The GOP has planted their flag deeply into the soil of fear and hate, right up to and including a call to repeal the Voting Rights Act of 1965 - this year we must vote as if our future depends upon it.
The Texas GOP's state party meeting last week gave America a clear insight into Republican thinking going into this year's election and the 2024 presidential race. They've planted their flag deeply into the soil of violence, fear, white supremacy, and hate right up to and including a call to repeal the Voting Rights Act of 1965.Democratic candidates across the nation, on the other hand, show that party is leaving behind the neoliberalism of Clinton and Obama and moving forward with a futuristic "Freedom Agenda.â€
(They should brand it as such, taking a lesson from Gingrich's 1994 "Contract With America†strategy that put Republicans solidly in charge of the House for the first time since the Republican Great Depression.)
The GOP "Hate and Fear Agenda†is straightforward: Republicans and GOP media like Fox tell their voters to fear.Read more at