
  • Monday 12 August '19 show notes

    • The Jeffrey Epstein Case is Weird...
    • The Economic Winds are Howling...
    • Republican Policies Have Destroyed the Middle Class & Rural America... Now They're Blaming It ALL on Liberals...
    • How the Trump Administration is Screwing Working People Yet Again - Lisa Stifler, Senior Policy Counsel - Center for Responsible Lending
    • Heart Based Medicine - Dr. Jan Bonhoeffer, M.D. & Professor (pediatrics)-University Children's Hospital, Basel, Switzerland / Founder - Heart Based Medicine Foundation
  • The right-wing love affair with Ayn Rand ties conservatism to one of the most disturbing sociopathic killers

    Thom plus logo There's a direct link between a sociopathic killer in 1927 and the GOP's willingness to embrace a sociopathic president like Trump. That link runs through the work of Ayn Rand.
  • The Jeffrey Epstein Case is Weird

    Thom plus logo Epstein was hired by Bill Barr's father to teach high school girls, the same Bill Barr's father who wrote a novel about sex slavery. Epstein goes on to prosper in the sex trafficking business.
  • The Economic Winds Are Howling...

    Thom plus logo In 2008, we saw the result of three decades of neoliberalism in the United States and Europe, what we used to call Reaganism and Thatcherism, damage and shake the world financial system.
  • Friday 9 August '19 show notes

    • Anything Goes Friday - "Nixon's Southern Strategy Has Arrived With the Help of Trump, Barr and their Billionaire Friends..."
    • Anything Goes Friday - Steve Bannon Tells French Far Right Summit, "Wear 'racist' like a badge of honor..."
    • Anything Goes Friday...What's On Your Mind? Thom Takes YOUR Calls...

  • Thursday 8 August '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • A Reformed White Nationalist Says "...the Worst is Yet To Come..." - Christian Picciolini, Reformed White Nationalist / Founder - The Free Radicals Project & Author of 3 books, his latest is Breaking Hate: Confronting the New Culture of Extremism
    • Growing up in a Domination Culture - Riane Eisler, President of the Center for Partnership Studies, Social Scientist & Cultural Historian... author of numerous books
  • Trump Goes After Brown Workers for the Crimes of Wealthy White Bosses

    Thom plus logo In one of the most vivid examples of the year, Donald Trump's ICE has shown us how this administration protects the interests and lives of the wealthy while attacking people who are poor, defenseless, and powerless.
  • Wednesday 7 August '19 show notes

    • America Does Have a Mental Illness Problem... It's in the White House. How Can America Heal With Trump As Our President?
    • Continued from Hour 1: America's Mental Illness Problem...It's In the White House. How Do We Heal With Trump As President?
    • Thom Vs. former Congressman Bob Barr (R-GA, 7th) on guns, massacres & mental health... - (former) Congressman Bob Barr (R-GA, 7th District) / Attorney / Member-Board of Directors, National Rifle Association (NRA)

  • Tuesday 6 August '19 show notes

    • The Death of the Middle Class & the Rise of Racism...
    • How Do We Criminalize Domestic Terrorism Without Creating a Police State?
    • How the Billionaires Put Another Nail in the Coffin of Democracy & Journalism Today... - Yosef Getachew, Director - Common Cause Media & Democracy Program
  • The Death of the Middle Class & The Rise of Racism

    Thom plus logo According to new data from the federal reserve, if current trends of the rich getting richer and the middle class getting poorer continues at their current rate, in 33 years the top 10% of Americans will own one hundred percent of all American wealth. Everyone else will be in poverty and in debt.

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