Thursday 19 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- In for Thom today, progressive commentators Danielle and Shane-O
- What Do We Have In Common With Syrian Refugees?
- We All Know the Problem...What's the Solution For ISIS?
- Bernie Sanders gives his much-anticipated speech on Democratic Socialism
- Farron Cousins, Ring of Fire Radio: Yes... Climate Change IS Our Biggest Threat!
Wednesday 18 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- First They Came For the Native Americans, Next the Jews, Then the Japanese and Now the Muslims...
- Marcy Wheeler, Empty Wheel: Why Metadata Surveillance Failed To Stop Paris Attacks
- Stop making ISIL bigger - they are failures...
- Amanda Gutterman, Slant News: Millennials Weigh In On Terrorism, Paris Attacks and Politics
Tuesday 17 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- How the Billionaires Are Scamming America
- John Malcolm, Heritage Foundation: Why Are Conservatives So Afraid of Syrian Refugees?
- The Best of the Rest of the News - plus your calls!
Monday 16 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- Climate change DOES contribute to the problem of terrorism!
- Will France overreact to ISIS like Bush did with Bin Laden?
- Harvey Wasserman, Solartopia: Ohio Corporate Pot Election Far From Settled/li>
- Your thoughts on the Paris attacks
Friday 13 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- Ben Carson, Trump - and the redemption story...
- Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District): Issues of the Day & YOUR Calls
- Richard Charnin, Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts: Kentucky Election Results...Fraud Exposed?
Thursday 12 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- In for Thom today, progressive commentators Danielle and Shane-O
- John Nichols, The Nation Magazine: Why Ben Carson is Wrong About Wage Hikes & the Pyramids
- Tim Karr, Free Press: Data Caps...What Comcast Doesn't Want You To Know
- Brad Friedman, The Brad Blog: Was Ohio's Pro-Pot Election Stolen?
Wednesday 11 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- LIVE from Chicago, IL: "Lunch With Labor":
- Bob Reiter, Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL)
- Tom Villanova, Chicago/Cook County Building Trades
- Jeff Eppenstein, United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers & Allied Workers Local 11
- Sam Cicinelli, Mechanics Local 701
- Tom Ryan, Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2
- Vito Marchese, Machinists Local 126, District 8
- Representative Lawrence M. Walsh, Jr. (D), 86th District/member of the International Machinist and Aerospace Workers Union
Tuesday 10 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- Alex Lawson, Social Security Works: Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Plan To Save Grandma From the Cliff
- Election fraud - the REAL story...
- Europe going "Red State - Blue State" - the rise of nativism
Monday 9 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- TPP...the Final Coup D'Etat?
- Obama could take a big step forward to fix campaign finance laws (but won't)
- Elliot Minceberg, People For the American Way (PFAW): Should Your Boss Be In Between You & Your Doctor?!
Friday 6 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL, 9th District): Just how bad is the TPP?
- Brad Friedman, The Brad Blog: Kentucky - Did Machines Decide the Governor's Race?
- Anything Goes Friday
Thursday 5 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- The Blockbuster Disaster of the TPP Now Revealed
- It's Guy Fawkes Day!
- Professor Stephen Cohen, The Nation Magazine/Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution/Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: Who Were the Bolsheviks and Why They Matter Today
Wednesday 4 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- The New Right Wing Wedge Issues To Reel In the Suckers...
- The Hustle That Won Kentucky...
- Duncan Gilchrist, UnKoch My Campus: How You Can UnKoch Your Campus
- Kshama Sawant, Seattle City Council: Winning re-election as a socialist
Tuesday 3 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- Thom Confronts Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) On His Lies
- How NAFTA is Killing Middle Aged White Americans...
- Wendell Potter, Obamacare: What's In It For Me, Deadly Spin: Obamacare...What's New & How It Works
Monday 2 November '15 show notes
By SueN
- Neil McCabe, One America News: Is the GOP Now A Scam?
- Horatio Alger, Marco Rubio and the billionaires...
- John Schwartz, Voqal: Is Internet Access A Basic Human Right?
Friday 30 October '15 show notes
By SueN
- The only way the GOP can win - is lie
- Anything Goes Friday!