Thom's blog
Is the Anti-Democracy Movement Reaching a Tipping Point in the US and Around the World?
 This debate about how humans should govern themselves is the real battle of our time, both metaphorically and literally, both internationally and right here at home. Democracy is in trouble, and the Russian/Ukrainian conflict highlights how imperiled it is becoming in the 21st century. The real issue in eastern Ukraine isn't just land, any more than the real issue in the US last week was the filibuster: that's all the noise on the surface. What's grinding away below the surface, however, is the erosion or outright destruction of democracy itself, whether by invasion from without or corruption from within.Ukraine and Taiwan represent possible tipping points for democracy internationally, while Republicans passing laws that allow politicians to ignore the results of elections — while the US Senate refuses to stand up for democracy — could be a tipping point here. Read more at -Thom
Tuesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Is the Anti-Democracy Movement Reaching a Tipping Point in the US and Around the World?
Tweet: " My office is now getting calls from folks who say they watch Tucker Carlson and are upset that we're not siding with Russia in its threats to invade Ukraine, and who want me to support Russia's "reasonable" positions." by Tom Malinowski.
If Democrats "Don't Build Back Better" a Crime Policy - They'll Be Toast in 2022 & 2024
Quote: " I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." - Donald J. Trump.
Hour Two: What ARE Republicans FOR?- Julio Rivera, Editorial Director - Reactionary Times / Contributor - Newsmax, American Thinker &
Here's How "CRT Plan" Is Working Well in Florida for the GOP
Tweet: " I heard President Biden ask repeatedly: "What are Republicans for?" I'll happily answer. Republicans are for: - The Constitution - Kids in schools - Safe streets and a secure border - An economy that keeps food on the shelves - Holding Biden's failed administration accountable" by Kevin McCarthy.
Tweet: " .@GOPLeader here ya go… You seemed confused so I tried to help you out a bit. #Bipartisanship" by Jaime Harrison.
Plans Are Beginning for the Endemic Faze of Covid - Will It Be Now Treated Like Measles?
Geeky Science - Omicron: Here are the medicines you can take if you catch the new variant
Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
Conversations with Great Minds: I'll be talking with Johann Hari, Journalist & Author of 3 books including his latest, Stolen Focus / Johann studied Social and Political Science at King's College, Cambridge, and graduated with a Double First.
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The Thom Hartmann Program, Occupying The Media 3 hours a day 5 days a week for "we the people"
And don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator begins with you...
Watch & Listen to Thom
Is Democracy Losing To Fascism Across The World?
More Optimism, Less Gloom in 2022? (w/ Joe Trippi)
Will GOP Arrest Jan 6th Committee?
How Power Changes Us - Conversations With Great Minds - Dr. Brian Klaas
Are We Moving Back Into a Bipolar New Cold War World?
The Trump-Humpers Go After Lindsey Graham - Expect Groveling Soon