
  • Would You Rat Out A Mob Boss?

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump essentially called for the whistleblower and his sources to be put to death, accusing them of being spies and telling his employees at the United Nations that we used to deal with spies differently.
  • Thursday 26 September '19 show notes

    • Our Republic Hangs In the Balance... House Judicial Hearings Coverage, Thom's Take and Your Calls...
    • Our Republic Hangs In the Balance... Thom Discusses Today's Congressional Hearing, the Case For Impeachment and Takes Your Calls...
    • Democrats MUST Move to Impeach Trump Now...
  • Our Republic Hangs in the Balance

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump, with the help of Mike Pompeo, Bill Barr and Mike Pence, has clearly tried to force a foreign government to find or manufacture dirt on his political opponents. This is impeachable. This is literally the definition of "High Crimes" defined in the Constitution.
  • Wednesday 25 September '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • How the Republican Party Responds to Corruption Says it All...
    • On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal - Naomi Klein, Journalist/Author of several books including Shock Doctrine & This Changes Everything ... her latest is On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal / filmmaker, A Message From the Future / and, the inaugural Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair in Media, Culture, and Feminist Studies at Rutgers University
  • How The Republican Party Responds to Corruption Says It All

    Thom plus logo At this moment when it appears certain that Donald Trump has used the power of his office for corrupt political purposes, the larger question that we will all live with for years is how will the Republican Party respond.
  • Tuesday 24 September '19 show notes

    • Is It Finally Time to Clean House?
    • Connecting the Dots on Impeachment...
    • UK Supreme Court Orders Parliament to Get Back to Work...! - Victoria Jones, Executive Director - DC Radio Company LLC
    • Dangerous Mis-Information From the "REAL" Fake News... - Sharon Kann, Director of the Abortion Rights & Reproductive Health Program at Media Matters
  • Time To Clean House?

    Thom plus logo Trump's Ukrainian extortion scandal is metastasizing across his administration. It's now apparent that his Chief of Staff played a role in stopping the money that Congress had appropriated for Ukraine to defend itself, and that Mike Pence communicated part of the implied threat, to the Ukrainian president.
  • Monday 23 September '19 show notes

    • Call Congress & Demand Trump Be Impeached Now
    • Impeachment, Congress and Trump... What Can We Do?
  • Call Congress & Demand Trump Be Impeached Now

    Thom plus logo In trying to solicit help for his presidential campaign from Ukraine, Donald Trump committed a unique crime: one that he could only do because he was president of the United States. Using your political office for your own personal and political advantage is the most severe form of political corruption possible.
  • Friday 20 September '19 show notes

    • Anything Goes Friday - Climate Strike Day (and Area 51 Day!) - Birds are Vanishing in Staggering Numbers...
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Anything Goes Friday - Thom Takes Your Calls...What's on YOUR Mind?

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

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