Wednesday 9 July '14 show notes
By SueN
- Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear: Will the typhoon cause another meltdown at Fukushima?
- Lee Fang, The Nation / The Machine: A Field Guide to the Resurgent Right: The real reason pot is still illegal
- Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work: Economy...boom or bubble?
Tuesday 8 July '14 show notes
By SueN
- Are Mitt Romney and Ted Cruz both Messiahs?
- Pastor D. Alexander Bullock, Change Agent Consortium: white people don't get to say the N-word
- Mike Papantonio, America's Lawyer: Where's the Public Outrage about Big Money in Politics?
- Robert Parry, Consortium News: Nixon's darkest crime
Monday 7 July '14 show notes
By SueN
- S.C. Sherman, DailySurge / Mercy Shot: Should we be sending riot squads to a humanitarian crisis?
- What West Virginia can learn from Sarah Palin
- It's Anything Goes Summer!
Thursday 3 July '14 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Thom's thoughts on making life decisions - plus you calls!
- Anything Goes!
Wednesday 2 July '14 show notes
By SueN
- Hilary Shelton, NAACP: 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Stephen Cohen PhD, The Nation / Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War: latest on Ukraine
- Emperor Penguins, climate change & your calls
Tuesday 1 July '14 show notes
By SueN
- Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio: How do we hold SCOTUS accountable?
- Anything Goes Summer - with some big stories and some stories that no one else is covering
Monday 30 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Siobhan "Sam" Bennett, Political Strategist / Author...forthcoming book, Ascend: The Hobby Lobby Case
- Supreme Court decisions - Hobby Lobby and Unions, and judicial review
Friday 27 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH): Sen. Brown introduces infrastructure bill
- Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!
Thursday 26 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio: Issues of the day
- Professor Dana Frank, professor of history at the University of California, Santa Cruz: Why children are fleeing the Honduras and El Salvador - and showing up on our border
- Thom's theory that Boehner's lawsuit against Obama is an extension of the Birther movement
Wednesday 25 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Ian Millhiser, Senior Constitutional Policy Analyst at the Center for American Progress & Think Progress: SCOTUS Decisions today!
- Should Senators set foreign policy?
- Russell Brand rants about Fox News
- Can Boehner sue the President?
Tuesday 24 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Bill Frady, GOA's Lock & Load Radio: Debate - arming school teachers
- Is the new Iraq civil war, John McCain's War?
Monday 23 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- C. Edmund Wright, WTF? How Karl Rove and the Establishment Lost…Again: Detroit...welcome to 3rd world America
- Pastor D. Alexander Bullock, Change Agent Consortium (ActionCAC): Apartheid in Detroit?
- Iraq War cheerleaders
- Debate - Snyder and friends - cutting off the water for poor people in Detroit
Friday 20 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- America's Lawyer Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio: In for Thom today
- Kai Newkirk, 99Rise: March for Democracy...let's get $ out of politics
- Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC: The return of Dick Cheney and the war hawk machine
- Journalist C.J. Werleman: the dangers of America's political ignorance
- Elliot Fineman, Gun Victims Action Council: The lunacy of open carry laws
- Rick Outzen, Independent News: Jeb Bush in 2016?! What you need to know
Thursday 19 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio: Are Cheney and the war hawks trying to bring back PNAC?
- Ms Atefeh Riazi, Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and Chief Information Technology Officer
- Ms Lakshmi Puri, Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and Deputy Executive Director-UN Women
- Ambassador Guillermo E Rishchynski, Canada's Ambassador & Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations
- George Papagiannis, UNESCO External Relations and Information Liaison Offi
Wednesday 18 June '14 show notes
By SueN
- Jasjit Singh, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF): Robert Bergdahl's beard is not the threat
- Governor Howard Dean, Democracy For America: This time...let's ignore the neocons on Iraq
- Neil McCabe, Guns and Patriots Newsletter: More guns...more gun deaths
- Cheryl K. Chumley, Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare Is Becoming Our Reality: Are we now Police State USA?
- Mark Crispin Miller, Fooled Again: the Real Case for Electorial Reform: the Forbidden Bookshelf