By Thom Hartmann A...

Meanwhile, here in the US, Republicans cower in terror before their billionaire overlords and even ridiculously continue to insist that guns don't kill people and fossil fuels don't cause climate change. The difference? The United Kingdom has relatively strong election and political ethics laws which prevent billionaires and corporations from entirely owning politicians; here in the United States, the Supreme Court has rewritten our laws so that it is very easy for politicians to be owned by corporations and billionaires. Until America changes its election laws, as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are calling for, we will continue to see the pathetic spectacle of Republicans denying climate change to keep in the good graces of Koch Industries and ExxonMobil, and corporate Democrats booked into high dollar fundraisers hosted by fossil fuel company founders right after they participate in discussions of global climate change.
America is now officially the most politically corrupt develop nation in the world. If we are to return to a functioning democracy, that has to change.