Thom's blog
How Economic Outrage Trumps Most Other Issues
 Democrats are hoping that national social issues like abortion & gay marriage will help this November but most voters — particularly independents & Latinos — put the economy as their #1 issue. Last Saturday, for example, was a national day of action across the United Kingdom known as "Enough is Enough"; millions turned out in the streets to protest the combination of economic stagnation, inflation, and the elimination of the top tax bracket on the morbidly rich by the conservative Tories. As a result, Britain's new conservative Prime Minister, Liz Truss, announced she was not going forward with her plan to eliminate the top tax rate on the morbidly rich. It shows how the power of economic outrage will beat almost every other issue; a lesson Republicans have been falsely trading on since the 1980s. Read more at -Thom
Tuesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: How the Power of Economic Outrage Will Beat Most Other Issues
Tweet: " Fantastic turnout in Liverpool today for the #EnoughIsEnough meeting. Proud to speak up for working class people, trade unions and our collective fight for fair pay, ending food poverty, affordable energy, decent homes & taxing the 1% to pay for it. #UnityIsStrength" by lan Byrne MP.
Quote: " A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes" - various.
Will the GOP focus on "crime and safety" as An Effort to Shift American's Attention Away from Abortion Rights Work?
New film Vigilante- Greg Palast, Investigative Reporter / Author of several books including The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / Filmmaker - his latest, "Vigilante: Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman", produced by Martin Sheen which is debuting this week 
Hour Two: Because the Richest 1% Owns More Than 1/3 of All US Wealth, It's Going To Be Hard To Stop the Stampede Towards Fascism
Abortion Update...14yr old Denied a Life Saving Medication...
Law: " 14th Amendment, July 9, 1868 (citizenship, representatives, public debt, Equal Protection Clause).
Tweet: " BREAKING: The judicial misconduct complaint we filed against Judge Cannon with the Eleventh Circuit has been assigned a case number and a copy has been sent to the judge herself..." by Call To Activism.
Geeky Science! Does Every 2,000 Steps Prolong Your Life?
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