
Transcript: Jonathan Steele, 29 May 2008

Thom Hartmann interviews Jonathan Steele, the senior foreign correspondent and in-house columnist on international affairs for the London Guardian, about his new book Defeat: Why America and Britain Lost Iraq and about reporting standards.

Transcript: Kari Chisholm, 21 May 2008

The day after the primary, Thom and Kari Chisholm debunk the idea that Barack Obama's win in Oregon can be discounted because Oregon "is such a liberal state". In fact, Oregon is as average as can be in many ways, and has a Republican Senator and a Republican Member of Congress. Oregon shows that Obama can win the country.

Transcript: 'Have we passed the point where humanity is doomed?' riff. 12 May 2008

James Hansen, the chief climatologist for NASA, is saying we need to reduce CO2 levels fast, they are already too high, and other countries are taking action, but Bush and McCain are procrastinating. Thom rifffs on the latest climate news and views. Is it already too late?

Transcript: Governor Don Siegelman, 08 May 2008

Former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman returned for a further hour to give us an update and to answer listener's calls.

Transcript: High Crimes and Misdemeanors rant. 29 April 2008

Thom ranted on the High Crimes and Misdemeanors of Karl Rove and the Bush Administration, violations of the oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and particularly election fraud and voter ID.

Transcript: The most important person is the person who doesn't win the nomination. 28 April 2008

Thom riffed on Howard Dean's observation that, "The truth is, we need to figure this out before the convention. We need time to heal. And actually, I'm not the most important person in terms of bringing the party together. The most important person is the, is the person who doesn't win the nomination.

Transcript: David Korten, Tom Hayden. Dubrovnik 10. Jun 07 2007

Thom was at the Dubrovnik Conference: Transforming Culture: From Empire to Global Community Dubrovnik, Croatia, broadcasting live from the studios of Radio Dubrovnik, Croatian Radio. In the tenth segment he talked with David Korten and Tom Hayden.

Transcript: Thom & Ellen Ratner in Darfur 14 March 2008, part 4.

Thom and Ellen Ratner of Talk Radio News call in from Darfur to talk to Carl Wolfson.

Transcript: Thom & John Eibner in Darfur 14 March 2008, part 3.

Thom and John Eibner of CSI call in from Darfur to talk to Carl Wolfson.

Transcript: Thom & Joe Madison in Darfur 14 March 2008, part 2

Thom Hartmann traveled to Darfur in the Sudan with other talk show hosts to bring "Sacks of Hope" and to provide awareness of the Sudanese Refugees (more). Carl Wolfson was anchoring the show at the Portland, Oregon end. This was the third and fourth segments of Thom's call in to the show; the first half of the second hour.

Transcript: Thom in Darfur 14 March 2008, part 1

Thom calling in from Darfur.

Transcript: David Horowitz: 13 February 2008

Thom challenged David Horowitz about the removal of the President from William and Mary College by the political right - the very campus Thomas Jefferson attended. He asked him if the "political correctness right" has turned into a brown shirt movement? David blamed the left for the existence of the Christian Right, claiming there wasn't a Christian Right until Roe v. Wade became law. Thom politely reminded him that there's always been a Christian Right; they used to be called the Ku Klux Klan, and before that it was the Puritans hanging women as witches in Massachusetts in the 1600s!

Transcript: Paul Hannam: "The Magic of Groundhog Day". Feb 01 2008

Thom talked to Paul Hannam about his book, "The Magic of Groundhog Day" and how we can get out of the ruts we are in and become more happy.

Transcript: Thom Hartmann homeostatic economy (why buy goods made in USA?) rant. 24 January 2008

Thom argues that national economies should be self-sustaining.

Transcript: Thom Hartmann rant about Privatizing Roads. 24 January 2008

Following an interview with Gabriel Roth, Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, editor of "Street Smart: Competition, Entrepreneurship, and the Future of Roads", Thom went on a rant about what is wrong with privatizing roads.

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