Thursday 29 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- Proof That Republicans Have Gone Off the Rails...
- More of Thom's thoughts on the debate - plus yours!
- Woody Taft, Yes On 3 Ohio: Why Ohio Will Be Even More Fired Up in 2016
Wednesday 28 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- The best of the rest of the news....
- Gayle Trotter: GOP & the New Speaker Could Kill our Social Safety Net
- Alex Lawson, Social Security Works: What Have You Always Wanted to Ask About Social Security?
Tuesday 27 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- Alex Lawson, Social Security Works: Does Budget Deal Gut Social Security?
- Dr. Michael Mann, Penn State University/Dire Predictions: Understanding Climate Change (2nd edition): House 'Science' Committee Witch Hunt...Worse Than Benghazi
- China - U.S. flash point?
Monday 26 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- The Koch-heads in Congress...
- What would you do if you weren't afraid?
- Saru Jayaraman, Restaurant Opportunities Centers United: Is It Time To Ban Tipping?
- Tim Sandefur, Pacific Legal Foundation: Obamacare Is Back In Court...AGAIN?!
Friday 23 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- Hurricane Patricia-Now the Largest Pacific Hurricane In Human History
- Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers: Labor Weighs In On Canada's Liberal Victory
- Phil Proctor (Firesign Theatre), John Densmore (The Doors), Filmmaker Sam Joseph: 'Window of Opportunity' to Feel the Bern
Thursday 22 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- Hillary Hits Back At the Benghazi Committee...
- How Will Hillary's Benghazi Testimony Impact the 2016 Race?
- Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL, 9th District): Seniors Deserve a Raise!
Wednesday 21 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- Is Paul Ryan on the Ultimate Power Trip?
- Marshall Auerback, Levy Institute/Economists for Peace and Security: Did Canada Just School America?
- Romina Boccia, Heritage Foundation: Why is the GOP Holding Grandma & Vets Hostage...Again?
Tuesday 20 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- Trey Gowdy, the Benghazi farce and the other news of the day....
- The morphing of the Republican Party - are they finished?
- ADHD and the Edison Gene
Monday 19 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- Isn't Donald Trump right about 9/11??
- Dan Bongino, Life Inside the Bubble: Why Police Are Upset About Military Equipment Ban
- How Socialism Can Save America...
Friday 16 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- In for Thom today, Progressive Commentator Sam Sacks, Co-Founder - The District Sentinel News Co-op
- Show Me the (Dark) Money!!
- Actress/Activist Mimi Kennedy, Free Don Siegelman/ PDAmerica: Gov. Don Siegelman needs your help today more than ever...find out why
- Anything Goes - your calls on any topic!
Thursday 15 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- In for Thom today, Progressive Commentator Sam Sacks, Co-Founder - The District Sentinel News Co-op
- Troops to remain in Afghanistan
- Sam Knight, The District Sentinel: Washington and Afghanistan
- Eric Markowitz, International Business Times: Why is the Pentagon Setting Up Shop in Silicon Valley?
- Governor Don Siegelman, Governor of Alabama (1999-2003): Karl Rove and the Political Assassination of Gov. Don Siegelman
Wednesday 14 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- In for Thom today, Progressive Commentator Sam Sacks, Co-Founder - The District Sentinel News Co-op
- Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartmann Program: What Did You Take Away From the Democratic Debate?
- Shanna Devine, Government Accountability Project: Why Is O.S.H.A. Leaving Whistleblowers In the Lurch?
- David Sirota, International Business Times: Why Are Corporate Criminals Getting A Pass from the DOJ?
Tuesday 13 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- Finally, the First Democratic Debate...Drinking Games??
- You won't believe who is beating JEB! now...
- Lad Allen, Illustra Media/Living Waters: Intelligent Design in the Oceans of the Earth: Are the oceans proof of intelligent design?
- RoseAnn DeMoro, National Nurses United: 'Feel the Bern' as Nurses March for Bernie today!
Monday 12 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- Why Honor Genocidal Maniacs...End Columbus Day Now?
- Carl Higbie, The Citizen League: The Small Penis Gun Club Strikes Again
- Sam Sacks, The District Sentinel: In the studio with the latest news
- Dr. Michael Mann, Dire Predictions: Understanding Climate Change (2nd edition: Will Climate Crisis Mean the End for 4 Million People?
Friday 9 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- David Cobb, National Spokesperson, Move To Amend: Weighing In On Citizen's United
- Anything Goes Friday!