Thom's blog
Is the Greatest Threat to Humanity Something Called an Algorithm?
 Algorithms used in social media are not tuned for what is best for society. They don't ask themselves, "Is this true?" or "Will this information help or hurt humanity?" The man who coined the term "virtual reality" and helped create Web 2.0, Jaron Lanier, recently told a reporter for The Guardian there's an aspect to the internet that could endanger the literal survival of humanity as a species. It's an amazing story, and I believe he's 100% right.Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
The Crisis of Exit Polling and Voting Systems
 Sunday book excerpt: The Hidden History of the War on Voting. Exit Polling around the WorldMost Americans, when they hear the name Viktor Yushchenko, vaguely remember a Ukrainian politician lying in a hospital bed with a severely disfigured face, the result of poisoning with a deadly form of dioxin, the toxic ingredient in Agent Orange. But it was exit polls that got him there. Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
Saturday Report 11/26/22 - Will the World Need to Dim the Sun to Save the Planet?
 The Best of the Rest of the News — Are we surprised? Big business was giving big bucks to election deniers for their campaigns in the midterms. — Meanwhile, the actual rigging of elections is happening in virtually every state currently under Republican control. — Meanwhile, the actual rigging of elections is happening in virtually every state currently under Republican control. — Mike Pompeo, running for president in 2024, took a shot at the head of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten. — Hershel Walker promotes hate, attacking transgender people right after the shooting at Club Q: how do we handle the deplorables? — Without gerrymandering, Democrats would still hold the House of Representatives. — Why Is AARP pushing Medicare Privatization? — Geeky Science! Will the world need to dim the sun to save the planet? And will it work?
Thom's blog
Why Public Schools Are On the GOP's Hit List
 Umberto Eco, seeing the rise of Mussolini, noted in his "14 indicators of fascism" dumbing down the populace by lowering educational standards was critical to producing a compliant populace. Former Tea Party congressman and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently put a bulls-eye on the back of the president of the 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers. Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
A "Safe Space" for a Gun Conversation Over Thanksgiving
 There's a "Free Market" solution every Republican should love, even "Crazy Uncle Ralph" who insists on discussing politics during the holidays… It's Thanksgiving, and many of us are gathering with friends and family. Given the horrific news of our having passed 600 mass shootings in America this week, the dinner topic in many homes will inevitably turn to the political debate around guns. That discussion about guns in America generally falls into two polar opposite positions: don't regulate guns at all, or ban large parts of the spectrum of guns and heavily regulate ownership of the rest. But there's a third position, entirely outside of that spectrum, which every actual "free market" conservative in America could embrace, and liberals could be down with as well. Read more at -Thom
Monday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Is The Greatest Threat to Humanity Something Called an Algorithm?
Don't Be Fooled. This Is What Elon Musk Is Really Up to With TwitterÂ
Why is MTG embracing Nazis while controlling Kevin McCarthy?
Quote: " The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values..." - Zbigniew Brzeziński.
Hour Two: Did you know SCOTUS is hearing arguments on expanding the definition of lobbying & bribery?
Looks like the GOP's biggest funder has funneled $20 mil to the election denier network
Tweet: " How does the Supreme Court manage the power it holds? What can we expect from the current justices in years to come? Tune into @CNN today [Nov 27] @ 10am & 1pm ET to see my most recent special report, "Supreme Power: Inside the Highest Court in the Land."" by Fareed Zakaria.
Was Russia waiting for a red wave?
Will the GOP give in to Trump?
Geeky Science! A brain expert says there is 1Â think that sets "super agers" apart from those with weak memories....
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Will GOP Gut Education System
Why Did These Big Businesses Donate To Insurrectionists In the Midterms?
Will Scientists Block the Sun To Stop Climate Change?
Are Drug Laws Intentionally Racist?
Your Thanksgiving Dinner Won't Doom The Planet
How To Survive Thanksgiving With Conservative Relatives
Can LGBT Black Panther Organization Stop Transphobic Attacks? Featuring Nicholas Miller