Tuesday 17 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Pediatricians are right...the NRA is wrong
- Christopher Ruddy, Newsmax Media: Newsmax vs. Fox?
- John Guandolo, Understanding the Threat: Why Iraq is a mess and what we should do
- Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear: will a giant ice wall contain Fukushima's radiation?
Monday 16 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Mark Dubowitz, Foundation for Defense of Democracies: Could the U.S. align with Iran over Iraq?
- Bryan Fischer, American Family Association: March for Marriage and the future of the GOP
- Daniel Schulman, Sons of Wichita: The rise of the Koch empire
Friday 13 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Anything Goes Friday - Trifecta?! Friday the 13th / full moon / Mercury retrograde
Thursday 12 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio: Back to Iraq?
- Dahr Jamail, Truthout: Iraq in crisis...again
- Lee Fang, Republic Report: The dark $ide of David Brat's primary victory
- Sheriff Richard Mack: Latest on the Las Vegas shootings
- Kai Newkirk, 99Rise: on the road with the March For Democracy
Wednesday 11 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- EXPOSED: Brat won with Dark Money - Thom explains how / PLUS...reaction from the right
- Scottie Nell Hughes, Tea Party News Network
- John Amato, Crooks and Liars: latest on the Las Vegas shooters
- Dan Bongino, Candidate for Congress (R-MD, 6th District)
- Jack Hunter, Rare.us / former Talk Radio Host and co-author of "The Tea Party Comes to Washington": Cantor goes down
- Judson Phillips, Tea Party Nation
Tuesday 10 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Noel Flasterstein, Gun Rights For You: Time to halt open carry?
- Brittany Corona, The Heritage Foundation: Is Obama asking millionaires to pay for student loans?
- Lucy Caldwell, Goldwater Institute: GOP thinks rationing boards are next
Monday 9 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Fox News has finally yelled fire in a crowded theater
- Dinesh D'Souza on his new book: America: Imagine a World Without Her
- Professor Tyrone B. Hayes, UC Berkeley: Big Ag goes after the little guy
Friday 6 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Harvey Kaye, The Fight for the Four Freedoms: What Made FDR and the Greatest Generation Truly Great: D-Day and the FDR's Four Freedoms
- Jim Hightower plus Mimi Kennedy, Progressive Democrats of America: Time to put Main Street in the driver's seat PLUS, It all starts with you
- David Webb, The David Webb Show: American POWs...then and now
- Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!
Thursday 5 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- The vast right wing conspiracy...
- David Selig, Selig & Associates: calorie tax to curb obesity epidemic?
- Igor Volsky, Think Progress: Faux News: 'proof Obama wants out of America'...WHAT?!
- David Hogberg, National Center for Public Policy Research: Why one Mayor's plea for Medicaid expansion is important
- Kai Newkirk and Danielle Raskin, March for Democracy & 99Rise: on the road with the March for Democracy
Wednesday 4 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Maureen Dowd Ate Too Much Pot In Denver And Freaked Out...
- POWs & Families Now on the RightWing Hate List
- Who should be the ambassador to Somalia?
- Neil McCabe, Guns & Patriots Newsletter: No soldier left behind...?
Tuesday 3 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Either security theater ends...or includes the 1%
- Jamie Weinstein, The Daily Caller: What's the difference between the rich and poor?
- Your calls on the subjects of the day
Monday 2 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Should America have traded Gitmo prisoners for U.S. soldier?
- Paul Kersey, Illinois Policy Institute: How SCOTUS could help Big Business bust public public sector unions
- Robert Weissman, Public Citizen: EPA's greenhouse gas rules...who wins?
Friday 30 May '14 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Rev. William J. Barber, North Carolina NAACP: Moral Mondays' frack attack and more
- Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!
Thursday 29 May '14 show notes
By SueN
- David Selig: Billionaire pay gone wild
- Rhone Resch, SEIA: Solar...game changer for global warming?
- Michael T Klare, The Race for What’s Left: Big Energy...using Big Tobacco's 3rd world playbook
- Maude Barlow, Blue Future: Hey Detroit: running water is a human right!!
- Kai Newkirk, 99Rise: on the road with the March for Democracy
- Sam Seder, Majority Report: BIG announcement...
- Judson Phillips, Tea Party Nation: Could you be fired for being tax delinquent?
- Kshama Sawant, Seattle City Council: $15 minimum wage passed
Wednesday 28 May '14 show notes
By SueN
- ‘I Don’t Care if You’re Sorry,’ Do Something! Send a Postcard!!
- Is it possible that dog people are conservative and cat people liberal?
- Timothy Johnson, Media Matters for America: 'No guns' doesn't mean more crime
- Stephen Cohen, The Nation Magazine: Ukraine...what's next?
- Peter Schiff, The Peter Schiff Show: Let's amend the constitution
- Sam Seder, Host of the Majority Report / Co-host, Ring of Fire Radio: BIG announcement...
- William K Black, University of Missouri in Kansas City: What is 'New Economic Perspectives'?