
  • On the Program - May 16th 2008

    Hour One: Guest: U.S. Senator (I-VT) Bernie Sanders

    "Anything Goes Friday"

  • May 13 2008 show notes

    • Does this generation have a rendezvous with destiny? The Millennials. The Fourth Turning.
    • Guest: Marc Morano, communications director for Senator James Inhofe. Is God punishing him by killing Oklahomans?
    • Guest: Arthur C. Brooks. Author, " Gross National Happiness". Are conservatives really happier than liberals?

    Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

  • On the Program - May 15th 2008

    The Myth of National Victimhood - All Wrapped and Delivered for Thom

    When Democracy Thom

    Book Contest - Cracking the Code: How to Win Hearts, Change Minds, and Restore America's Original Vision by Thom Hartmann. Goes to the wittiest, smartest or funniest post at -chosen by Shawn Taylor - show producer.

    Hour One - The Best of the rest of the News...

    Hour Two - Dr. Jeffrey Feldman Topic: "Outright Barbarous: How the Violent Language of the Right Poisons American Democracy"

    Hour Three - Guest: Douglas Farah and Topic: His new book "Merchant of Death"

    Guest: "Taking Our Country Back" Rick Noriega Topic: his campaign for U.S. Senate to unseat Republican incumbant Senator John Cornyn

    Firday - Chicago - May 16th - Booksigning & Talk 7pm- Frugal Muse Books - corner of SE corner of 75th and Lemont Road in Darien.

    Saturday - May 17th - Chicago Green Festival 1pm- Thom will be speaking on main stage

  • May 12 2008 show notes

    • Guest: David Sirota. Can Barack Obama win the presidency?
    • Guest: Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum. Why are Republicans in favor of throwing people out of their homes?
    • Have we passed the point where humanity is doomed? Transcript.
    • Guest: Karen Ackerman, Political Director, AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO launches major new push to expose Senator John McCain's economic record and disastrous health care proposals.

    Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

  • Transcript: 'Have we passed the point where humanity is doomed?' riff. 12 May 2008

    James Hansen, the chief climatologist for NASA, is saying we need to reduce CO2 levels fast, they are already too high, and other countries are taking action, but Bush and McCain are procrastinating. Thom rifffs on the latest climate news and views. Is it already too late?

  • On the Program - May 14th - 2008

    Book Contest - Cracking the Code: How to Win Hearts, Change Minds, and Restore America's Original Vision by Thom Hartmann. Goes to the wittiest, smartest or funniest post at On the Program - May 14th 2008.

    Hour One - What's Hillary's future and what does her future look like?

    Hour Two - The Prescription Pill Epidemic - Do People want a "pill for every ill?"

    Hour Three - Audacia Ray  Topic: Legalizing, regulating and protecting sex workers?

    Guest: Larry Scott  Topic: Veteran's issues

    Thom's Travel & Events Coming Up...

    May 16th - Booksigning at Frugal Muse Books 7pm, corner of SE corner of 75th and Lemont Road in Darien.

    May 17th - Chicago Green Festival - Thom will be speaking on main stage Saturday at 1pm

  • Does the So-Called Millennial Generation Have a Rendezvous with Destiny?

    The Seattle Times reports Michael Dudley is the son of a preacher man. He's a born-again Christian with several family members in the military. He's voting for Obama. Many traditional younger GOP evangelicals are no longer identifying with the Republican party.

    The so-called millennial generation, roughly late teens to early 30s are part of the so-called millennial generation. Bob Herbert writes in the New York Times that this is the generation that's in danger of being left out of the "American Dream." This generation is faced with doing less well than their parents and that economic uncertainty is playing a huge role in forming their views of government and politics.

    In 1974 the average income for men in their 30s was $40,000 (using today's inflation-adjusted dollars) - today that amount is $35,000.

    According to The Fourth Turning by William Strauss and Neil Howe first published in 1997.

  • On the Program - May 13th 2008

    Hour One - Does this generation have a rendezvous with destiny?

    Hour Two - Marc Morano Topic: Is God punishing Marc Morano by killing Oklahomans?

    Hour Three - Arthur Brooks His new book "Gross National Happiness" "Are conservatives really happier than liberals?"

    Thom's Travel & Events Coming Up...

    May 16th - Booksigning & Talk at Frugal Muse Books 7pm, corner of SE corner of 75th and Lemont Road in Darien.

    May 17th - Chicago Green Festival - Thom will be speaking on main stage Saturday at 1pm

  • May 09 2008 show notes

    • "Brunch with Bernie" with Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent of Vermont.
    • Guest: Medea Benjamin, Code Pink, just back from Jordan and Syria where she spoke with Iraqi mothers.
    • Farm subsidies. "Columbia Dies over Texas". The goddess Columbia".
    • Guest: U.S. Congressman Rush Holt (D-NJ, 12th District). His recent trip to Iraq.

    Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

  • On the Program - may 12th 2008

    Hour One - David Sirota Topic: Can Barack Obama win the presidency?

    Hour Two - Carrie Lukas Topic: Why are Republicans in favor of throwing people out of their homes?

    Hour Three - Have we passed the point where humanity is doomed?

    Guest: Karen Ackerman, Political Director, AFL-CIO Topic: AFL-CIO launches major new push to expose Sen. John McCain's economic record and disastrous health care proposals

    Thom's Travel & Events This week

    May 16th Chicago - 7pm - Frugal Muse Books & WCPT 820AM present a booksigning and talk with Thom Hartmann - Cracking the Code

    May 17th - Chicago Green Festival - Thom will be speaking on main stage Saturday - 1pm - Navy Pier, 600 E Grand Avenue, Chicago

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