Live Blog

Green 960 Cruise with Thom Hartmann on Feb 5th...Join Thom

Hornblower imagesCome join Thom Hartmann and fellow Green960 Listeners aboard the California Hornblower Yacht for a night of breathtaking views, hors d'oeuvres, and a night of conversation with Thom Hartmann on February 5th. Read more

The Naked Truth....

naked imagesThe Economic Times of India is reporting that US' largest drugstore chain Walgreens on Thursday just announced a 10-year outsourcing deal with India. Walgreens is shifting its accounting processes and jobs to Genpact, a loss of at least 500 American jobs.

Daily Topics - Anything Goes Friday!

banster 1 imagesQuote:  "Fear is not the natural state of civilized people" --- Aung San Suu Kyi

Hour One - "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders

Daily Topics - Thursday January 7th 2010

strangelove imagesQuote:  “Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” --- Ernest Hemingway

Outlaw Divorce?

no divorce imagesSally Kern, the Oklahoma state legislator who infamously called homosexuality "the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam," now wants to force heterosexual couples to stay married. Under Kern's legislation, incompatibility would not a

Daily Topics - Wednesday January 6th 2009

cia imagesQuote:  Never has there been a good war or a bad peace --- Benjamin Franklin


bankster imagesAmong the various ideas to fix the financial markets, the calls for anyone to step down in the management ranks of bailed-out institutions have been largely ignored.

Where Have all the Sea Lions Gone?

sea lion imagesBloomberg reported that The Mayo Clinic, hailed by President Barack Obama as a national model for good health care, will stop accepting Medicare patients at their primary-care clinics in Arizona, because, they say, the U.S. government pays too low.

Highlights on the Show...January 4 - 8, 2010

the look ahead imagesMonday

Hour Two: Labor Update - Will 2010 bring manufacturing jobs back to America?  Doug Cunningham reports from Workers Independent News

Bend Over....

bend over imagesAccording to the upcoming New York Times Magazine, during the time of the tough negotiations over executive compensation headed by pay czar Kenneth Feinberg, Wall Street had an ally - in both the Treasury Department and the New York Federal Reserve.

Daily Topics - Thursday December 31 2009

geek imagesHour One - As we watch...before our very eyes...Barack Obama is transforming himself into Bill Clinton

Hour Two - We need to fund the FBI not the TSA! Plus, Thom reveals his new year's resolution...what's yours?

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

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