Thursday 01 December '22 show notes

By SueN
- Is the GOP Getting Away with "Polite Denial" While Their Base is Overtly Racist & Anti-Semitic?
- Why won't Amazon ban film - Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America? Isn't it obvious Hate?
- Greg Palast (LIVE from Georgia) on Ballot box segregation - Greg Palast, Investigative Reporter / Author & Filmmaker - latest film is "Vigilante: Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman"
- The Ghoulish Hubris of Letting People Die and Calling That Bravery - Ronald DeSantis and the GOP are going to brag about the freedom of leaving people to get sick.
- Crazy Alert! Tucker has a new conspiracy - He thinks the left is hijacking sports to brainwash young men. All this because the NHL just supported trans-people.
- Ali Velshi on the News.... - Ali Velshi, Host - MSNBC "Velshi" (Sat/Sun 8-10aET) & "The Last Word" (Fri 10pET) / Host of the digital platform, The Velshi Exchange
- Will Russia and Putin be facing a world wide tribunal for crimes of aggression?
Wednesday 30 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- Did Our Federal Police Conspire to Overthrow America?
- Is Hershel Walker guilty of voter fraud?
- Abortion: Will people be required to bury zygotes?
- Is electricity around the world dying?
- Why are we letting SCOTUS be above the law?
- Serious Question: Is Twitter Worth Saving?
- New Study: The 'persistent and lethal' threat of white supremacists
- How does America stop the stoking of violence from Republicans like Kari Lake?
- Geeky Science! We now know why Zebras have stripes and it's remarkable
Tuesday 29 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- Beware of Those Who Believe They Were Sent By God
- Why are gas prices being down not being treated as a political story?
- In defense of being alone...
- Will Georgia go blue?
- Franklin Grahams ugly new lie about same-sex marriage exposed
- The real reason why China is still having severe lockdowns?
- Can the GOP harm Ukraine? Also, the war is in a dangerous new phase...
Monday 28 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- Is The Greatest Threat to Humanity Something Called an Algorithm?
- Don't Be Fooled. This Is What Elon Musk Is Really Up to With Twitter
- Why is MTG embracing Nazis while controlling Kevin McCarthy?
- Did you know SCOTUS is hearing arguments on expanding the definition of lobbying & bribery?
- Looks like the GOP's biggest funder has funneled $20 mil to the election denier network
- Was Russia waiting for a red wave?
- Beware of Medicare Advantage scams - Alex Lawson, Executive Director - Social Security Works / Strengthen Social Security
- Will the GOP give in to Trump?
- Geeky Science! A brain expert says there is 1 think that sets "super agers" apart from those with weak memories....
Wednesday 23 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- Time to Call Mass Shooters - and Those Who Inspire Them - Terrorists
- Will you disagree at the dinner table this Thanksgiving or get along?
- Here goes the right-wing on victim blaming on climate change again & ignoring the impact of policy...
- The Impact of the Coming Housing Crisis - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System & Host - Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff on Free Speech TV
- Geeky Science! Will the world need to dim the sun to save the planet? And - will it work?
- Are we surprised? Big business was giving big bucks to election deniers in the mid terms
- Pompeo: This is what he really meant when he attacked the head of the teachers union
Tuesday 22 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District) / Author of 2 books, his latest Dignity In A Digital Age: Making Tech Work For All Of Us
- The "Freedom" Billionaires & the GOP Are Selling Americans Is Deadly
- Walker promotes hate attacking transgender people right after the shooting - how do we handle the deplorables?
- Looks like the GOP is Facing "Sophie's choice" - Trump either runs as the top GOP or runs independently - What should they do?
- Geeky Science!
Monday 21 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- Is Jack Smith a Total Bad Ass?
- If You Want To Die Young - Take the Red Pill
- Did the GOP Only Take Back the House Due to Court-Backed Gerrymandering?
- What we learned from the midterms & what we can do about it… - David Daley, Senior Fellow & Communications Director - FairVote & former editor-in-chief-Salon / Author of the new book, Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Back to Save Democracy
- Why Is AARP Boosting Medicare Privatization?
- AZ Official Has to Go Into Hiding Over Death Threats
- Is Disney showing how comfortable business is with fascism?
Friday 18 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- In for Thom today, Jefferson Smith, Host - Democracy Nerd podcast...
- Anything Goes Friday...What's On Your Mind? Jeff takes your calls...
- Mind Blowing Brain Facts - Anthony Alvarado, Radio host - XRAY.FM, Author - DIY Magic: A Whimsical Guide To Creativity & DIY Resistance: 36 Ways to Fight Back!
Thursday 17 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- In for Thom today, Jefferson Smith, Host - Democracy Nerd podcast...
- It's Thank You Thursday...what are you thankful for?
- Progressives need to seize the momentum & keep going!! - Justin Krebs, Campaign Director -
- Building communities where everyone can thrive - Derenda Schubert, Executive Director - Bridge Meadows
- Humans are wired to do we fight against privatization and for the common good? - Donald Cohen, Executive Director, In the Public Interest / Co-author, The Privatization of Everything: How the Plunder of Public Goods Transformed America and How We Can Fight Back
Wednesday 16 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- In for Thom today, Jefferson Smith, Host - Democracy Nerd podcast...
- Polling shows 2022 voters supported Democratic Ideals... - Grace Adcox, MA, Polling Analyst, Data for Progress
- Should elections be won or lost on the popular vote? Jeff takes your calls...
Tuesday 15 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- In for Thom today, Jefferson Smith, Host - Democracy Nerd, is taking your calls...
- Donald Trump has lost 3 elections in a row - 2018, 2020 and now 2022...will the GOP finally dump Trump?
- What Should Congress DO In the Lame Duck Session?
- How did 1 million mail-in ballots disappear in Georgia - Greg Palast, Investigative Reporter / Author & Filmmaker - latest film is "Vigilante: Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman"
- How Do We Keep Young Voters...Particulary, Young Female Voters...Engaged With the Issues?
Monday 14 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- In for Thom, Jefferson Smith (Democracy Nerd podcast)...
- Debriefing the Midterms - Dems hold the Senate
- Meanwhile, some House races are still too close to call as the vote count continues...
- Senate...check, House? Still counting... - Adam Green, Co-founder, Progressive Change Campaign Committee
- Making Twitter Pay up - Shannon Liss-Riordan, J.D. from Harvard Law School / co-founder of the firm, Lichten & Liss-Riordan, P.C & is widely recognized as one of the nation's top plaintiffs' class action employment lawyers
Friday 11 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- Jefferson Smith is in for Thom taking your calls...
- Anything Goes Friday
- What 10 things do you want to achieve for the greater good over the next 10 years?
- Happy Veteran's Day
Thursday 10 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- Have the Zoomers ushered in the fourth turning?
- The new Trump war - Mine is bigger than yours....
- Trump's future - Michael Cohen, principle of Crisis-X (crisis management company) / previously, served as personal attorney to former president Donald. J. Trump / formerly Executive VP-Trump Organization & Special Counsel to Donald J. Trump / Author-Disloyal: A Memoir / Host-Mea Culpa With Michael Cohen podcast / Political Commentator / forthcoming book Revenge
- Arizona is defying court order and ballot counting!
- Why didn't Mike Pence warn America when he knew Trump's plan?
- Can we stop extremists from recruiting our youth through video games?
- Should Dems lift debt ceiling before 2023 to defend social security?
- Geeky Science? Is mindfulness as good as drugs for anxiety?
Wednesday 09 November '22 show notes

By SueN
- Yesterday's election
- We have our first Gen Z member of Congress
- Voters let politicians know America is pro-choice
- Has DeSantis been crowned the next fascist in line?
- Our Next Struggle: DeSantis Inheriting Trump's Fascist Mantle
- Deeply Republican South Dakota voted to expand Medicaid