October 13 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Dr. John Lott, economist, columnist, author, latest book "Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked Theories Don't".
- John Berlau of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
- Dr. Lawrence Yun of the National Association of Realtors.
- Doug Cunningham of Workers Independent News.
October 12 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Randal O'Toole of the Cato Institute.
- Frontline correspondent Martin Smith.
- Topics:
- Sick of rush hour?! How about user fee highways?
- Has Afghanistan become "Obama's War?"
- Columbus Day.
- How has private equity destroyed the American dream?
- Bumper Music:
October 09 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
- Topics:
- "Brunch With Bernie".
- President Obama wins Nobel peace prize.
- 'anything Goes' Friday.
- Bumper Music:
- Fly Me to the Moon, Frank Sinatra.
- Moondance, Van Morrison.
October 08 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Carl and Christine from the morning show on KPOJ guest host today.
- Quote: "It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it." - Eleanor Roosevelt.
- Guests:
- Stephen Kanter, Law Professor, Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, OR.
October 07 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute.
- Robert Fisk, Middle East correspondent for The Independent newspaper in the UK; author of "The Age of the Warrior: Selected Essays" for Nation Books.
October 06 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.
- Frank Gaffney of the Center For Security Policy.
- John Derbyshire.
- Governor Don Siegelman
- Topics:
October 05 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Guest:
- Mike Hammond of Gun Owners of America.
- Topics:
- Gun rights and health care...lower premiums for gun free homes?
- Is Mattel's new $95 homeless doll proof of Michael Moore's plutonomy?
- Are Europeans right that the Polanski case shows that the American justice system is moving in the direction of the communist Chinese arbitrary prosecution system?
- Bumper Music:
October 02 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Show live from Stadtsteinach, Germany.
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont, calling from Burlington VT.
- Rep. Alan Grayson, U.S. Congressman (D-FL, 8th District).
- Dick Kay, Veteran Chicago radio & tv news man.
- Topics:
- "Brunch with Bernie".
- Health care, Republicans.
October 01 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Show live from Stadtsteinach, Germany.
- Guests:
- Michael Moore, activist filmmaker whose films include "Roger & Me," "Bowling for Columbine," "Fahrenheit 9/11" and "SiCKO", joins Thom to talk about his latest film, "Capitalism: A Love Story". In theaters nationwide October 2.
- Scott Wheeler of the National Republican Trust.
September 30 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Congressman Peter DeFazio.
- Kenneth "Ken" Davis, author, "Don't Know Much About" series.
- Larry Scott, Founder/Editor of VA Watchdog.
September 29 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Guest host: Peter B. Collins.
- Guests:
- Congressman Dennis Kucinich
- Congressman Joe Sestak, retired United States Navy Rear Admiral.
September 28 2009 show notes

By SueN
- David Cobb, 2004 Green Party candidate for President and works with Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County.
- Conservative Craig Shirley.
- The Nation's Max Blumenthal, author, ""REPUBLICAN GOMORRAH: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party"".
September 25 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Broadcasting live from the campus of Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY with our friends from progressive talk 1470AM WNYY.
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont.
- Mark Finkelstein, host of "Right Angle," an award-winning local political talk show.
- Bob Amsterdam, foreign policy writer, blogger, international human rights and business attorney.
September 24 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Show live from New York.
- Guests:
- Dr. Todd Rubin, Anesthesiologist from Atlanta, member of Doctors for Patient Care.
- Dr. Paul Hochfeld, Spokesperson for Mad as Hell Doctors, Emergency Room Doctor-Good Samaritan, Corvallis, OR.
- Matt Latimer, former Bush speech writer.
September 23 2009 show notes

By SueN
- Show live from New York.
- Guests:
- Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute.
- Ralph Nader. Consumer advocate, activist, author of numerous books, four time Green Party candidate for President.
- Dr. Anthony Horan, M.D., urologist.
- Topics:
- Will democracy die without Obama's newspaper bail out?