
  • Tuesday 04 October '22 show notes

    • How the Power of Economic Outrage Will Beat Most Other Issues
    • Will the GOP focus on "crime and safety" as An Effort to Shift American's Attention Away from Abortion Rights Work?
    • New film Vigilante - Greg Palast, Investigative Reporter / Author of several books including The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / Filmmaker - his latest, "Vigilante: Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman", produced by Martin Sheen which is debuting this week
    • Because the Richest 1% Owns More Than 1/3 of All US Wealth, It's Going To Be Hard To Stop the Stampede Towards Fascism
    • Abortion Update...14yr old Denied a Life Saving Medication...
    • What Do We Do About the Return of Polio? - Patrick Cockburn, Middle East correspondent for the Independent of London / Previously worked for the Financial Times / Author of 5 books on the Middle East, including his latest: Chaos and Caliphate: Jihadis and the West in the Struggle for the Middle East
    • Geeky Science! Does Every 2,000 Steps Prolong Your Life?
  • Monday 03 October '22 show notes

    • Why Babcock Ranch Fared Hurricane Ian & Others Didn't
    • Why Did DeSantis Wait to Respond?
    • How Far Does SCOTUS Go Before Congress Begins to Regulate Them?
    • Trump & Those Around Him - The Criminal Mindset? Pee Tape? - Michael Cohen, principle of Crisis-X (crisis management company) / previously, served as personal attorney to former president Donald. J. Trump / formerly Executive VP-Trump Organization & Special Counsel to Donald J. Trump / Author-Disloyal: A Memoir / Host-Mea Culpa With Michael Cohen
    • How OPEC Is Going to Manipulate the Midterms
    • Is Truss Backing Down or Waiting....
    • The Carlson-Kremlin Feedback- Conspiracy Loop Exposed
    • Geeky Science! Can A Hug Save You From a Heart Attack?
  • Friday 30 September '22 show notes

    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
    • Crazy Alert! Just Like With Guns - They Don't Want to talk Climate Change During a Crisis
    • If America Doesn't Embrace "Buy American" Now, this will be the Chinese Century
    • Will Putin Provoke WW3 Or Just Catastrophic Damage to Ukraine
    • Batten Down the Hatches - There's a World-Wide Recession Coming...
    • Trump Corrupted the Court Worse Than We Think
    • The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Bearing Down on Schumer Just Like They Did with Joe Manchin
    • Geeky Science! How a Simply Spice Can Save Your Life?
  • Thursday 29 September '22 show notes

    • America Doesn't Understand Crime
    • UK Conservatives Double Down On Inequality
    • The Deficit Myth - Dr. Stephanie Kelton, Professor of Economics-Stony Brook University / Executive Director-MMT Project & a leading expert on Modern Monetary Theory / Former Chief Economist-U.S. Senate Budget Committee (Democratic Staff) / Author - The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy / Find more commentary & analysis by Stephanie Kelton at The Lens, on
    • Meet the Former CIA Officer Running Against Stefanik - Matt Castelli, Former CIA Officer, focused on intelligence collection and counterterrorism operations, serving in Afghanistan and Iraq / former Director for Counterterrorism-National Security Council, Obama Administration / Candidate for Congress (D-NY, 21st District)
    • Trump Was More Insane Than Anyone Thought
    • Economic Indicators Say We're in a Recession - Are You Feeling It Where You Live?
    • GOP Is Continuing to Coverup Trump Criminality
  • Wednesday 28 September '22 show notes

    • GOP Exploits Americans' Confusion About Taxes
    • Is the Police State & Salem Witch Trials Beginning?
    • Crazy Alert! Tucker Carlson Suggests Joe Biden Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipeline
    • Liz Truss' Tax Cuts & Why It's Harming the UK? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System & Host - Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff on Free Speech TV
    • Text Messages Now Show That the End Goal of Jan 6th Was to Murder Pence & Pelosi
    • Am I the only one thinking the economy is being crashed so the GOP will get elected?
    • Are There "Living Increases" coming to Social Security and Medicare? - Alex Lawson, Executive Director - Social Security Works / Strengthen Social Security
    • Is An Army of Poll Watchers Coming for the Midterms?
  • Tuesday 27 September '22 show notes

    • Why Do So Many Americans Ended Up Believing the Lies Pushed by the GOP?
    • Was Putin Part of the Jan 6th Treason with Trump?
    • DNC Chair Jaime Harrison on Democratic Messaging - Jaime Harrison, DNC Chair
    • Is Big Oil Trying to Throw the Election to the GOP?
    • Fox-So-Called-News Is Endorsing Italian Fascist Melon & Want You To Believe She's the "Center" Politically
    • Was Trump Ally Roger Stone Coordinating the Jan 6th Treason Event?
    • Biden's Student Debt Relief Just Costs a Fraction of the Giveaway to the Uber Wealthy
    • What Will We Find Out From the Confiscated Secret Service Phones?
  • Monday 26 September '22 show notes

    • GOP Bets Crime Will Generate Fear & Votes - Will It Work?
    • In 1864, a legislature of 27 white men created a body of laws that discriminated against Black people and people of color and considered girls as young as 10 able to consent to sex, and in 2022, one of those laws is back in force in Arizona
    • Geeky Science - Right-wing individuals are more likely to fall for political bullshit, according to new research
    • MAGA & the "Incels": Latest Jan. 6 arrests show how fascists target insecure young men - Amanda Marcotte, Senior Politics Writer at Salon & author of "Troll Nation: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set On Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself"
    • Crazy Alert! Mike Lee Is claiming It's "Overreach" To Arrest Anti-Abortionist of Assaulting an Elderly Man Twice!
    • Can This Teenage Democrat Win In Ohio? - Sam Lawrence, 19 year old student & Democrat running for Ohio state rep 47th District (against Republican incumbent Sara Carruthers)
    • Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy - David Corn, Washington bureau chief - Mother Jones Magazine & on-air analyst for MSNBC / Writer-weekly newsletter, Our Land, available by subscription at / Author of several books including his latest, American Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy
    • George Washington & The Russians Surrendering
  • Friday 23 September '22 show notes

    • How the Supreme Court Set Up the Criminal Takeover of America
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
    • Will the Iranian Regime Survive the Death of Mahsa By the Morality Police? - Jamal Abdi, President - NIAC (National Iranian American Council)
    • Is the Russia Crisis About to Come to a Head? What's Going to Happen?
    • The Five Stages of Trumpism Revealed
  • Thursday 22 September '22 show notes

    • John Harwood Sums It Up In a Tweet - the juxtaposition of two events in NYC today - Biden's speech to the UN and the NY AG's fraud suit against the Trumps
    • Americans Used To Understand Public Schools and the Commons
    • Crazy Alert! Trump Is Pushing FBI Looking for Hillary's Emails At Mar-a-Lago?!
    • Why 70% Inflation Is Just One of Argentina's Problems - Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director, Center for Economic & Policy Research / President-Just Foreign Policy / Author of several books including "FAILED: What the "Experts" Got Wrong about the Global Economy"
    • The Internet Solves Trump's "Peekaboo" Letitia James Slur
    • Uber Wealthy Bezos is Buying Homes to Rent-Trap America - We Need to Stop This!
    • Ali Velshi Weighs in NY AG's Fraud Suit Against Trump and More... - Ali Velshi, Host - MSNBC “Velshi" (Sat/Sun 8-10aET) & "The Last Word" (Fri 10pET) / Host of the digital platform, The Velshi Exchange
    • Geeky Science! Are Blueberries a Superfood? Study finds eating the fruit every day can reverse cognitive decline in elderly people
    • Will Desantis' Contempt for Migrants Backfire? - Chris Lehmann, DC Bureau Chief - The Nation Magazine
  • Wednesday 21 September '22 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District) / Member & Former Co-Chair-Congressional Progressive Caucus / (Committees: Appropriations / Also, Education & Labor)
    • China vs. US: System Rising vs. Falling- New Global Capitalism - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System & Host - Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff on Free Speech TV
    • Crazy Alert! The Simpsons Weigh in on Trump's Messiah Complex
    • Trump's Messiah Scam Increases His Threat To America
    • Does Putin Have a One Hell of an Endgame? What Should America & Europe Do?
    • WV Abortion Ban - Ixya Vega, Member - Morgantown City Council (representing 3rd Ward) / Community Organizer-Planned Parenthood South Atlantic & Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic in West Virginia

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