Thom's Blog

Pruitt Doesn't Know Carbon Dioxide Causes Climate Change!

Scott Pruitt is turning the EPA into a propaganda arm of the fossil fuel industry.

He's already staffed the agency with climate change deniers - and now he's started repeating Big Oil's lies live on television.

Should Trump have control of the nuclear football?

Earlier this week Donald Trump sent out a tweet blasting former President Obama for releasing from Guantanamo Bay 122 detainees who've since returned to combat.

The Trump Crackdown Begins

Donald Trump’s new Muslim ban has finally arrived.

The President issued his latest attempt to stop immigration from six majority-Muslim nations to the United States Monday, one month after the original version was blocked by a federal court.

The ban goes into effect on March 16.

Has Right-Wing Hate Radio Damaged Trump's Brain?

After Donald Trump sent a series of tweets Saturday morning accusing former President Obama of - as he put it - "having his wires tapped" - most Americans were left dumbfounded.

Should Mike Pence be thrown in prison?

If the Republican Party ever had any sense of shame, those days vanished a long, long time ago.

According to a report out last week in the Indy Star, Vice President Mike Pence used - you guessed it - a private email account when he was governor of Indiana.

Jeff Sessions...In Deep Trouble?

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from any investigation into alleged Russian interference in the presidential election.

Is Trump Getting Talking Points From Neo-Nazis?

Donald Trump opened his address to Congress Tuesday night by condemning the wave of anti-Semitic attacks that have rattled Jewish communities all across the country in recent weeks.

These attacks - he said - should remind us that "we are still a divided nation".

Why Trump Needs To Hang Out w/Justin Trudeau More

After a month on the job, Donald Trump is finally starting to grasp some of the basic facts of American politics.

He's finally figured out, for example, that healthcare policy is really, really complicated.

Here's Proof Republicans Are Done With Democracy

Show up for a protest, and end up losing your home, car, and retirement account? How about losing everything over just being at a meeting or on a conference call?

Will The Corporate Media Stand Against Trump's Attacks?

Until Friday, the anti-media rhetoric coming out of the Trump administration had been just that - rhetoric.

But Friday afternoon, it turned into action. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer blocked reporters from a number of news outlets from attending a briefing at his office.

How Do You Have Freedom If You Don’t Have Healthcare?

Unless it's replaced with something better - like single-payer - repealing Obamacare will make life miserable for millions of Americans.

The Perennial GOP Tax Scam

There's something about taxes that elected Republicans know, but most Americans are completely unaware of. It's the reason we keep falling for the perennial GOP tax scam, and Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and their buddies in the White House are getting ready to run this ruse on American working people all over again.

Is Trump Making America White Again?

It turns out that Donald Trump was completely serious when he said he wanted to deport millions of people who've done nothing wrong except live and work in the United States without the right paperwork.

The Emerging Liberal Tea Party

Over the weekend, protesters took over town halls held by Republican lawmakers in New York and South Carolina.

They shouted slogans and demanded their elected representatives protect - and not repeal - Obamacare.

How The EPA Will Change Under Pruitt

With the help of Democrats Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Republicans in the Senate on Friday confirmed Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency - an agency that Pruitt sued no less than 13 times during his tenure as Oklahoma Attorney General.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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