Thom's blog
The Economic Sh*tstorm Coming is Due to Reagan's Deregulated Economy
 In addition to an economy held together with the baling-wire of Fed stimulus (that’s ending), both the US & the world are facing a wild spectrum of assaults that could have huge economic impacts. The CEO of America’s largest bank is worried, and for good reason. Yesterday the Fed started something it hasn’t done for quite a while. It started dumping bonds. The Fed has been goosing the economy steadily since the Bush Crash of 2008, buying US and corporate bonds with money it creates out of thin air (only the Fed can "print money" like this by simply willing the dollars into existence). By purchasing and holding those bonds over the past 14 years, the Fed has created and then flushed into our economy $8 trillion in liquid cash. This is how the Fed stimulates an economy in crisis: pouring newly-created money into the system.Read more at -Thom
Thursday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: The Economic Sh*tstorm Coming is Due to Reagan's Deregulated Economy
Was Chuck Grassley In On the Coup?
Why the Republican Party Is The Greatest Threat We Have Ever Faced
Tweet: " @Thom_Hartmann @nprpolitics @SRuhle @11thHour @maddow Got this from another forum The Republican Party Is The Greatest Threat We Have Ever Faced" by Liberty One Radio.
Law: " 2nd Amendment". A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed..
Tucker Carlson is Playing the Dictator's Game
Tweet: " WATCH: ex-KGB agent explains how Russia uses ACTIVE MEASURES to destroy a country — “It takes only 2-5 years to destabilise a nation... The next stage is crisis.†They “change mindsâ€, facts become useless. Sound familiar? [video]" by Vonnie932.
Tweet: " Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) was criticized for posting a Christmas photo Saturday showing his family members all holding long guns. The Twitter post was accompanied by the caption, 'Merry Christmas! ps. Santa, please bring ammo.'" by NowThis.
Tweet: " We need more of these." [sticker on petrol pump saying "oil and gas price gouging bill Democrats 217 yes 4 no Republicans 0 yes 203 no Biden didn't do this. Republicans wanted this "] by Really American.
Hour Three: What Could Go wrong With DeSantis Recruiting for His Own Army? Or is it the SS?
Crazy Alert! Ingraham Say's Weed Is Behind the Mass Shootings - Say What?!
Tweet: " GOP says we must "harden schools!" (Uvalde) And now hospitals! (Tulsa) Next Republicans will call on GM and Ford to put bulletproof windows in cars? WTF is wrong with just getting rid of assault weapons, like every other civilized country on Earth? Oh, yeah: NRA's Russian $$$$ [retweet]" by Thom Hartmann.
Tweet: " A 8 year-old third-grader from NH was shot in the neck and killed while on vacation in SC by a man taking random shots at cars passing by his home. [link]" by Ron Filipkowski.
Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
It's Anything Goes Friday!
Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District / Vice Chair-Congressional Progressive Caucus, MEMBER: House Armed Services Committee / MEMBER: House Committee on Oversight & Reform)) will be here to talk issues of the day and take your calls.
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Crazy Alert: Fox News Blames Weed For Mass Shootings
Will Passing "Gun Control" Be A War?