
  • If The Senate Trial Doesn't Blow Up The GOP's Big Lie — Democracy Is Doomed

    Thom plus logo It's about more than just the impeachment of Trump

    Republicans are arguing today that impeaching Donald Trump after he has left office is unconstitutional and makes no sense…because he's left office.

    This just proves that they're operating in the interest of politics rather than the United States, and a couple of simple data points blow their argument all to hell.
  • The Commons: The Most Ignored & Essential Part of Democracy

    Thom plus logo "Conservatives" don't want a discussion of the commons because they want to plunder it for private gain.

    It's almost entirely absent from our political dialogue, but the issue of who owns the commons and how they're to be used (and by whom) is at the core of almost all the major debates between Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, and even those advocating democracy versus those trying to install oligarchy.
  • Monday 08 February '21 show notes

    • He Evaded Responsibility Far Longer Than Anybody Thought Possible - For justice to prevail, even a "chosen one" who encouraged attacks on America must be held to account
    • Thom vs. fmr CO State Senator Ted Harvey, Committee to Defeat the President RE: his 'concerns about Biden...' - Senator Ted Harvey, Chairman - Committee to Defeat the President / former Republican member of the Colorado State Senate, representing District 30 from 2007 to 2015
    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI, 9th District) / Member of the House Committee on Education & Labor and also the House Foreign Affairs Committee
  • He Evaded Responsibility Far Longer Than Anybody Thought Possible

    Thom plus logo For justice to prevail, even a "chosen one" who encouraged attacks on America must be held to account

    He lied to his followers for years.
  • Friday 05 February '21 show notes

    • It's Time for a 74% Top Tax Bracket to Save America From Our Billionaire Problem - The secret billionaires don't want you to know is that your pay won't change whether taxes go up or down
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Anything Goes Friday...What's On Your Mind? Thom Takes Your Calls...
  • It's Time for a 74% Top Tax Bracket to Save America From Our Billionaire Problem

    Thom plus logo The secret billionaires don't want you to know is that your pay won't change whether taxes go up or down

    It's time to bring back the top 74% tax bracket that Ronald Reagan blew up, so average working people's wages can rise again and we can get our billionaire problem under control. It'll also enable America to return to the widespread growth and prosperity America saw before Reagan took a meat-axe to our economy.
  • Thursday 04 February '21 show notes

    • Why the Fate and Future of America Hangs on Marjorie Taylor Greene - The GOP is at a crossroads & their crisis threatens the American experiment
    • How have times of economic despair changed history over the last thousand years? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • Science revolution: Are we investigating dangerous GMO products? Why don't we use the precautionary principle? - Bill Freese, Science Policy Analyst - Center for Food Safety
  • Why the Fate and Future of America Hangs on Marjorie Taylor Greene

    Thom plus logo The GOP is at a crossroads & their crisis threatens the American experiment

    Ever since Nixon took over the Republican Party in the 1960s, they've had to add fringe group after fringe group to get enough voters to win elections. Today, their Marjorie Taylor Green dilemma shows the severity of Nixon's party's crisis.
  • Wednesday 03 February '21 show notes

    • National Progressive Town Hall - Representative Brendan Boyle (D-PA, 2nd District) / Member-Budget Committee and the Ways & Means Committee / Member-Congressional Progressive Caucus
    • We thought January 6th was the big crisis point... it was actually the culmination of years of work by the GOP that long preceded Trump. And, if this ongoing plot isn't stopped now, America is screwed. The Republicans' brutal Oligarchy plot is dangerous and must be stopped now...
    • Should we have a "People's" vaccine? - Nick Dearden, director of Global Justice Now / Regular contributor to the Guardian & other news outlets /Author, Trade Secrets / (Nick was also a founder of the UK's Stop Trump Coalition)
  • The Republican's Brutal Oligarchy Plot Is Dangerous & Must Be Stopped Now

    Thom plus logo What's More Important: Democracy or Great Wealth?

    Some years ago, Trump economic adviser Stephen Moore (before he was Trump's advisor) was a guest on my radio/TV program. I asked him, "Which is more important, democracy or capitalism?"

    Without hesitation, he answered, "Capitalism."

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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