Thom's blog
He Evaded Responsibility Far Longer Than Anybody Thought Possible
 For justice to prevail, even a "chosen one" who encouraged attacks on America must be held to account He lied to his followers for years. He told them he was chosen by God to lead them, and that they were the only "true" believers; everybody else was okay with abortion, homosexuality, and was weak-kneed about the Bible's call for a vengeance that mandates the death penalty. He reveled, in fact, in his ability to use the death penalty. The rightwing preachers loved him, and he showered them with attention, bending government to shower them with wealth and power. They, in turn, told their congregants that, despite his personal failings, he was The One, the reincarnation or at least the modern version of an ancient king who scripture said would come to lead their people into the Last Days when the Messiah would return. Read more here. -Thom
Thom's blog
They're At It Again: The GOP is Demanding Biden Shoot Santa Claus
 Slippery Republicans who voted for Trump's stimulus are fighting Biden's stimulus... because an election is coming. There's a Democrat in the White House, so, predictably, Republicans are screaming that President Biden must shoot Santa: "No good things for Americans when a Democrat is in charge!" This morning on CNN, Republican Senator Pat Toomey argued that Biden should get no stimulus out of Congress - none - even as the economic recovery stalls, almost a million people a week are newly filing for unemployment, and American children are going to bed hungry. Read more here. -Thom
Monday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: He Evaded Responsibility Far Longer Than Anybody Thought Possible - For justice to prevail, even a "chosen one" who encouraged attacks on America must be held to account
Article: " 20th Amendment " The terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January..."
Hour Two: Thom vs. fmr CO State Senator Ted Harvey, Committee to Defeat the President RE: his 'concerns about Biden...'- Senator Ted Harvey, Chairman - Committee to Defeat the President / former Republican member of the Colorado State Senate, representing District 30 from 2007 to 2015 
Tweet: " SURGING #B117 WITHIN US-growing 7% per day, doubling every 9.8 days nationally, & expected to become dominant by March 23rd. It is surging fastest in Florida-doubling every 9.1 days. Scientists are extremely worried: 35-45% more transmissible.Thread#COVID19 [link]" by Eric Feigl-Ding.
Quote: " What they mean is: We check our core principles at the door, come in, let them run the show and agree with them. That's bipartisanship to them. To us, bipartisanship is them being forced to agree with us after we politically have cleaned their clocks and beaten them." - Rush Limbaugh.
Article: " 15th Amendment", February 3, 1870 " The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"
Hour Three: National Progressive Townhall Meeting- Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI, 9th District) / Member of the House Committee on Education & Labor and also the House Foreign Affairs Committee 
Tweet: " BIG NEWS: the Progressive Caucus has secured the inclusion of a $15 minimum wage in the House's pandemic reconciliation package. This has been a leading priority for our caucus and would give 27 million (!) low-wage workers a raise." by Progressive Caucus.
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Constitutional Crisis or Conservative Cry Babies?
Is Means Testing Just Mean?
Is GOP Guilty Of Social Murder?
Oligarchy! Out Of Democracy Into Police State
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