stolen elections), Jun 02 2006

Greg Palast is the author of "Armed Madhouse : Who's Afraid of Osama Wolf? China Floats, Bush Sinks, The Scheme to Steal '08, No Child's Behind Left, and Other Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Class War". His investigations into the theft of votes in 2000 and 2004.

Transcript: Bernie Sanders (sustainable energy and the economy), Jun 02 2006

Bernie talks about sustainable energy, global warmng and job opportunities.

Transcript: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (stolen 2004 election) Jun 02 2006

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote the article, "Was the 2004 Election Stolen? Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted -- enough to have put John Kerry in the White House."

Transcript: Dave Berman (We Do Not Consent), Jun 01 2006

Dave Berman is author of "We Do Not Consent" and chronicles the state of elections and voting machines and voting theft in the USA.

Transcript: What To Do? May 30 2006

When a caller asked what we could do, Thom had plenty of suggestions.

Transcript: Akaya Windwood, leadership (& why Thom's doing radio), May 30 2006

Akaya Windwood is an executive leadership coach and organizational consultant with the Rockwood Leadership Program which is training people for leadership positions in progressive movements. Why Thom started his radio show.

Transcript: Stephanie Hallock, director of Oregon DEQ, May 17 2006

Stephanie Hallock is the director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Portland Harbor Superfund Site.

Transcript: David Helvarg, "50 Ways to Save the Ocean", May 15 2006

David Helvarg is the author of "50 Ways to Save the Ocean". 71% of our planet is under stress. Cascading disasters; industrial over-fishing for the global sea food market, nutrient poisoning from urban agricultural runoff of our near-shore oceans. Dead zones.

Transcript: Debbie Raphael, precautionary principle, May 09 2006

Thom interviewed Debbie Raphael, Program Manager for the City and County of San Francisco's Toxics Reduction and Green Building Programs about the precautionary principle.

Transcript: Are our trade policies destroying America? May 04 2006

Thom ranted on the high level of endebtedness of the United States to countries such as China. Different kinds of debt: budget deficit, national debt, trade deficit.

Transcript: Rory Cox, RACE (LNG), May 04 2006

Thom interviewed Rory Cox, coordinator for Ratepayers for Affordable Clean Energy about Liquefied Natural Gas.

Transcript: Barbara Honegger, "October Surprise", Apr 25 2006

Vice President Dick Cheney has hired Iran-Contra arms dealer and discredited intelligence asset Manucher Ghorbanifar as his "man on the ground" in Iran. Barbara Honegger wrote about him in her book, "October Surprise: Did the Reagan-Bush election campaign sabotage President Carter's attempts to free the American hostages in Iran?"

Transcript: Laurie David, film "Too Hot Not to Handle", Apr 17 2006

Laurie David is the executive producer of the new documentary, which is about global warming. It is focused on the United States and features Tom Potter and the City of Portland. Hybrid vehicles. Flex fuel cars. Renting cars.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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