
  • Monday 31 January '22 show notes

    • Trump's Confession Shows Why We Must Abolish the Electoral College and Throw Him in Jail
    • Trump Candidates Are Already Are Answering Trump's Call For Violence
    • How America Moves Forward to a More Diverse Society? - Ben Jealous, President - People For the American Way (PFAW) & PFAW Foundation / Visiting Scholar-Annenberg School @Penn / Former President-NAACP & former candidate for Gov of Maryland
    • Was Trump's offer of pardons an attempt to bribe Jan 6th traitors to keep their mouths shut?
    • The GOP In GA Is Executing Trump's Playbook to End Democracy in America
    • Geeky Science: Same-Sex Penguins Succeed as Foster Parents @ New York Zoo
  • Friday 28 January '22 show notes

    • As The GOP Faction Drowns Deeper Into Racism & Sexism, America is Sinking
    • Tucker Carlson: "A Black Female SCOTUS Nominee Doesn't Look Like Real America"
    • What Is All This Isolation Doing to Us?
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Corporate Big Brother Is "Listening In" On Calls to Suicide Hotlines - It needs to Stop
    • Voting Suppression Just Keeps Getting Worse.....
    • it's Anything Goes...Thom Takes Your Calls
  • Thursday 27 January '22 show notes

    • Ron Johnson Is Pillaging & Destroying "It Takes a Village To Raise a Child" - Really?!
    • When the Police Become Dictators - Life Can Get Scary
    • Ending His Hunger Strike and Voting Rights - Joe Madison, The Black Eagle, Host-The Joe Madison Show (weekdays 6-10am on SiriusXM ch. 126 Urban View)
    • Geeky Science - Oh oh - Scientists Have Predicted When Society Will Collapse & It's Not That far Away
    • Are Gun Makers Making AR-15 Assault Weapons for Children No Different Than Those Who Did "Joe Camel" with Smoking?
    • Is Europe Showing Us the New Normal On Covid?
    • Is Trump's Violent Extremism At the DHS Being Continued By Trump Holdovers? - Andrea Mazzarino, Co-founder Brown University's Costs of War Project / Activist & Social Worker interested in the health impacts of war / Co-editor of War and Health: The Medical Consequences of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan / Contributor-TomDispatch
  • Wednesday 26 January '22 show notes

    • If a Criminal Becomes President -- Do You Get More Crime?
    • Anti-Vaxxers Are About To Kill Another One Of Their Believers
    • Crazy Alert! How a Robot Vacuum Escaped & Where It Went...
    • Here's Everything Biden Has Done So Far...
    • This is How a Patriarchal System Works
    • Best of the Rest of the News & Thom Takes Your Calls...
  • Tuesday 25 January '21 show notes

    • Is the Anti-Democracy Movement Reaching a Tipping Point in the US and Around the World?
    • If Democrats "Don't Build Back Better" a Crime Policy - They'll Be Toast in 2022 & 2024
    • What ARE Republicans FOR? - Julio Rivera, Editorial Director - Reactionary Times / Contributor - Newsmax, American Thinker &
    • Here's How "CRT Plan" Is Working Well in Florida for the GOP
    • How Will The DNC Protect the Vote? - Jaime Harrison, Chair - Democratic National Committee (DNC)
    • Plans Are Beginning for the Endemic Faze of Covid - Will It Be Now Treated Like Measles?
    • Geeky Science - Omicron: Here are the medicines you can take if you catch the new variant
  • Monday 24 January '22 show notes

    • Russia & China's Plans For a New World Order Revealed
    • The Billionaire Coup In American Continues...
    • Can America Answer the Call of Kidney Karma?
    • An Optimist's View on 2022 - Joe Trippi, Democratic Strategist / Host - That Trippi Show podcast
    • Is the GOP Planning On Arresting the Jan 6th Committee in 2022?
    • New MAGA Emails Expose Plot to Give Arizona to Trump
    • Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How It Changes Us - Conversations with Great Minds: Dr. Brian Klaas, , Associate Professor- Global Politics. University College London / Columnist, Washington Post / Host, Power Corrupts podcast and author of the new book, Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How It Changes Us
    • Crazy Alert! How a Robot Vacuum Escaped & Where It Went...
  • Friday 21 January '22 show notes

    • My Dishwasher Wants to Spy on Me!
    • Has the GOP Become the Last Refuge For Crackpots?
    • Do Psychopaths Like Trump Believe Their Own Lies? - Psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank MD, Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - George Washington University / Author - Trump on the Couch (Previous books include Bush on the Couch & Obama on the Couch)
    • How a Tsunami Of "Dark Money" Engulfed Every Major National & State Election
    • Joe Madison Has a Message For Us About His Hunger Strike
    • The Deep Dark Secret Behind the Nursing Shortage Exposed
    • Anything Goes
  • Thursday 20 January '22 show notes

    • Biden's Speech Breakdown
    • How the "Rules" Determine if Criminals Become Politicians - It's a low bar, but America must become at least as functional as the NFL!
    • The GOP Wants You To Believe Black Voters Are Not Americans - As the Voting Rights Act Dies.....
    • Here's How Stacey Abrams Could Win In GA
    • Crazy Alert - How Soon Will We See Lindsey Graham on Steve Bannon's Show Graveling - like Ted Cruz to Tucker
    • Arctic Report Shows Dramatic Changes Underway - Dr. Jason Box, professor in glaciology at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland / Author of the forthcoming book, "Faster Than Forecast"
  • Wednesday 19 January '22 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • If Trump or Someone Like Him Takes the White House & Ends What's Left Of Democracy - What Happens First? 2nd? third? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System (now also available as an e-book)
    • Will America Look the Other Way on the GOP’s New Election Police?
    • Do Democrats Have a Plan B Strategy to Circumvent the Voting Rights Filibuster? Maybe...
    • Plans to close all but one polling place in a rural Georgia county reverberate through a battleground state
    • What Does It Mean That the NHL Will Stop Testing the Vaccinated Asymptomatic Players?
    • Crazy Alert - GOP Senator to Steve Bannon: 'Deep State,' Dr. Fauci Funded Gain of Function Research 'Responsible for 800,000 Dead Americans'
  • Tuesday 18 January '21 show notes

    • How America Became Unraveled
    • Biden Is Shedding the Support of His Base—and That Could Be Bad for Democracy - Dean Obeidallah, Host of Dean Obeidallah show weekdays 6-9PMET @SXMProgress Radio Ch127/Columnist-The Daily Beast
    • Justice Gorsuch Is An Anti-Masker
    • World's 10 richest men doubled their wealth during pandemic, Oxfam reports
    • Wife of Justice Clarence Thomas signed off on letter saying Capitol attackers 'have done nothing wrong'
    • Free the Press - Brian Karem, Senior White House Correspondent-Playboy Magazine (now defunct) / / Host of the "Just Ask the Question" podcast / Author of the new book, "Free the Press: The Death of American Journalism and How to Revive It"

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