
  • Monday 29 June '20 show notes

    • The Russia Bounty Scandal Shows How Close Trump Is to Destroying America Altogether...
    • Is Outrage the Conservative Currency?
    • "The Most Important Thing In This Moment is For Us to Realize That What We See Happening to Black People On the Streets Is What's Happening to Black Students In Their School Hallways" - Judith Browne Dianis Executive Director - Advancement Project National Office
    • DNC 2020 Environment & Climate Crisis Platform Informed By Green New Deal - Charlie Jiang, Climate campaigner w/ Greenpeace USA Campaigner fighting for a Green New Deal
  • The Russia bounty scandal shows how close Trump is to destroying America altogether

    Thom plus logo It appears there is at least one branch of the federal government that Donald Trump has been unable to corrupt. So far.

    He put loyal toadies who would lie and cheat for him over at the Department of Justice with William Barr, at EPA and Interior with a couple of fossil fuel lobbyists, at the FCC with a Verizon lawyer, at the Department of Education with a billionaire hack who hates public schools, and he even a former defense lobbyist in charge of the Pentagon.
  • Friday 26 June '20 show notes

    • What's the Biggest Lie Trump Has Told?
    • Why Are Corporations Suing Cities Across the USA? - Chad Nicholson, Pennsylvania Community Organizer - Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • The Supreme Court is a Corporate Star Chamber - David Sirota Journalist / Served as senior adviser & speech writer for Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign for president
    • It's Anything Goes Friday and Thom Takes YOUR Calls!!
  • Thursday 25 June '20 show notes

    • Is this some crazy "Hitler Meets Jim Jones" drama playing out in front of us? - Psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank MD, Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - George Washington University / Author - Trump on the Couch (Previous books include Bush on the Couch & Obama on the Couch)
    • Why is Trump so enthusiastic about Americans dying?
    • Is the Dollar Doomed? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Understanding Marxism / Understanding Socialism
    • What Will November Voting Look Like? - Greg Palast, The Guardian / Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / His new book, How Trump Stole 2020 will be out on July 14.
    • A Recovered Meth Addict Thinks Trump is Taking Drugs...
    • Thom Takes YOUR Calls...
  • Why Is Trump So Enthusiastic About Americans Dying?

    Thom plus logo Two weeks after America diagnosed its first case of COVID-19, Republicans in the United States Senate (with the single exception of Mitt Romney) refuse to vote to impeach Donald Trump.
  • Wednesday 24 June '20 show notes

    • Why Impeaching Bill Barr Is More Urgent Now Than Ever
    • Who's Right About Freedom...Republicans? OR, Americans?
    • What Happens When Democracy Is Globalized? - Economist Professor Jeffrey Sachs University Professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University / Director-United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and has been advisor to three UN secretaries-general. He is a New York Times best-selling author, and his Columbia University Press books include The Age of Sustainable Development (2015), Building the New American Economy (2017), and A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism. His latest: The Ages of Globalization: Geography, Technology, and Institutions
    • Why Are We Ignoring Rocket Fuel in Drinking Water? - Danielle Melgar, Toxics Program Advocate - U.S. PIRG
  • Why Impeaching Bill Barr is More Urgent Now Than Ever

    Thom plus logo Impeaching Attorney General Bill Barr won't just protect us from a corrupt senior law-enforcement official; it will also strengthen our protection against the dangerous, autocratic tendencies of Donald Trump.

    Trump famously asked once, "Where is my Roy Cohn?" He has found that person, that corrupt lawyer, in William Barr.
  • Tuesday 23 June '20 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • It's 100.4°F in Siberia Today... Why it Matters - Dr. Michael Mann, Professor of Meteorology & Director, Earth System Science Center-Penn State University AND recipient of 2019's 'Nobel Prize for the Environment', the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement / Member - National Academy of Sciences / author of several books including The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy
    • Bill Barr...Once a Bully, Always a Bully - former classmate, Attorney Jimmy Lohman, Attorney at Law, who was Bullied By Barr at school
    • Oligarchy: Not Just for Russia Anymore...
  • Who's Right About "freedom": Republicans or Americans?

    Thom plus logo A spokesman for Donald Trump's campaign said, on CNN this morning, that they don't require people to wear masks at Trump rallies and events because "freedom."

    Republicans have a bizarre notion of what that word means.

    As President Franklin D. Roosevelt pointed out in 1933, "a necessitous men is not a free man."
  • Monday 22 June '20 show notes

    • Will Democrats Turn Out Enough Votes This Fall To Overwhelm the Republican Anti-Democracy Machine?
    • Debate - Electoral College Vs. the Popular Vote - Professor Robert M. Hardaway, Professor of Law - University of Denver Sturm College of Law / Author, numerous law review articles & books, including his latest, Saving the Electoral College: Why The National Popular Vote Would Undermine Democracy
    • Are Republican Voters Catching On That Trump's Just a Grifter?

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