GOP "whistle-blowers" blow the lid off Republican talking points.
May. 9, 2013 9:36 amBy louisehartmannYesterday, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives postponed all floor votes so they could hold their ninth hearing about Benghazi. Instead of working on any number of pressing issues effecting Americans, Republicans spent nine hours on a political witch hunt.
Daily Topics - Wednesday May 8th, 2013
May. 8, 2013 11:44 amBy shawnt56Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE 3-6pm ET M-F!
Have a question or comment for Thom? Grab your phone, hit record and send your video to and we may air it on "The Big Picture."
Hour One: Would Community Policing have prevented kidnapping? / Plus, Why There Won’t Be Anything New In Today’s Benghazi Hearing - Hayes Brown, Think Progress
Lawmakers ignore Treasury Secretary Jack Lew
May. 8, 2013 9:38 amBy louisehartmannTreasury Secretary Jack Lew appears to have the right ideas. But, it doesn't seem like any of our elected leaders are listening. On Monday, Secretary Lew sent letters to members of the House financial services committee, urging them to uphold provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that regulate derivatives.
Daily Topics - Tuesday May 7th, 2013
May. 7, 2013 11:52 amBy shawnt56Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE 3-6pm ET M-F!
Have a question or comment for Thom? Grab your phone, hit record and send your video to and we may air it on "The Big Picture."
Hour One: If the Oceans die...we die
Hour Two: Can states defy federal law? Rob Pincus, I.C.E. Training
Never settle with the Banksters.
May. 7, 2013 9:33 amBy louisehartmannLast year, five major U.S. Banks and 49 state attorneys general agreed on a $25 billion settlement to compensate victims of abusive bank practices and foreclosure fraud. But, according to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the banksters are violating the terms of that agreement.
Daily Topics - Monday May 6th, 2013
May. 6, 2013 11:44 amBy shawnt56Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE 3-6pm ET M-F!
Have a question or comment for Thom? Grab your phone, hit record and send your video to and we may air it on "The Big Picture."
Hour One: NRA's all about the kids - Alan Korwin, Gun Laws
Hour Two: Are you cynical?
The Cancer-stage of Capitalism.
May. 6, 2013 10:23 amBy louisehartmannUnregulated capitalism is cancer on our nation. Like tumors, greed has metastasized, strangling once-healthy parts of our economy, and our social safety net. A new piece on Alternet lists several ways this cancer capitalism has taken hold. For starters, the hoarding of wealth by the banksters and the 1% has diverted resources away from nutritional aid programs.
The Constitution is not a la carte!
May. 3, 2013 9:13 amBy louisehartmannThis may come as news to some Red state lawmakers, but there's more to the Constitution than the Second and the Tenth Amendments. The background check bill failed the Senate, but that didn't stop several Republican states from passing bills to exempt themselves from federal gun laws.
Daily Topics - Thursday May 2nd, 2013
May. 2, 2013 11:50 amBy shawnt56Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE 3-6pm ET M-F!
Have a question or comment for Thom? Grab your phone, hit record and send your video to and we may air it on "The Big Picture."
Hour One: Should we live in fear of another terrorist attack? Richard Perle, American Enterprise Institute
"Radical Islam" isn't our biggest threat.
May. 2, 2013 9:53 amBy louisehartmannWhile many on the Right fear monger about so-called “radical Islam,” and it's threat to our nation, a new poll shows that Muslims aren't the ones we should worry about.