
  • How Do We Bring America Back?

    Thom plus logo Twenty one Tories have now left Boris Johnson and his Conservative party to join the Liberal Democrats and other parties in the UK in stopping Boris Johnson from a hard Brexit.
  • The Seriousness of Having a Mentally Ill President

    Thom plus logo While many Americans are having a good laugh at Donald Trump's modification of a weather map with a sharpie, the grim reality is that this man's mental illness is so severe that he will go to almost any length to prove himself right, even when he knows, beyond any possibility of a doubt, that he is wrong.
  • Wednesday 4 September '19 show notes

    • Does the Future of Civilization Depend on the Media?
    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Is Trump Caught in the Russia Trap? - George Beebe Vice President and Director of Studies - Center for the National Interest / Author of the new book, The Russia Trap: How Our Shadow War with Russia Could Spiral into Catastrophe (formerly, Director-CIA's Russia Analysis & Special Advisor to Vice President Cheney for Russia/Eurasia and Intelligence Programs
  • Does the Future of Civilization Depend on the Media?

    Thom plus logo While we have recently been treated to 24/7 disaster porn around hurricane Dorian, the part of the story that's almost completely, missing from American coverage but commonly and prominently displayed in European coverage, is the role climate change is playing in amplifying the intensity of storms.
  • Tuesday 3 September '19 show notes

    • What Can "We" Do About the "News?"
    • Trump's Mental Decline - Dr Bandy X Lee, Assistant Clinical Professor-Yale School of Medicine / Forensic Psychiatrist & an internationally recognized expert on violence-Yale University Medical School / Co-Founder, World Mental Health Coalition & Editor-The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess the President
    • Saving Our Labor Unions - Larry Cohen, Board Chair - Our Revolution / Board chair - Democracy Initiative / Past President - Communication Workers of America (CWA)
  • What Can "We" Do About the "News?"

    Thom plus logo Our media continuously miss the real stories. As our children are being slaughtered by weapons of war that no other developed country allows on its streets, our media fail to document the trail of money and lies from weapons manufacturers through front groups like the NRA directly into the pockets of politicians and political parties.
  • Thursday 29 August '19 show notes

    • What Just Happened in the U.K.??? - Victoria Jones, Executive Director - DC Radio Company LLC
    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • How Trump is Gutting the Forests & Rain Forests
    • Anything Goes Summer...Thom Takes Your Calls!
  • Beware of Hustlers On the Networks...

    Thom plus logo People like the Koch brother's shill on MSNBC from Reason Magazine like to promote deregulation; for example, this morning he was talking about how deregulating methane is actually a good thing. But deregulation can be extremely dangerous.
  • Wednesday 28 August '19 show notes

    • Will the GOP Save Its Soul & Move Left or Condemn America to an Oligarchy?
    • Trump: 'Go Ahead and Break the Law... I'll Take Care of You Later.'
    • Running Against the Koch Agenda - Mark Gamba, Mayor of Milwaukie, OR (D) (formerly a professional photo journalist for 30 years) Running for Congress against Rep. Kurt Schraeder (D-OR, 5th Congressional District)
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)

  • Will the GOP Save Its Soul & Move Left or Condemn America to an Oligarchy?

    Thom plus logo It's increasingly looking like the economy is on the edge of crashing and that Trump's tax returns are going to show that he was only able to keep himself out of bankruptcy with loans from Deutsche Bank, engineered by the son of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, and cosigned by Russian oligarchs.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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