Outlaw Divorce?

no divorce imagesSally Kern, the Oklahoma state legislator who infamously called homosexuality "the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam," now wants to force heterosexual couples to stay married. Under Kern's legislation, incompatibility would not an OK reason to obtain a divorce if the partners have been married for over a decade or are raising minor children. At least there's some internal consistency to Kern, unlike most who oppose gay marriage.  She realizes that the biggest threat to the "sanctity of marriage" is...divorce!  Or Tiger Woods.

In Strange News...CLG is reporting that Ford is paying Tea Partiers to protest the Detroit auto show in order to help their market show through brand loyalty, since they were the only ones who did not take a government bailout.  The Tea Partiers - the best grassroots protesters money can buy!

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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