
  • Tuesday 2 July '19 show notes

    • Time for a Nation Service Program
    • Is the Economy Weak and Getting Worse? - Professor Steve Keen, Economist/Author, new book "Taking the Con out of ECONomics"
    • Vile Border Control Facebook Posts - It's More about Trump then the Border Control....
    • Everyone Says the Economy Is Great - How is it Affecting You?
    • Should Patents be Abolished on Drugs to Support the Public Good. You can't Patent Coffee - but the coffee business makes a profit!
  • Time for a Nation Service Program & A Draft?

    Thom plus logo If we want to stop stupid wars, we need a draft. For the past 18 years, the United States has continuously been at war, and now Trump is threatening more wars with Iran and Venezuela.
  • Monday 1 July '19 show notes

    • When the Economy Crashes Will America Move to the Hard Right or Left?
    • FDRism vs. Reaganism. What Are the Chances this Election Will Turn U to FDRism vs. More Reaganism?
    • Which candidate Are You Supporting Now? and why? How will that person being president effect the future direction of America?
    • Has the Refugee Crisis Met the Definition of a "Mass Atrocity"?
    • Carter: "He lost the election and was put into office because the Russians interfered." How do we respond to an illegitimate president?
  • When the Economy Crashes Will America Move to the Hard Right or Left?

    Thom plus logoChuck Collins and Josh Hoxie are confirming the numbers that Bernie Sanders and other progressives keep pointing out - that three men in America own more wealth than the bottom half of America - over 160 million people.
  • Friday 28 June '19 show notes

    • Show live from the studios of Chicago's Progressive Talk WCPT 820AM.
    • Impeachment: A Citizens Guide (Including Analysis of the Mueller Report) - Professor Cass Sunstein, Robert Walmsley University Professor - Harvard/ from 2009 to 2012, Administrator - White House Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs / Founder & director of the Program on Behavioral Economics & Public Policy - Harvard Law School / Author - numerous books including his latest, Impeachment: A Citizen's Guide
    • Anything Goes Friday!
    • Who do you think won (or lost) this week's debates?
  • Thursday 27 June '19 show notes

    • Show: Hartman Labor Live from Elmhurst, IL with WCPT and Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers ADC 1 of IL.
    • Labor leaders weigh in on last night's Democratic Presidential Candidate's Debate Pt. 1 and discuss:
      • what a new Chicago Mayor & Illinois Governor mean for Labor
      • will Illinois Inspire & Embolden Other States?
      • training tomorrow's labor
      • employment misclassification and the fallacies of "Right to Work"
      • how are right to work states doing?
      • the myth of Labor vs.
  • Wednesday 26 June '19 show notes

    • Show LIVE from Real Talk 910 AM, San Francisco.
    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Is the Real Reason for the Father & Daughter Deaths in the Rio Grande - Climate Apartheid?
    • Warren Wants to Make Voting "As Secure as Fort Knox"
    • Is Trump Playing the Limbaugh Card? Women Standing Up For Their Rights Puts Them in the "Club for Ugly Women?"
    • What Would Be the Outcome if Black Live's Matter Had Forced the Shutdown of the OR Stay Capital Instead of The Proud Boys?
  • Tuesday 25 June '19 show notes

    • How Do We Stop Trump From Raping Humanity?
    • Is America Facing Mental Illness From the Trump Regime?
    • A Message From the Billionaire's Club: Tax Us
    • Beto O'Rourke Proposes 'War Tax' As Part Of New Veterans' Care Plan
    • PBS: An 11-year-old changed election results on a replica Florida state website in under 10 minutes
    • New Revelations on Trump's Mental Health - Psychoanalyst Dr.
  • Monday 24 June '19 show notes

    • It Can't Happen Here - But It Just Did. What will Save America - Impeachment? or 2020 Election?
    • Will the Republican Party Be Gone or a Third Party 10 years From Now?
    • The Latest on Iran...
  • Friday 21 June '19 show notes

    • SOMETHING'S HAPPENING with Roy Of Hollywood - Roy Tuckman, hosts of SOMETHING'S HAPPENING with Roy Of Hollywood
    • Anything Goes Friday!
    • Ice on Fire/ The destructive effects of climate change...what cities will be saved? - George DiCaprio, Co-producer of Ice on Fire
    • What Do We Do With a Crazy President Out of Control?

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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