
  • Friday 05 August '22 show notes

    • #Hot Democracy Summer - Anything Goes Friday - Jefferson Smith (in for Thom today) Takes Your Calls...
  • Thursday 04 August '22 show notes

    • Big Rail Has Been Cutting Cost to the Bones & Workers Are Fed Up! - Dennis Pierce, President - Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen (BLET).
    • The New GOP Scheme To Do Away With Social Security & Medicare Unveiled
    • Joe Walsh's MAGA warning: If Trump is indicted, expect "major violence" - Rep. Joe Walsh, Host, "White Flag w/Joe Walsh" (on Apple podcasts / Former U.S. Congressman (R-IL, 8th District) & former Presidential Candidate / Author, "F*ck Silence: Calling Trump Out for the Cultish, Moronic, Authoritarian Con Man He Is" / Former Republican, now an Independent
    • The GOP Plan to Purge Un-Loyal Civil Servants Is Going to Be YUGE in 2024
    • Was the Pentagon, corrupted by Trump, Part of the Jan 6th Coup?
    • Will These Republicans Go Down In Flames Because Of Abortion?
  • Wednesday 03 August '22 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District) / Member & Former Co-Chair-Congressional Progressive Caucus / (Committees: Appropriations / Also, Education & Labor)
    • How Should Capitalism Be Regulated or Changed? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • The "Share Buyback" Rape of American Business
    • The Gun Industry Created a New Consumer & Now It's Killing Us - Ryan Busse, Former Firearms Executive / Author, Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry that Radicalized America
    • Progressive Town Hall, Did Kansas Send a Message to Republicans? - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA, 7th District) / Chair-Congressional Progressive Caucus / Senior Whip-Democratic Caucus/ Serves on the House Budget Committee, the House Judiciary Committee & the House Education & Labor Committee (as well as a number of sub-committees)
  • Tuesday 02 August '21 show notes

    • Republicans have a Plan to Change the Constitution and it Just May Work
    • Our Dependence on China Is Insane and Should Stop - Bring our jobs & our industry home!
    • Crazy Alert! Is there a Dictator Tucker Doesn't Love?
    • What's in the Inflation Reduction Act - Good & Bad
    • Biden Reunites 400 migrant families separated under Trump
    • Should America End Churches Getting Special Status?
  • Monday 01 August '22 show notes

    • How a Child-Killer Set the Stage for Today's Republicans to Revel in Cruelty
    • Crazy Alert! Trump Grimly Reaps Tax Benefits from Ivana's Paultry Cheap Grave - Is There Anything Sacred to Trump?
    • The GOP Wants to Ban Child Support Because They Say it Incentivizes Abortion - Wow!
    • Speaking of Abortions - Trial begins for Minnesota woman who sued after being denied morning-after pill
    • Will the Fed Cause a Recession? - Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director, Center for Economic & Policy Research / President-Just Foreign Policy / Author of several books including "FAILED: What the "Experts" Got Wrong about the Global Economy"
    • Geeky Science - The Hidden History of Lawns - Could America Kiss Elite Grass Goodbye?
    • Are the Aug 2 Primaries Trump's Biggest Test?
  • Friday 29 July '22 show notes

    • The Reagan Revolution Changed America's Values to "Greed Is Good" - Can We Take Them Back?
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
    • Say What!? You Can't Get a Divorce in Missouri If You're Pregnant? Are We Returning to "Mad-Men" Times?
    • Josh Hawley & Ted Cruz Have Fist-Bump On the Deaths of American Veterans - Could Anything Be More Disgusting?
  • Thursday 28 July '22 show notes

    • "Free Trade" Has Put America & Democracy At the Mercy of China
    • Corruption w/Big Pharma & Big Oil Is Sabotaging Health & the Planet
    • It Can Happen Here: A White Supremacist Coup That Succeeded... - Laura Flanders, Host & executive producer-The Laura Flanders Show on tv/radio & Youtube (including over 300 PBS Stations) / She is the author of several books & you can subscribe to the free podcast at
    • The GOP Is Holding School Lunches Hostage Because They Want Discrimination to Continue
    • Christian Nationalism Is On the March - How We Got Here - Professor Marcia Pally who Teaches at New York University & Fordham University / Guest Professor, Theology Faculty, Humboldt University-Berlin / Fellow, Center for Theological Inquiry, Princeton
    • Why the GOP Is Numbing Americans to Mass Murder
  • Wednesday 27 July '22 show notes

    • Welcome To the Anthropocene - The Age Of Human Die-offs
    • Now We know - Trump 2.0 is Mass Executions, Internment Camps and Martial Law
    • How Is "Heat" Affecting the Economy? and What Will The New Fed Rate Hike Do to the Economy? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • They're Coming After Our Healthcare Again...
    • How QAnon Themes Burrowed Deeper into GOP politics This Year - Mike Rothschild, Investigative journalist focusing on the intersection of internet culture, politics & conspiracy theories...specializing in QAnon conspiracy cult since its inception in 2018...contributor-The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, the BBC, and elsewhere. Author of the new book, The Storm Is Upon Us: How QAnon Became a Movement, Cult and Conspiracy Theory of Everything
    • This Is What TX Is Doing to Women - Does It Appear Pro-Life To You?
  • Tuesday 26 July '21 show notes

    • Will American Democracy Vanish If We Don't Drain the Swamp?
    • How 2 Billionaires Run Texas
    • Is the GOP Morphing Into Christian Nationalism?
    • How Can Democrats Run for Office If They're Being Censored By the Media?
    • Good News - What Biden and the Dems Are Doing for the Planet
    • Crazy Alert! Eerie Glow in Sky Causes Town to Think the World Was Ending - What Was it?...Find out!
  • Monday 25 July '22 show notes

    • In for Thom today, Democracy Nerd Podcast host - Jefferson Smith taking your calls... what are you doing for "Hot Democracy Summer?"
    • Taking back our vote & you won't BELIEVE what Karl Rove is up to now... - David Daley, FairVote / Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Back to Save Democracy
    • Joe Manchin Just Proved Why We Need the OLIGARCH Act - Morris Pearl, Chairman - Patriotic Millionaires / former managing director at BlackRock Inc / Co-Author, Tax the Rich!: How Lies, Loopholes, and Lobbyists Make the Rich Even Richer

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