
  • Wednesday 22 June '22 show notes

    • How Ron Johnson Almost Got Away with Treason
    • Anti-Abortionists Have A Very Bad Plan for Women
    • How The GOP Plans to Impeach Biden
    • What's the difference between treasury bonds and ETF bond funds, and corporate bonds, and how people can interact with them as part of their investment portfolios? Are they inherently safer than stocks? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • Has This PAC Paid Off the GOPers That Are Still Protecting Trump?
    • Wealthy Liberal Groups are Devoting Millions to Blocking GOP Election Deniers
    • The Details - How Ron Johnson Tried to Deliver Fake Electors to Pence
  • Tuesday 21 June '21 show notes

    • Jan 6th Hearing to Show Trump Was Directly Involved in Fake Elector Scam
    • "Hate & Fear" or "Liberty & Prosperity"?
    • Was Trump Preparing to Use Martial Law After Pence Was Murdered?
    • Live Coverage of the J-6 Congressional Hearings...
  • Monday 20 June '22 show notes

    • How Juneteenth Was Sabotaged in 1880s and the Same Thing Is Happening Now...
    • Because Liberals Refused to Take the Bait - Trump's Most Evil Plan Was Foiled...
    • Texas' GOP Convention Shows a Grim Future
    • Will WI Hold the Fake Electors Accountable? - Jeff Mandell, President & Lead Counsel - Law Forward
    • The Supreme Court may be Preparing to Light our Planet on Fire...
    • Is the GOP Building a Paramilitary Wing?
    • Cult Expert Sees 95% Chance of Worsening Trump Violence... - Dr. Steven Hassan, PhD, MA, MEd, LMHC, NCC, Licensed Mental Health Professional, Cult Expert & Author of several books including, The Cult of Trump / Founding Director Freedom of Mind Resource Center
    • Will trump be finally held accountable for his crimes against democracy?
  • Friday 17 June '22 show notes

    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Who Is Bankrolling White Nationalist Hate Groups? - Alex Kotch, Investigative reporter with the Media and Democracy / Campaign finance expert - helped launch the money-in-politics website Sludge / Contributor to The American Prospect, The Nation, and
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
    • Forgiving Student Debt Isn't Giving a Gift - It's Righting a Wrong
    • The 50th anniversary of the Watergate break-in - New Info - Lamar Waldron, Political Commentator / JFK Historian & Author of numerous books, including Watergate: The Hidden History: Nixon, The Mafia, and The CIA.
  • Thursday 16 June '22 show notes

    • Trump's Secret Plan Was No Secret
    • Poll: Half of Americans now predict U.S. may 'cease to be a democracy' someday
    • GOP Commission Won't Certify NM Primary - What?! - Greg Palast, Investigative Journalist/Author - latest, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters & previously, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
    • Live Coverage of today's Congressional J-6 Hearings...
  • Wednesday 15 June '22 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District) / Member & Former Co-Chair-Congressional Progressive Caucus / (Committees: Appropriations / Also, Education & Labor)
    • How Much Money is Worth Killing 212,000 Americans in a Single Year?
    • Lindsey Graham Confirms GOP is Coming For Social Security If They Get Control
    • What Should Americans Expect From Our New Recession? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System (now also available as an e-book)
    • Young people's mental health suffering as climate change worsens, Oregon report says
    • How Houston Moved 25,000 People From the Streets Into Homes of Their Own
  • Tuesday 14 June '21 show notes

    • How Medicare Advantage Scammers Get Away With It
    • Bernie laid Waste to Linsey Graham in his Debate - We're playing a small WOW clip
    • Poll Shows Lula Has Lead Over Bolsonaro - Could He Win? - Guillaume Long PhD, Senior Policy Analyst - Center for Economic Policy and Research (CEPR) in Washington, DC. / Previously held several cabinet positions in the government of Ecuador and most recently served as Ecuador’s permanent representative to the United Nations in Geneva. Ph.D. in International Politics from the University of London
    • Crazy Alert! Trump's "Free Speech" Platform is Banning Users Who Post Jan 6th Hearing Clips
    • Poland Shows the Risks for Women When Abortion Is Banned
    • Taking On Sarah Huckabee-Sanders - Dr. Chris Jones PhD, Democratic Candidate for Governor of Arkansas / Son of two preachers / attended Morehouse College on a NASA Scholarship for physics and math / studied at MIT to become a nuclear engineer and earn a Ph.D. in urban planning / most recently ran the Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub
    • Non-Trumpsters Learn their Futures In Voting Today
    • How Global Warming Is Keeping 100m Indoors
  • Monday 13 June '22 show notes

    • January 6 Hearings: Second Hearing on Investigation of Capitol Attack
    • Will the GOP Embrace White Supremacy & Fascism, or Go Back to Being the Party of the Rich?
    • The Social Security Expansion Act - Alex Lawson, Executive Director - Social Security Works / Strengthen Social Security
  • Friday 10 June '22 show notes

    • Trump's Sedition: George Washington Warned Us In 1776
    • For An Open Democracy - You Need the Truth...
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
    • The Hearing laid out: Trump "oversaw and coordinated" a seven-point plan to overthrow election
    • Should Anyone That Asked for a Preemptive Pardon Be Expelled From Congress?
  • Thursday 09 June '22 show notes

    • When Was Bribery of Politicians Legalized In America?
    • How Bribery Is Killing the Planet
    • How Bribery Is Killing Our Children & Preventing Gun Control
    • Fox-So-Called-News Will Air 1100 Segments on Benghazi But Not the Jan 6th Hearings
    • The Black Sea Blockade Will Have Far Reaching Devestating Effects
    • We Know How to Stop Monkeypox. But Will We? - Melody Schreiber, Columnist at New Republic and editor of the book What We Didn't Expect: Personal Stories about Premature Birth

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