Book Contest - Cracking the Code: How to Win Hearts, Change Minds, and Restore America's Original Vision by Thom Hartmann. Goes to the wittiest, smartest or funniest post at www.thomhartmann.com On the Program - May 14th 2008.
Hour One - What's Hillary's future and what does her future look like?
Hour Two - The Prescription Pill Epidemic - Do People want a "pill for every ill?"
Hour Three - Audacia Ray www.wakingvixen.com Topic: Legalizing, regulating and protecting sex workers?
Guest: Larry Scott www.vawatchdog.org Topic: Veteran's issues
Thom's Travel & Events Coming Up...
May 16th - Booksigning at Frugal Muse Books 7pm, corner of SE corner of 75th and Lemont Road in Darien.
May 17th - Chicago Green Festival - Thom will be speaking on main stage Saturday at 1pm