
  • Wednesday 08 June '22 show notes

    • How Republicans Abandoned Democracy in 1960
    • Election Recap - Crime Is Biting Progressives As I Warned a Year Ago....
    • Whoa..Crist Takes Lead Over DeSantis in FL Race!
    • What the hell is stagflation and what does this mean to the average person? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • Is a "Pregnancy Register" Coming to America?
    • Young People Are Stepping Up - Sam Lawrence, 19 year old student & Democrat running for Ohio state rep 47th District (against Republican incumbent Sara Carruthers) (primary is 8/2/22)
  • Tuesday 07 June '21 show notes

    • What Would An American Fascist Government Look Like?
    • Democracies Require Open News - How Can We Survive in the Face of Pink Slime News?
    • Will America Go After the Powerful Seditious Leaders After The Proud Boys?
    • Progressive Town Hall - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA, 7th District) / Chair-Congressional Progressive Caucus / Senior Whip-Democratic Caucus/ Serves on the House Budget Committee, the House Judiciary Committee & the House Education & Labor Committee (as well as a number of sub-committees)
  • Monday 06 June '22 show notes

    • The Latest For-Profit "Advantage" assault on Medicare Exposed
    • How Do you Respond to GOPers Saying the Price For Freedom Is to Live with Mass Shooting?
    • Is Trump the First Seditious President Ever?
    • Was the Uvalde Shooter a Male Supremacist? - Alex DiBranco, Executive Director - Institute for Research on Male Supremacism (IRMS) / Ph.D. candidate, Yale Sociology; Research right-wing and misogynist movements
    • Leaked GOP Memos Are Instructing Lawmakers To Blow Off Uvalde Massacre - "This Will Pass" They Say...
    • Why Did Raffensperger and Others Cover Up the GA Voting System Was Tampered With?
    • Amy Coney Barrett's Christian Sect, that Exerts Total Control over Women & Girls, Shows How radical She is - She Does Not Belong On the Supreme Court
    • Is America Ending School Lunches & Creating a New Hunger Crisis?
    • Russia's War On the World's Food Supply Is Ramping Up
  • Friday 03 June '22 show notes

    • Gun Control: How Reagan’s Racism Once Saved Lives and is Today Killing America's Children
    • Geeky Science Alert! When AI Begins talking to Itself, In It's Own language - We Should be Paying Attention & Concerned
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • New Study Shows the Climate is Changing Faster then Scientists Thought
    • Progressives Slam 'Phony' Manchin... - Troy Miller, Social Security Works - West Virginia Organizer / (Writer - The Blue Ridge Breakdown)
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
  • Thursday 02 June '22 show notes

    • The Economic Sh*tstorm Coming is Due to Reagan's Deregulated Economy
    • Was Chuck Grassley In On the Coup?
    • Why the Republican Party Is The Greatest Threat We Have Ever Faced
    • It's Jim Crow 2.0 to a Crazy Extreme! - Greg Palast, Investigative Journalist/Author - latest, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters & previously, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
    • Tucker Carlson is Playing the Dictator's Game
    • What Could Go wrong With DeSantis Recruiting for His Own Army? Or is it the SS?
    • Crazy Alert! Ingraham Say's Weed Is Behind the Mass Shootings - Say What?!
  • Wednesday 01 June '22 show notes

    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • How Do Housing Bubbles Form and How Do They Pop? Was Will Rogers Right? "Buy Land - They Ain't Making It Any More?" - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • Why America Must Prepare For a Decades-Long War Over "Gun Control"
    • ‘It's going to be an army': Tapes reveal GOP plan to contest elections
    • What Has Hurt More People White Guilt or White Conservative Racism?
    • Why Are Republicans So In Love With Hate Speech?
  • Tuesday 31 May '21 show notes

    • Why Canadians Are Being Warned About the Collapse of American Democracy
    • A Nation Cowering in Fear of Mass Shootings Is Not Free
    • If Canada Can Ban Guns - Why Can't America?
    • Just What Were Kushner & Mnuchin Up To In the Middle East? - Richard Painter, Former Chief White House ethics lawyer 2005-07 under G.W. Bush / Currently, Law Professor - University of Minnesota / (Once a Republican, now a Centrist and an Independent.) Host - The Politics Podcast with Richard Painter
    • Is This Proof That Merrick Garland & the Justice Department Are Going After Trump?
    • "Dark Money" Is Pouring In For the Midterms Stomping Down on Democracy
    • Why Wasn't Copeland Convicted of Terrorism?
    • 'Manchin of the House' Kurt Schrader Officially Defeated in Oregon Primary
  • Thursday 26 May '22 show notes

    • Dear Republicans: We Tried Your Way and It Does Not Work
    • In a "Gun Society" Should the Police Go In Sooner to Protect Our Children - Rather than Wait One Hour for the Tactical Team?
    • The QANon Wing of the Republican Party is Causing Death & Destruction - How Do We Fight Back Against their Conspiracies?
    • Trump Loved the "Hang Mike Pence" Chants - Is This like the Lincoln Assignation?
    • Is it Time for America to Ask for Bush & Trump to Pay for Damages to America's Reputation?
    • Covid: What Is the Danger of America Getting Stuck in Complacency? - Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Epidemiologist & Health Economist / Adjunct Senior Fellow - Federation of American Scientists
  • Wednesday 25 May '22 show notes

    • Will This Finally Be the Time Republicans Turn Against the NRA's Money?
    • Do mass Shootings Prepare America for Authoritarianism?
    • What Is the Economic Cost of Guns In Our Society? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • Dear GOP - There is No Redemption From Hell For What You've Done - Here's a Reminder for Those Top GOPers Who Sold America & It's Children Out for Big Bucks
  • Tuesday 24 May '21 show notes

    • Is Trumpism This Generation's Version of the Confederacy?
    • Did Perdue Really Tell Stacy Abrams to "Go Back Where She Came From?"
    • It's Getting To Hot In Here According to NOAA & An Oil Giant Resigns Citing Concern For the Planet
    • New Reporting - Are Putin's Days Numbered?
    • Yup ( "I Told You So!") Birdocracy: Noisy jackdaws take a 'vote' before flying
    • Criminology on Trump - Gregg Barak, North American Editor of the Journal of White Collar & Corporate Crime / Emeritus Professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice at Eastern Michigan University / Author of the new book, Criminology On Trump
    • About Biden's New Tokyo/Indo/Pacific Trade/Economic Framework.... - Lori Wallach, Director - Rethink Trade, American Economic Liberties Project

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