July 17 2009 show notes

July 16 2009 show notes

- Host Nicole Sandler filled in for Thom and took listener calls on the issues of the day - healthcare...does the proposal that came from the House Democrats this week go far enough?
- Article: Perry Mason and the case of the other Franken by Lisa Tolin.
- Bumper Music: Walking In LA, Missing Persons (video).
July 15 2009 show notes

July 14 2009 show notes

July 13 2009 show notes

July 10 2009 show notes

July 09 2009 show notes

July 08 2009 show notes

July 07 2009 show notes

July 06 2009 show notes

July 03 2009 show notes

Thom takes a day off on the day before Independence Day. Wednesday's show is replayed.
July 02 2009 show notes

July 01 2009 show notes

Quote: "The spirit of democracy cannot be established in the midst of terrorism, whether governmental or popular." -- Mohandas K. Gandhi.
June 30 2009 show notes

June 29 2009 show notes

"You cannot conduct the biggest overhaul in 75 years by trying not to offend too many people. When you're relying on the chairmen of committees on Capitol Hill to help get healthcare reform through, or cap and trade, then you don't want to offend them by removing their turf. Again, what's the hurry? Why not take the time to get this right?"